

【作者】 陈正华

【导师】 郭娅玲;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 交往实践观是时代精神的精华。交往理论被引入到教育中后,立刻为教育理论的发展打开了一扇窗,教育成为人类交往的一种特殊形式,交往与教育的关系逐渐明朗与清晰。然而,交往的教育观对道德教育又会产生何种影响,交往与道德教育具有怎样的关系,或者说将交往引入到教育中来,学校道德教育将会面临何种变化,有何变革,如此等等的问题便摆在了我们面前。 本文正是试图将交往引入到道德教育中来,在交往理论的指导下,对传统道德教育进行了批判与反思,并提出了“道德交往”的概念。在此基础上,探讨了道德交往的特征以及学校道德交往的若干问题。 引论:道德的基本问题之一是利益关系问题,利益关系的产生、展开与处理都是通过人们的交往活动实现的。因此,德育研究或德育活动的开展必须从学生与他人所发生的交往活动出发。这样,从交往视角出发,便找到了德育理论的新的生长点。而在交往观看来,传统道德教育是以“单向”交往为突出特征的。也正是这一特征导致了传统道德教育中学生主体地位的丧失,道德灌输成为必然,道德教育与生活世界的剥离。 第一部分:在抓住了传统道德教育中问题的症结——“单向”交往的基础之上,通过考察道德与道德需要的产生与发展,提出了道德交往的概念。道德交往是一种双向的精神交往,并深入探讨了它的内涵与特征。 第二部分:学校道德交往是道德交往的特殊形态,它具有自身的特点,如导向性与示范性,情感性与激励性,稳定性与连续性等。从交往主体看,学校道德交往可分为五大类型,每一类形式的道德交往都蕴涵着丰富的教育内容。 第三部分:学校道德交往要有效开展,必须掌握基本的教育策略。拥有一个民主、自由、平等的德育氛围是前提;正确处理义与利的关系是学校道德教育一个基本问题;必须重视学生主体在交往过程中的体验与感悟;也要加强主体在交往过程中的理解与对话;最后,学校道德交往要以学生实践道德生活为目标,实现学校道德教育与学生生活世界的统一。

【Abstract】 The practical approach of communication is the essence of the spirit of the time. The introduction of it into education opened a new horizon for the development of the education theory. Education becomes a special form of human communication, and the relation between communication and education becomes clearer and clearer. However, the problems of how the communicative approach to education will have an effect on the moral education and what kind of relation will lie between communication and moral education, or, to put it in another way, after the introduction of communication into education, moral education in schools will undergo what changes and reforms, pose before us.This thesis, under the guidance of communicative approach, examines and introspects the traditional school moral education, and introduces the concept of "moral communication". Based on this, the thesis discusses the features of the moral communication and several problems in the school moral communication.Introduction: The basic issue of morality is a matter of interest. The beginning, proceeding, and the handling of interest are all realized through people’s communication activities. Therefore, the research of moral education and the moral activities should start from the communication between students and other people. Thus, from a communicative viewpoint, moral theory finds its new starting point. From a communicative point of view, the traditional moral education is characterized of a one-way communication. It is exactly this characteristic causes the loss of the student’s agent position in the traditional moral education. It also makes moral preachment a necessity, and makes the moral education isolated fromthe world of everyday life.Part I: The crux of the problem in traditional moral education lies in that it is a one-way communication. Based on this, after probing into the emergence and development of morality and moral needs, the thesis proposes the concept of moral communication, a two-way spiritual communication, and studies its implications and characteristics.Part II: The school moral communication, being a special form of moral communication, has its own characteristics, such as directivity, exemplarity, emotivity, inspirativity, stability and consistency. From the aspect of communicative agent, school moral communication can be divided into five types, each embodying rich educational contents.Part IE: The appropriate education strategy ensures the effective performance of school moral communication. A democratic, free, and equal atmosphere of moral education is the prerequisite; the proper handling of the relations between justice and interest is one of the basic problems in school moral education; the experience and reflections of students in the process of communication should be paid great attention to; the mutual understanding and dialogue between agents in the process of communication should also be enhanced; and, finally, school moral communication should be aimed at the student’s practicing of moral life and the unity between school moral education and the world of everyday life.

  • 【分类号】G41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】296

