

【作者】 刘俊德

【导师】 钱敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 企业发展战略是对企业未来发展长期的和全局性的谋划、决策和组织指挥。石家庄三鹿集团公司以其名牌产品三鹿奶粉领先全国同行,成为中国著名乳品企业。进入九十年代末,由于少数同行企业在液体奶产品上的先行启步,使石家庄三鹿遇到了明显威胁。本论文首先分析了石家庄三鹿的外部环境,指出其正处于一个良好的宏观环境和有利于企业成长的微观环境。接着分析了其内部条件,对石家庄三鹿做出了面临众多机遇、存在显著威胁、拥有突出优势、具有发展前景的战略地位基本评估。之后,比较系统地研究了石家庄三鹿集团公司综合一体化发展战略。该战略的突出特点是战略任务的多重性、战略手段的综合性和战略组合的协同性。最后,提出了推进与保障综合一体化发展战略实施所需的相关措施和建议。 本论文以石家庄三鹿的发展为背景,以占有企业大量详实的相关资料为基础,以当今的企业战略理论为指导,先后运用了PEST分析图、职能法、价值链法、SWOT分析、战略地位评估矩阵等技术理论方法,试图为石家庄三鹿提供一个比较客观和有一定可操作性的企业发展战略。

【Abstract】 The corporate development strategy is an all around design, decision and maneuver about company’s long-term future development and therefore of great significance. This paper discusses the corporate development strategy of Shijiazhuang Sanlu Milk Group Co., Ltd. What an industry leader with its old predominant products should do about its development strategy when some followers have rapidly expanded their market share with new products? Based on this back ground-the threats which the company is encountering, this paper analyses the company’s external and internal environments and obtains the conclusion that the company, whereas encountering many threats, still has its spearhead in the milk industry. Afterwards the paper establishes the company’s development strategy-the Scheme of Integrated Development Strategy of Shijiazhuang Sanlu Milk Group. The most projected characters of this strategy are of multi-strategic tasks, compound strategic methods and synergy between different strategies. Finally, the paper puts forward related measures and suggestions to enhance and guarantee the implementation of the strategy.This paper holds up a lot of the industry and the company’s detailed materials and under the guidance of modern corporate strategic theories, applies such skills as PEST analyse Chart, Function Method, Value Chain Method, SWOT analyse, Evaluation Matrix of Strategic State, trying to offer the company a relatively objective and feasible corporate development strategy.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】254

