

【作者】 戴谋富

【导师】 屈茂辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 知识产权质权,亦称无体财产质权,是指债务人或者第三人依法将其可以转让的知识产权作为债务的担保,设定质押,于债务人届期不履行债务时,债权人得依法折价或拍卖、变卖该知识产权,并以其价款优先受偿的权利。简言之,即以知识产权为标的物而设定的质权。随着知识经济时代的到来,知识产权在社会中越来越显示出其重要地位和意义,以知识产权设定质权用于融资担保也必将得到广泛应用。 知识产权质权是权利质权的一种,因而具有物权性、担保性、从属性、优先受偿性等一般质权的特征,但由于知识产权标的物为一种无体财产权,因而其在客体、设定方式、实现方式上有着不同于其他权利质权的特征。 知识产权是财产权和人身权两位一体的权利,其中的人身权没有担保价值,不能质押,可以质押的仅是其中的财产权。我国《担保法》仅从狭义上规定了识产权质权担保,即规定专利权、商标权和著作权中的财产权可以设定知识产权质权。实际上,商号权、商业秘密权、集成电路布图设计权、邻接权等广义上的知识产权亦具有财产性质,可以以之设定质权。 知识产权质权依质押行为而设立。依我国《担保法》第79条规定,以依法可以转让的商标专用权、专利权著作权中的财产权出质的,出质人与质权人应订立书面合同,并向其管理部门办理登记。质押合同自登记之日起生效。由此可见,设定知识产权质权首先应订立书面合同,但当事人未订立书面合同并非当然无效,在适法条件下也是有效的;其次,设定知识产权须向有关管理部门办理质押登记。登记是质权设定行为,是质权成立要件。但我国现行《担保法》混淆了质押合同生效与质权的成立,而说成质押合同自登记之日起生效,在以后立法中应予修正。虽然知识产权质权的设定与抵钾权的设定极为相似,但我们不称之为知识产权抵钾权,这是因为作为知识产权质权的标的物属于动产权利而非不动产权利。值得指出的是,在设定知识产权质权的时候,应当对知识产权进行评枯。这对于债权人降低担保风险有着十分重要的作用。因此,我国应建立一套完整的评枯法律制度〔) 知识产权设定后,便时所担保的债权、标的物和当事人产生约束力(效力)。其中知识产权质权时所担保的债权和标的物的效力与动产质权相同,而其对质权人的效力即质权人的权利义务具体包括优先受偿权、收取草息权、质权保全权、留置证书权、转质权以及不得植自使用、处分知识产权客体、妥善保管权利证书、允许出质人或被许可使用人在原范围内使用权利等义务。而出质人的权利义务与质权人的相对。 知识产权质权的实现采用折价或拍卖、变卖的方式。但由于知识产权的特点,知识产权的实现与其他权利质权实现有所不同,知识产权质权人还可通过许可他人使用并获取报酬来实现质权。知识产权质权因实现而消灭,知识产权质权还因主债权的消灭、标的物的消灭、一定期间的经过(除斥期间)以及抛弃行为而消灭。

【Abstract】 The pledge right of intellectual property, also called pledge right of chose in action, refers to the debtor of the third party use the transferable intellectual property as the security of debt according to the laws, and establish pledge. When the debtor cannot fulfill obligation on time, the creditor can sell on discount or by auction the intellectual property and has the priority to receive compensation. In short, it is the right established with the intellectual property as the subject-matter. With the approaching of the era of knowledge economy, intellectual property is becoming more and more important. The use of intellectual property to establish pledge right as financial assurance will obtain widespread application.The pledge right of intellectual property is one kind of pledge rights, it thus has the characteristics of property right, mortgage, subordinacy, and priority of payment, which are held by normal pledge right. Because the subject-matter of intellectual property is a kind of chose in action, it therefore has some features different from other rights and duties in its object, way of establishing, and way of realization.Intellectual property is the unity of property right and personal right, among which the personal right cannot be pledged due to the fact that it has no security value. Only property right can be pledged. The Law of Guarantees formulates that pledge right of intellectual property the guarantee of pledge right in its narrow sense, that is, it formulates only the pledge right of intellectual property with regard to patent right, trademarks, andcopyright. Virtually, intellectual property, in its broad sense, includes business name, business secret, designing of integrated circuit, and vicinity right, etc. They all have the nature of property, so pledge right can be established in terms of these rights.Pledge right of intellectual property is established according to the act of pledge. According to the 79"’ article of the Law of Guarantees of China, when exclusive right of trademarks, patent right, and copyright are pledged, a written contract should be signed and registered in the administrative authorities. The contract takes effect at the day it is registered. So the establishing of pledge right entails first the signing of a written contract, and secondly the registration of the pledge in administrative authorities. But if a written contract was not signed, the pledge does not necessarily have no effects. It is effective under conditions conforming to law. The registration is the establishing act and the necessary condition of pledge right. The current Law of Guarantees confuses the taking effect of pledge contract with the establishment of pledge right by staling that the pledge contract takes effect from the day it is registered. This should be improved in law-making later. Though the establishing of pledge right is similar to that of mortgage. But we do not call the latter mortgage right of intellectual property because the subject-matter of pledge right belongs to right over movables instead of real estate. It is worth noting that when the pledge right of intellectual property is established, we should make assessment on intellectual property, which plays an important role in reducing the creditor’s risk of guarantee. Therefore, our country should have a comprehensive system of assessing laws.After the establishment of intellectual property right, it thenhas impacts on the obligatory right guaranteed, the subject-matter, and both parties. The pledge right of intellectual property has the same effect on obligatory right and subject-matter as pledge right of movables. The effect of it on the pledgee, that is, the rights and duties of the pledgee includes the priority of receiving payment, the right to receive interests, preservation of pledge right, lien certificate, etc. and the duties that he should not use and treat the objects of intellectual property, that lie safeguard the certificates of right, and t

【关键词】 知识产权质权设定效力实现消灭
【Key words】 intellectual propertypledge rightestablishmenteffectrealizationelimination
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】433

