

On the Research Learning in Physics Class Teaching

【作者】 罗花英

【导师】 周三庆;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 研究性学习作为新的学习方式对素质教育和创新教育的全面实施,对基础教育从传统教育模式向现代教育模式的转型将起到巨大的推动作用。培养学生的主体性,发展学生的创造性是现代教育教学的主要任务。研究性学习在这方面具有独特的功能。因此,研究性学习不能仅仅作为相对独立的课程实体存在,而应以非实体形态存在于所有的教学活动之中。把研究性学习渗透于各学科教学之中,是我国教育改革的发展方向。 物理学的发展史是一部不断探索、研究、发现、创造的历史,并且在这一过程中,物理学形成了自身独特的思想和研究方法。因此物理课堂教学中渗透探索、研究物理问题的科学方法,才是把握了物理教学的灵魂,将物理学的学习过程视为一种探索、研究的过程才是抓住了物理教学的核心。研究性学习与物理教学的有机结合是教育改革的必然结果。所谓物理课堂教学的研究性学习,主要是指:在物理课堂教学中,学生在教师的指导下,根据一定物理课题以类似于科学研究的方法,利用物理实验等手段自主发现物理现象,主动探索物理规律,创造性地运用物理规律解决问题的课堂教学方式。其目的是培养学生的主体意识、合作精神、科学精神、创新精神、创新能力、实践能力。本文拟结合自己长期以来的中学物理教学实际,对研究性学习在中学物理教学中的渗透进行理论分析和实践探讨。然而本文的探讨只是一个初步的尝试,更深入的探讨则有待于广大同行的共同努力。

【Abstract】 Research learning as a new learning method is crucial to the operation of quality education and creative education. It can also promote basic education changes from traditional models to modern ones. It is the main task to train the students’ subject and to develop the students’ creativity. And research learning is of special functions for this. Therefore research learning cannot be constellated as a relative independent subject, but it should be used in all teaching activities. It is the purpose of educational innovation to osmoses research learning in all subjects teaching.The history of physics development is the one in which people have been closing research, have been discovering things and creating things. In the course of its development, physics has formed its special ideas and research methodology. Hence, to use and to study the scientific methods about physics problems is to catch its main parts. And to take physics learning as a course of research is to catch the core of physics teaching. The combination of research learning- and physics teaching is the necessary outcome of educational innovation. Research learning in physics class teaching means class teaching methods in physics class teaching, in which the students, under the teachers’ guidance, discover physical phenomena, study physical law and Settle problems by using physical law creatively, by scientific research and by physical experiments. It’s main purpose is to train the students’ subject idea, cooperative spirit, scientific spirit, creative spirit, creative competence and practical ability. This thesis, which is based on the writer’s physics teaching practice, is to analysis and discusses the osmoses and operation of research learning in physics teaching. But this research is just an initial try. The deeper research depends on all the people on the same occupation.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】179

