

A Research on Energy Flow Through Rice-Planthopper-Pirata Subpiraticus in Rice Ecosystem

【作者】 吕志跃

【导师】 王洪全; 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 动物学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过田间调查水稻不同生育期白背飞虱、褐飞虱与拟水狼蛛的种群数量动态以及飞虱与拟水狼蛛的室内饲养、个体能量收支测定,定量分析了不同时期飞虱对水稻的危害水平及拟水狼蛛对飞虱的控制效能,同时还运用荧光示踪法进行比较验证。 1.水稻不同生育期初级生产量与呼吸量表明:分蘖期、孕穗期与乳熟期是早、晚稻生长速度较快的时期;秧苗期、抽穗期水稻生长较慢,黄熟期水稻为负增长生长。早稻呼吸量随生育期的推进而逐步增大;晚稻呼吸量随生育期的推进出现起伏,分蘖期与乳熟期为高峰期,呼吸量分别为:5.46×10~6J/100丛、1.24×10~7J/100丛。总的来说,晚稻生产量与呼吸量都高于早稻。 2.稻田生态系统飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群数量动态表明:早稻白背飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群数量动态呈“低-高-低-高”的走向,拟水狼蛛的种群数量高峰期滞后于白背飞虱一段时间,蛛、虱种群数量动态呈“此消彼长”的趋势,白背飞虱种群数量高峰期为分蘖期(296头/100丛)、黄熟期(718头/100丛)。晚稻褐飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群数量动态同样出现起伏变动,拟水狼蛛种群数量动态略滞后于褐飞虱种群数量动态,褐飞虱种群数量高峰期为孕穗期(515头/100丛)、乳熟期(4113头/100丛)。晚稻蛛、虱发生量大于早稻蛛、虱发生量。 3.白背飞虱、褐飞虱与拟水狼蛛个体能量收支表明:白背飞虱、褐飞虱、拟水狼蛛的个体能量收支中都包括蜕皮量、生殖生产量、生长生产量、排泄量、呼吸量,拟水狼蛛还包括纺丝量。研究结果显示,蜕皮量是白背飞虱、褐飞虱个体能量收支中不可忽略的组成部分,但占拟水狼蛛个体能量收支的较低比例。生殖生产量是白背飞虱、褐飞虱、拟水狼蛛雌成体个体能量收支的重要组成部分,分别占各自生产量的62.57%、64.01%、56.63%。生长生产量、排泄量与呼吸量随蛛、虱龄期的递增而逐渐增大。 4.白背飞虱、褐飞虱与拟水狼蛛个体生态效率表明:白背飞虱、褐飞虱、拟水狼蛛幼体生长效率均值分别为75.59%、64.56%、53.63%;成体生长效率均值分别为33.47%、41.75%、41.78%,蛛、虱幼体生长效率明显高于成体,蛛、虱雌成体的生长效率高于雄成体。说明幼体比成体、雌成体比雄成体更能有效利用所同化的能量进行自身物质的合成。 5.稻田生态系统白背飞虱、褐飞虱与拟水狼蛛种群能量动态表明:早稻白背飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群能量变化曲线呈“低一高-低一高一低”起伏,白背飞虱种群能量高峰期出现在分孽期与黄熟期,分别为8.23 x 103)/100丛、1.63x104)/l00丛;拟水狼蛛种群能量高峰期同样为分孽期与黄熟期,分别为4.28 x 103)/100丛、3.04 x 103)/100丛,两者种群能量动态相关性系数值(0.58)高于种群数量动态相关性系数值(0.11)。晚稻褐飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群能量动态也呈“低一高一低一高一低”的起伏波动,褐飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群能量高峰期都为分粟期和乳熟期,分孽期蛛、虱种群能量分别为1.89x104)/100丛、1.99x10魂J/100丛:乳熟期分别为2.08 X 10‘J/100丛、7.37XIO‘J/100丛。晚稻褐飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群能量动态相关性系数E=0 .79,高于种群数量动态相关性系数(E二0.10)。说明白背飞虱、褐飞虱是拟水狼蛛的主要目标害虫,能流分析法更能客观反映田间害虫与天敌的相互关系。 6.早稻不同生育期食物链生态效率表明:同化效率:水稻(1.51%)<白背飞虱(80.48%)<拟水狼蛛(89.51%);生长效率:水稻>白背飞虱>拟水狼蛛。说明同化效率较低的营养级用于呼吸消耗的能量所占比例较小,因而能把更多的同化量转化为自身的有机成分,所以生长效率反而高。白背飞虱林德曼效率、消费效率都低于拟水狼蛛,这符合捕食性食物链共有的特性:营养级越高,林德曼效率和消费效率越高。 分葵期、黄熟期白背飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群数量多且幼体数目所占比例大,这两个时期两者同化效率较高;秧苗期白背飞虱、拟水狼蛛种群数量少、多为成体,同化效率最低,分别为1721%和20.35%。早稻乳熟期白背飞虱林德曼效率(0.03%)、消费效率(0.02%)较高,加上该时期内种群能量急剧上升及拟水狼蛛此时林德曼效率(20.52%)、消费效率(29.44%)较低,所以乳熟期是白背飞虱对早稻危害程度最大的时期,必须密切关注,必要时可酌情不施用或只施用一次低毒、高效的生物农药进行综合防治,其他时期,可不施用农药防治。 7.晚稻不同生育期食物链生态效率表明:晚稻稻田生态系统中,同化效率:水稻(1.80%)<褐飞虱(81.87%)<拟水狼蛛 (89.23%);生长效率:水稻(77.04%)>褐飞虱(68.02%)>拟水狼蛛(49.90%)。晚稻抽穗期、乳熟期褐飞虱发生量很大,种群能量上升快,林德曼效率(0.05%)、消费效率(0.04%)居整个晚稻期间的最高值,因此抽穗期与乳熟期褐飞虱危害程度最高,可在利用“以蛛控虫”的基础上,视害虫发生量于抽穗期与乳熟期之间施用一次或两次低毒、高效的生物农药进行综合防治。 8.水稻不同生育期对荧光物质一铺吸收运行分析表明:除在分孽期外,其它生育期中水稻根的铺含量都较低;在一定范围内

【Abstract】 By investigating density dynamic of the major pests and major spiders at different stages in the rice field, feeding the pests and spiders indoors and testing on energy gain and loss of individual, this study analyses quantitatively the harm level of the major pests to rice and the major spiders ’ control over subject pests. And a comparison is made between the energy flow method and the fluorescent substance tracing method.1. The results of research on rice primary productivity and respiration tell us that the early rice and late rice grow faster at tillering stage, booting stage and milking stage than at seedling stage and tassel ing stage, and minus growth appears at Maturing stage. The early rice’ s respiration increases with the process of the rice stages. But the late rice’ s respiration fluctuates according to the stages, and the peaks are tillering stage and milking stage. In general, the late rice’ s productivity and respiration are higher than the early rice’ s.2. The dynamic curves of the major pests and the major spiders show that the density dynamic curves of Sogatella furcifera and Pirata subpiraticus population in the early rice field appear the trend of "low - high - low - high" .Pirata subpiraticus population density peaks lag behind that of Sogatella furcifera. The density peaks of Sogatella furcifera appear at tillering stage (296/100 clusters) and Maturing stage (718/100 clusters). Similarly, the Nilaparvata Lugens Stal and Pirata subpiraticus density population fluctuate within the whole late rice stage. The dynamic of Nilaparvata Lugens Stal population density precedes that of Pirata subpiraticus. Nilaparvata Lugens Stal population density peaks occur at booting stage (515/100 clusters) and milking stage (4113/100 clusters). The population density of the spiders and the pests in the late rice field are higher than those in the early rice field.3. From the individual energy gain and loss of Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata Lugens Stal and Pirata subpiraticus, we can learn that they all include ecdysis energy, reproduction production, growth production, feces and urine energy and respiration. Pirata subpiraticus’ individual energy gain and loss includes silk energy. The research indicates ecdysis energy , an important ingredient of Sogatella furcifera and Nilaparvata Lugens Stal’ s individual energy gain and loss, only occupies less proportion of Pirata subpiraticus’ . The proportion of reproduction to Sotgatella furcifera, Nilaparvata Lugens Stal and Pirata subpiraticus’ s production attain 62.57%, 64. 01% and 56. 63%. Growth production, feces and urine energy and respiration increase with the growth of the spider (or the pests).4. The means of the growth efficiency of the young inSogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata Lugens Stal and Pirata subpiraticus populations are 75.59%, 64.56% and 53.635, however, those of adults are 33. 47%, 41. 75% and 41.78%. The former is obviously higher than the latter, and the growth efficiency of female spider adults (or the female pest adults) are higher than the male adults’ . A conclusion can be drawn that the young utilize the energy assimilated more efficiently than the adults.5. In the early rice field, the energy dynamic curves of Sogatella furcifera and Pirata subpiraticus population appear the trend of "low - high - low - high - low" . Energy peaks of Sogatella furcifera population occur at tillering stage and Maturing stage, namely 8230 J/100 clusters and 16300 J/100 clusters. Energy peaks of Pirata subpiraticus population also occur at the two stages above, namely 4280 J/100 clusters and 3040 J/100 clusters.The energy relation parameter (0. 58) is higher than the density relation parameter (0.11) between their population. In the late rice field, energy dynamic curves of Nilaparvata Lugens Stal and Pirata subpiraticus population also appear the trend of "low - high - low - high - low" . The peaks both exist at tillering stage and milking stage. At tillering stage, Nilaparvata Lugens Stal and Pirata subpiraticus’ popula

  • 【分类号】S181
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】210

