

An Ethical Thinking on Domestic Violence

【作者】 禹芳琴

【导师】 李桂梅;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 家庭暴力是一个全球性的社会现象。所谓家庭暴力,就是指在以婚姻关系、血缘关系或收养关系为基础的社会单位内发生的殴打、捆绑、凌辱人格、限制人身自由以及性虐待等对人身体、心理、性造成伤害的不道德的行为。家庭暴力表现为身体暴力、精神暴力和性暴力。 古今中外都发生过家庭暴力。与公共暴力相比,家庭暴力具有行为的私密性、现象的普遍性、原因的复杂性、形式的多样性、时间的持续性、后果的严重性等诸多特点。 根据施暴人和受害人的亲属关系,家庭暴力可以分为婚姻暴力、亲子暴力和家庭其他成员间的暴力。本文主要介绍前两种家庭暴力。婚姻暴力又可分为妻子对丈夫的暴力和丈夫对妻子的暴力。亲子暴力包括对孩子的暴力和对父母的暴力。不同的家庭暴力引发原因有其特殊性,但也存在着带有普遍性的原因,即可归结为内因和外因。产生家庭暴力的外因主要有:第一,道德文化的变迁。在社会转型期,新旧伦理道德发生碰撞,产生冲突,影响到家庭成员之间的关系,由此可能引起战争。第二,功利化趋势的增强。功利主义的入侵,削弱了家庭成员之间应有的关怀、照顾、协调,使家庭相互支撑、相互帮助、同甘共苦、同舟共济的利他主义道德弱化。过分的权利势必伤害其他的家庭成员。第三,道德调控机制的弱化。在经济转型期,职业组织有效性降低,原有的社会组织发生断裂、离散乃至解体,与新的市场经济相适应的完整的社会组织还未真正建立起来。在这个背景下,由于道德调控机制的弱化,行政力量不干预,人们的行为缺少约束,为家庭暴力的发生提供了可能。不完善的法律体系使家庭暴力行为未能得到有效地惩治,从而助长了施暴者的嚣张气焰。外因为家庭暴力发生提供了某种可能,内因才是家庭暴力行为发生的最终决定因素。内因主要表现为施暴者与受害者的心理因素和道德修养。不健康的心理可能引起甚至纵容家庭暴力。主要表现在:一是弱者心理;二是猜疑心理;三是厌恶心理;四是隐忍心理;五是习惯心理。此外,施暴人意志力的软弱也增加了作恶的可能。道德修养的好坏也是家庭暴力是否发生的内因之一。道德修养的实质就在于,它是作为修养者的个体对自我不道德的思想和行为自觉地开展斗争的过程。一个能自觉进行道德修养的人,也就是一个道德水平高,道德品质好,道德人格高尚的人,能自觉地抵制社会上各种不道德的思想和行为。家庭暴力的发生在很大程度上是由于行为人不能及时地对自己的思想、言行进行自我教育、自我检查、自我解剖和自我纠正而导致的。 家庭暴力发生的原因错综复杂,带来的危害非常深重。暴力行为违背了人道原则,影响了受害人的身心健康。违背了自主原则,阻碍了人的发展。违背了平等原则,影响到和睦家庭关系的建立。违背了社会责任原则,影响了社会的安定。所以,寻求预防惩治家庭暴力的对策刻不容缓。第一,理论上加强家庭暴力研究。首先,树立遏制家庭暴力的正确意识:平权意识、法律意识、保护意识。其次,加强现代家庭伦理道德建设。第二,采取适当措施,防止家庭暴力发生,遏制家庭暴力的蔓延。首先,加强家庭伦理道德教育,提高人们的道德修养。其次,加强社会道德调控,发挥社会救助功能。再次,坚持“以德治暴”和“依法治暴”相结合。

【Abstract】 Domestic Violence is a global social affair. Domestic Violence refers to the immoral act appearing in social unit based on marriage relationship, blood relationship and adoptive relationship to infringe others’ body mind and sex by beating, binding, humiliating personality, restricting personal freedom and maltreating sex. Its forms are physical, psychological, sexual violence.Domestic violence takes place in modem or ancient times, in China or elsewhere. Comparing with public violence, domestic violence has following features: secrecy of act, universality of phenomenon, complexity of causes, diversity of forms, continuation of time, seriousness of consequences etc.According to the relationship of the violence conductors and the victims, family violence can be divided into violence between spouses, violence between parents and children, and violence between other family members. This graduation thesis mainly introduces the first two kinds of domestic violence. Violence between spouses includes the violence done to wives by husbands and the violence done to husbands by wives. Parents and children’s violence includes the violence done to parents and the violence done to children. Different-domestic violence has its particular causes, but hab its common causes which can bereduced to two-external causes and internal causes. There are threemain external causes of domestic violence. Firstly, the changes of moral culture. During the social transformation, -modem and traditionalmorality runs foul of each other and produces conflict, then affects the relationship among family members, thus it may lead to violence. Secondly, the increasing of utilitarianizing tendency. The invasion of utilitarianism has weakened the concern care, coordination among family members, which weakens altruistic morality that makes family members support, help each other, share the comforts and hardships and pull together in times of trouble. Excessive rights are certain to hurt other family members. Thirdly, the weakening of moral control mechanism. During the economic transformation, the effectiveness of vocational organization has been reduced. The original social organization was split, dispersed and disintegrated, and the integrated social organization which should be suited to the new market economy’hasn’t been established. Under the background, owing to the weakening of moral control mechanism, people’s behavior lacks restriction, which produces the possibility of the domestic violence. Imperfect legal system cannot prevent and check the family violence, thus encourages the violence conductor’s arrogance.The external causes provide some possibility for the domestic violence. The internal causes are the final decisive factors of the act of domestic violence. The internal causes are: psychological factors of persons concerned and their moral cultivation. Unhealthy psychologies include weak sense, suspicious sense, abominating sense, toleration sense and usual sense. Besides, the feebleness of violence conductor’s willpower, can increase the possibility of doing bad. The level of moral training can also determine one’s act. The crux of moral cultivation is a process in which the individual as a cultivator fights against his/her immoral thoughts and acts of his/her own free will. A person who canwillingly engage in moral cultivation, that is, a person with high moral level, good moral character and noble moral quality, can conscientiously resist all kinds of immoral thoughts and acts in the society. The occurrence of domestic violence, to a great extent, is because doers can’t make self-education, self-examination, self-dissection and self-correction on one’s own thoughts, words and deeds.The causes of domestic violence are very complicated. The perniciousness of domestic violence is very grave. Domestic violence violates the principle of social responsibility and influences social stableness and unity. Therefore it is of great urgency to seek the measures to prevent and eliminate donlestic viol

  • 【分类号】B82-05
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】921

