

【作者】 赵毅

【导师】 周建平;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对工业机器人零件的三维实体进行可视化造型设计,为机器人的运动学、动力学分析、轨迹规划、控制提供模型,提出了逆向造型设计的方法,采用该方法在三维造型设计SolidWorks软件环境下,应用Visual Basic(VB)开发了工业机器人三维实体参数化造型设计系统,达到了将设计要求和设计结果用灵活可变的参数来表示,达到了在人机交互过程中根据实际情况随时加以更改的目的,解决了三维实体参数化造型设计这一难题。 本文还借助于SolidWorks Animator模块对机器人的运动进行仿真,可形象逼真的反映机器人工作运动的全过程,实现动画效果;另外一个特点就是可以在零部件之间进行干涉检查,并且能查看所检查到的干涉体积。

【Abstract】 In modern industry the application of robot is very wide. With the development of rapid prototype and visual manufacturing it needs to design visually for the robot. At the same time it supplies models for kinematics and kinetic track. The author of this thesis used the computer language of Visual Basic (VB), exploited geometric model of robot, and introduced converse design idea. The idea developed the system of robot three-dimension model based SolidWorks. It can automatically produce three-dimensional model of robot according to the geometric parameter.The author established the three-dimensional standard parts, implement the semi-automated and automated connect, and produce automatically the 2D or 3D part drawings. Using this system the designer can observe and evaluate the space model of the unit, so that the decision can be optimized and the competition of enterprise can be improved greatly.

  • 【分类号】TB472
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】205

