

【作者】 翟旬亮

【导师】 伍来定; 余三元;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工业工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国大部分国有大中型企业因为法人治理结构不规范和不完善而存在着运行效果不良的问题,特别是集团公司的问题更为突出。本论文试图以中国洛阳浮法玻璃集团有限公司为例对集团公司的法人治理结构的规范和完善问题进行探讨,以期提出能使集团公司高效运作的完善的法人治理结构。 本论文共分四部分。第一部分,主要阐述公司法人治理结构的相关理论,为规范和完善法人治理结构提供理论依据。第二部分,指出了目前集团公司在法人治理结构方面存在的问题,如集团公司管理体制问题、出资人管理不到位的问题、公司实际运行中与《公司法》相背离的问题等等。第三部分,通过对法人治理结构的横向国际比较,找出法人治理结构不规范的原因。第四部分,运用产权经济学理论,提出了完善法人治理结构的对策,如完善公司母子公司管理体制、完善产权结构、完善对经营者的激励与约束、改造集团公司的组织结构等。

【Abstract】 At present in most of China’s large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, especially group corporations, the operating effect is unfavorable because corporate governance is not standard and perfect. Take Luoyang Glass Co .LTD, the author attempts to make a research on standard and perfection of corporate governance of group corporations so as to bring about the effective operation of group corporations.The paper consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 mainly elaborates some theories in connection with corporate governance and provides bases for standard and perfection of corporate governance theoretically. Chapter 2 points out that there are such some problems in corporate governance of group corporations as the management system, lack of control over investors, the corporations’ deviation from the Company Law in practical operation, etc. Chapter 3,after comparing international corporate governance horizontally, the writer gives the causes that China’s corporate governance is not standard. Chapter 4, on the basis of Property Right Economics, the paper raises the countermeasures of perfecting China’s corporate governance, for instance, the perfection of the parent subsidiary management system and the structure of property right, the incentives and constraints on operators, and the improvement on the organizational structure of group corporations, etc.

【关键词】 公司公司治理治理结构
【Key words】 CorporationCorporate governanceStructure of governance
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】77

