

The Artistic Characteristics of the Opera "Regret for the Past" and Its Positive Effect on the Development of Chinese Opera

【作者】 余佳

【导师】 赵小平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 音乐学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国歌剧是歌剧艺术于20世纪早期传入中国后与本土已有的音乐艺术相结合所形成的一种独特的艺术形式,它是一个宽泛的音乐戏剧概念,是在中国民间音乐(尤其是戏曲音乐与歌舞音乐)与外国歌剧等多种艺术形式的基础上发展而成的,是中外戏剧、音乐相结合、相交融的结果。 歌剧艺术在中国经历了近一个世纪的发展,历经艰难坎坷,产生了近百部歌剧作品,其中虽然良莠不齐,但这些艺术实践为现在和将来中国歌剧的存在和发展准备了坚实的基础,为形成中国特色的歌剧艺术作出了有益的探索。 什么样的歌剧才是具有中国特色的歌剧?本文从总结和归纳过去近一个世纪中国歌剧在发展中所形成的基本特征、总体风格入手,通过对《伤逝》这部在中国歌剧创作实践中具有一定创新意义的作品的分析研究,得出一些对当今中国歌剧创作实践的启示。 全文分为导言,正文和结语三个部分。导言提出形成较成熟的中国歌剧风格要清楚的三个问题,选取《伤逝》作为分析对象的原因及写作本文的意义。正文分为三个部分,第一部分概述了中国歌剧的基本特征和早期创作。第二部分详细分析了歌剧《伤逝》的艺术特征。第三部分概述了20世纪80—90年代中国歌剧发展概况及《伤逝》的创作方式和创作思维对当今中国歌剧创作的启示的现实意义。结语部分回答了导言中所提出的三个问题,并再次肯定了施光南和歌剧《伤逝》对中国歌剧发展所具有的积极作用。

【Abstract】 Chinese Opera is a unique type of artistic form fused with western opera, which was come down to China from the early 20th century, and native music. As an extensive conception of musical dramatic performance, Chinese Opera, developed on the basis of a fusion of multiform Chinese native music (especially dramatic music and dancing music) and foreign opera, is the result of combination of sino-foreign drama and music.Experienced with almost one-century development in China, full of frustrations and hardship, nearly 100 Chinese Opera works came into being. Even intermingled with the good and bad, these artistic practices established a firm foundation for current and future development of Chinese Opera, made useful exploration in the formation of Opera with Chinese characteristics."What is the Opera with Chinese characteristics?" Proceeded with summarizing and concluding the essential characters and collective styles of Chinese Opera developed in almost 100 years, the thesis analyses and researches on "Regret for the Past" - one of innovative works of Chinese Opera, comes to some revelatory conclusions on creative work of Chinese Opera.The thesis consists of three parts-introduction, text, and conclusion. In the introduction part, three specific problems about stylizing mature Chinese Opera are put forward. Meanwhile, introduction part sets forth the cause of choosing "Regret for the Past" as analysis object, and the significance of this thesis. Text part is composed of three sections: Section 1 outlines primary characters and the situation of early creative works of Chinese Opera; Section 2 analyzes the artistic characteristic of the opera "Regret for the Past" in detail ; Section 3 summarizes the development of Chinese Opera during 1980’ 5^1990’ s, including practical meaning revealed by composing thought and method of " Regret for the Past " . Finally, answering three questions quoted in introduction part, Conclusion part appraises Shi Guangnan~the composer of the opera "Regret for the Past" correctly and values the positive effect of the opera "Regret for the Past" on the development of Chinese Opera.

  • 【分类号】J605
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1153

