

The Research on the Math’s Concept of the Implicit Learning

【作者】 王祝君

【导师】 李求来;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 内隐学习是一种全新的学习模式,相对于外显学习来说,有它特有的内涵、特征和运行机制。在过去的二十年间,内隐学习问题吸引了众多的理论研究,但在应用领域尤其是在教育领域的应用目前正处于摸索阶段。本文就国内外的内隐学习的研究现状和研究方法等作了简要介绍,并且在借鉴并创新前人研究方法的基础上,研究数学概念形成过程中的内隐学习现象,选取数学中典型的概念“函数”作为例子对上述现象进行实验性探索,运用SPSS10.0统计软件处理数据,用文生法描绘集体学习曲线直观地体现实验结果,同时将本研究的结论与前人的研究结果进行比较。主要结果如下:①证明了数学概念形成过程中存在内隐学习;②揭示了数学概念的形成过程中外显和内隐学习的影响;③指出无论内隐还是外显条件下都没有显著的性别差异;④内隐学习可以用语言(指导语)有效地启动。这些结果支持文献29的结论。本研究的结论对数学教育有诸多的启示。

【Abstract】 Implicit learning is a new form of learning in relative to the explicit learning, for it’s a special contents, characteristics and runty-system. On the base of the introduction to the research condition, the research results, the research approaches of the implicit learning; According to the forefather’s research approaches. This essay studies the phenomenon of the implicit learning during the course of the concept of implicit learning coming into being by choosing the typical concept of "function" as the sample of the phenomenon in the test probing using SPSS10.0 to cope with the details, using S.B.Vincent approaches to describe how the group learning directly embodies the experiment results. As the same time, the author compare the results of his research with the.one of the forefather. The main results as below:(1) prove that there exists the implicit learning in the course of the math concepts coming into being ;(2) demonstrates that there exists the effects on the implicit arid explicit learning during the course; (3) points out there is no distinctive difference of the sex between the two; (3) we can effectively start the implicit learning by language. All these results support the conclusion in the paper of NO:29.During the past 20 years, implicit learning absorbed many theoryinvestigations but in the field of using especially in education, it is still in the period of probing .So, we can say the results of this paper have many instructions to the education of math.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】509

