

【作者】 张素凤

【导师】 屈茂辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 社会保障是指国家通过制定各种措施,使社会成员在年老、患病、失业、遭遇灾害或丧失劳动能力的情况下,能够获得一定的帮助,以保障社会成员的基本生活需要。它既是一种经济制度,也是一种法律制度。我国目前正处在社会保障制度改革、完善和发展的关键时期,但国内许多专家、学者对于社会保障法的一些基本理论问题以及我国应如何加强立法,构建完整的社会保障法体系,意见分歧较大。本文着重就社会保障法的地位、性质、基本原则、法律关系、立法等问题进行了初步探讨和研究。 尽管社会保障法与社会法存在着包含与被包含,与劳动法、经济法存在着重叠和交叉的关系,但它仍应是一个独立的法律部门。其理由如下:第一,从调整对象看,社会保障法有其独立的、特殊的调整对象;第二,从法规数量看,已颁布的法律文件已足够构成一个法律部门;第三,从法规内容看,涉及社会保障方面的法律、法规也可形成一个法律部门体系;第四,从调整方法及对违法行为的制裁形式看,社会保障法有它自己的特色。它不仅应是一个独立的法律部门,而且和民法、刑法、劳动法等其他部门法一样,是属于仅次于宪法的一个部门法。 就社会保障法的性质来说,它应该包括以下几个方面:社会保障法为公法,而不是公法、私法的融合或结合;社会保障法为人法,以人为出发点,体现了人道主义精神;社会保障法为生存权利保障法,保障社会成员的基本生存和生活;社会保障法为现代社会的基本法,和经济法、民商法等其它法律一样,都对市场经济的发展起着调整、规范和支持作用;社会保障法为实体法,而不是实体法与程序法的统一体;社会保障法是以强制性规范为主的法,这是由社会保障自身的特性决定的。 我国社会保障法的基本原则应包括:普遍性与选择性相结合原则、权利义务相一致原则、公平与效率兼顾原则、社会保障水平与经济发展相适应原则、国家保障与社会保障相结合原则。我国的国情及社会保障自身的特点决定了我国目前的社会保障法还只能贯彻这五个基本原则,而不是仅贯彻普遍性原则、权利性原则、公平原则、提高社会保障水平原则、国家保障原则。 任何法律关系都由主体、内容和客体三个要素构成,社会保障法律关系也不例外。其构成要素之一的主体包括:国家或政府、社会保障实施机构、企业或个体经济组织、社会成员或劳动者;其构成要素之二的内容在权利与义务的关系方面具有与其它法律关系不同的特点,即义务在先,权利在后,而且两者也并非完全对应;其构成要素之三的客体包括:物、行为、人格利益。社会保障法律关系与其它法律关系相比较,具有强制性、广泛性和复杂性的特点,在其客体当中,最常见、最主要的客体不是物,而是人格利益。 我国当前的社会保障立法工作存在着很多缺陷,主要表现为:缺乏整体规划、体系残缺不全,立法空白很多;法律少,行政法规多,立法层次低;立法主体多元,立法层次无序,立法体系极不规范;立法发展不平衡;地方立法畸形“繁荣”;法律规范存在无法律责任和制裁措施的缺陷,强制力低,实施机制弱化。针对以上存在的问题,此项工作应作如下改进:社会保障立法应当有一个立法规划,应注意由地方向中央发展,由分散向相对集中发展,由行政向人大发展;此外,还应对现行的社会保障单行法规进行清理,强化社会保障法律制度的实施机制,完善司法保障措施。就我国社会保障立法模式来说,我国宜采取“一法统驭多法”的立法模式。在重构适应我国社会主义市场经济的社会保障法体系时,应重视和研究一些相关问题,如应考虑和顾及我国的基本国情;应结合我国经济体制过渡性的特点,注重立法的超前性;应解决好和各个法律部门的相互配套和衔接;应制定社会保障基金法来规范社会保障基金的运营,以确保其保值、增值;应加强法学与社会保障学的跨学科研究;应借鉴国外社会保障立法的经验,但也应注意本土化。

【Abstract】 The social security is a system which can help the social members to guarantee their basic life when they are old, ill, out of job, unnble or encounter disasters. It is set up by legislation. It’s both a economic system and a law system. Our country is now at a critical time in its reform, per-fectness, and development of the social security system. As for some basic theoretical questions and how to strengthen legislation, to build complete social security system, many specialists and scholars of our own have a wide difference in opinion. This article mainly explores and investigates the status, the properties, the basic principles, the relation and the legislation of the social security law.Although the social security law is included by the social law,overlaps and intersects with the other laws between its partial contents and regulative objects, it should be an independent law according to its numbers, contents and adjusted objects and methods. Furthermore,it is a departmental law attached to the Constitution, just like the civil law, the criminal law, the labor law, etc.The properties of the social security law should include:it is regarded as the public law, not the fusion or combination of the public law and private law. It is the human being law showing the spirit of humanitarian. It protects the existing rights, guarantees people’s basic existing and life. It is the basic existing law which regulates, standards and sustains the market economy as the economic law, the civil commercial law, etc. It is the physical law, not in conjunction with the procedural law. It is amandatory standard law which is decided by its properties.The principles of the social security law should include:the fusion of universality and selection; the agreement between rights and duties, consideration to both fairness and efficiency, adapting social security standard to economy development, the fusion of state security and social security. Our social security law now implements the above principles. It does not just implement the principles of universality, rights, fairness, developing its social security standards and state security. This is because of our national conditions and its properties.Every relation of law including the social security law has three elements. Firstly, its subject includes the state or government, the social security enforcement bodies, business or individual economic organizations, the social members or laborers. Secondly, its contents possess different law properties in the relationship of rights and duties. That is duties first, rights second. Moreover, they don’t correspond to each other completely. Thirdly, its objects are matter, behavior and personality interests. The more often and main objects are not matter, but personality interests. The relation of the colial security law is mandatory, exentsive and comprehensive,which is its own characters.Our present social security legislation has many flaws. The article analyzes its present situation, puts forward its existing flaws and proposes an improvement, forms its macro mode. We should take comprehensive legislative mode, that is one law controlling more laws. In the course of reforming the new social security law, we should attach much importance to and study the relative problems, and describes them in detail.

  • 【分类号】D922.182.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】944

