

【作者】 贺维安

【导师】 王涛;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 人是生产力中最活跃的因素,当公司经理由单纯的“他人资本的管理人”发展到拥有公司控制权的庞大的经理阶层而爆发“经理革命”的时候,我们不得不关注这一影响公司前途命运的特殊利益群体。本文运用比较和实证的研究方法,对公司经理法律制度运作中存在的问题及其对策进行了比较深入、全面的探讨。 全文分为四个部分。 第一部分探讨了经理的概念,经理层的人数、职称;经理的义务、职权;经理的任免。我国经理法律制度大体上有法可依,但与实践需求相比,仍存在较大差距。究其原因:一是公司法律制度本身存在漏洞;二是公司法的规定在现实中没有得到有效的实施。 第二部分分析了我国公司经理法律制度中存在的问题。主要表现为:立法理念方面对传统企业领导体制的继承;权力配置方面对经理监督不力;经理职权设定方面存在制度漏洞。 第三部分剖析了影响公司经理法律制度实现的相关因素。这些因素包括:是否具备合理的股权结构、成熟的经理市场、理性的资本市场、有效的司法制度、有力的激励机制。 第四部分提出了完善我国公司经理制度的对策。理顺公司法人治理结构,以完善经理监督机制;建立、健全对经理的激励机制;调整股权结构;加强市场信用建设;培育经理市场;完善公司经理法律制度,理顺公司法及其与相关法律法规的关系。

【Abstract】 Man is the most active factor in productive forces. When a manager turns from a simple managerial personel who takes charge of other peo-ple’s capital to one who owes the right of dominating a colossal corpora-tion, which causes" a revolutionof managers". We have to pay attention to this particular interested group who will have great influence on the cor-poration’s future. Using the methods of comparative and practical re-search. The author probes into the problems existing in the operation of the legal system of corporation’ s manager and the measures to solve these problems with a deep and thorough point of view.The thesis is composed of four parts:Part I : The author defines and explores about some general theoret-ical problems such as the concept of manager, the number of manager stratum and professional titles,right and duty,appoint and remove,so as to conclude that We mainly can act accoding to legal system of manager, however, whis is far away from the requirements of practice, which is leaded by defects and effects of corporation law.Part II :The author analyses the problems with legal system of man-ager are influenced by inherit to traditional company’s lead system,loss of control for manager and legal defects of manage’s right.Part III : The author analyses the factors that legal system of manager is influenced by structure of shareholder’s right,manger market,capital market, judicial system, encouraging system.Part IV :We should take necessary measures to lead and supervise the legal system company’ s manager in our country to a well ?developed or-bit. Among which includes improving corporate governance structure in order to bind manager;establishing and perfecting an encouraging mech-anism; adjusting stockholder’s equity structure; strenghtening the con-struction of market credit; developing into manager market; perfecting the legal system of manager,arranging the relationship between the com-pany’s laws and the relevant laws and regulations.

【关键词】 经理法律制度运作问题评价对策
【Key words】 Legal system of manangerOperation (Move)ProblemsEvaluationMeasure
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】94

