

【作者】 崔海滨

【导师】 王果纯;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 破产法与市场经济密不可分。一方面,破产法是市场经济的产物,是市场竞争优胜劣汰的一种法律表现;另一方面,破产法对市场经济又有着巨大的调整作用,以维护债权人和债务人的合法权益,维护优胜劣汰的市场竞争机制,推动市场经济的健康发展。要建立我国社会主义市场经济就必须有健全的破产法制,但我国内地现行破产法因其诸多缺陷而不能适应市场经济发展的客观需求,因而亟需重新构建与完善。与内地现行破产法相比较,我国港台地区破产法是比较完善的,有许多可供内地借鉴之处。鉴于此,本文在对港台与内地破产法的若干问题进行比较研究的基础上,略陈一管之见,以期对内地破产法的完善能够有所裨益。 全文分为六部分。 第一部分是三地区破产立法体例之比较。该部分笔者从两方面进行论述:一方面,在分别概述港台地区破产立法体例的现状、构成及来由后,阐明了港台破产立法体例的三个优点:一是立法体例统一,制定了统一破产法典;二是内容充实、法条完备,富有可操作性;三是设立了一些有特色的制度。另一方面,在概述内地破产立法体例的现状及构成后,论述了内地破产立法体例的两点缺陷:一是立法体例零乱;二是内容单薄、法条较少,缺乏可操作性。随后,笔者提出了内地对港台破产立法体例的借鉴建议。 第二部分是三地区破产原因之比较。笔者首先概述了破产原因的两种立法模式,并在概述港台地区的规定的基础上,对列举主义与概括主义两种立法模式的优劣进行了分析,阐述了两者近年来在立法上的互相渗透。然后,在概述内地规定的基础上,指出了三地区对破产原因规定的差异并分析了内地破产原因多元化的缺陷,提出了完善内地破产原因的立法建议并深入论述了“不能清偿”与“停止支付”的含义。 第三部分是三地区破产能力之比较。笔者在概述破产能力的定义及其立法模式后,从两方面进行论述:第一,三地区破产能力的规定差异较大;第二,商主体破产能力之理论分析,包括:1.自然人的破产能力;2.法人的破产能力;3.合伙和遗产的破产能力。在对上述各类商主体的破产能力作出分别分析评价之后,提出了相应的立法建议,进而指出内地在破产能力上应采用一般破产主义的立法模式。 第四部分是三地区破产案件管辖之比较。笔者首先概述了各国关于破产案件管辖的三种不同立法形式和三地区破产法对该问题的不同规定,分析了三者的不同;然后,分析了内地关于破产案件管辖之规定的不足并提出了完善措施;最后,对与破产案件管辖有密切关系的“债务人的住所地”这一学理上存有岐义的范畴进行了深入的探讨。 第五部分是三地区破产犯罪之比较。该部分首先概述了各国(地区)关于破产犯罪的三种立法模式和三地区对破产犯罪的规定及其差异;然后,对内地现行破产法关于破产犯罪规定的弊端进行了分析;最后,对内地破产犯罪提出了详细的立法建议。 在结语部分,笔者从总体上论述我国内地现行破产法的缺陷与完善,针对其缺陷提出如下完善措施:1.纠正思想偏差,充分认识破产法的作用。2.统一立法体例,制定统一的破产法典。笔者从9个方面对该问题进行了概述。3.健全社会配套制度:一是加快与破产配套的立法建设;二是各级法院应设立专门的“破产案件审理庭”。

【Abstract】 Law of bankruptcy is inseparable from market - oriented economy. On the one hand, law of bankruptcy is a product of market - oriented e-conomy and an expression of survival of the fittest in law; on the other, it plays an important role in the regulation of market - oriented economy, to maintain the legal rights and interests of obligees and obligers and to enliven the mechanism and development of market - oriented economy. Perfect legal system of bankruptcy is needed for the establishment of socialist market - oriented economy, but current laws of bankruptcy in the mainland of China has a long way of reconstruction and perfection to meet the needs of economical development. Contrasted with laws of bankruptcy in the mainland, that of HongKong and Taiwan is much perfected and has a lot to be borrowed. Therefore, on the basis of a comparative study on laws of bankruptcy between the mainland, HongKong and Taiwan, this thesis aims at being beneficial to the perfection of laws of bankruptcy in the mainland.This thesis is composed of six parts.Part One is a comparison of the legislation style of laws of bankruptcy between these three areas. Two perspectives are touched here. On the one hand, after the introduction of the current situation, formation and origin of the legislation style of laws of bankruptcy in HongKong and Taiwan respectively, its three advantages are brought out : First , unity of legislation style by establishing uniform statute books of bankruptcy ; second, rich contents and perfect provisions with high portability; third, establishment of special institutions and regulations. On the other, afterthe summary of the current situation and formation of laws of bankruptcy in the mainland, its two imperfections are discussed: confusing legislation style and fewer provisions with lack of portability. Then, the author puts forward some advice for the mainland’ s borrowing from HongKong and Taiwan.Part Two is a comparison of causes of bankruptcy in these three areas. To begin with, the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the two legislative modes of bankruptcy causes, i.e. enumera-tionism and generalizationism, and their inter - infiltration in recent years. What follows are the differences of the prescription of bankruptcy causes in these three areas, the imperfections and the author’s advice of perfection on multiplicity in the mainland, and a deeper study on the implications of "inability of settlement" and"stop payment".Part Three is a comparison of the competence of bankruptcy in these three areas. With a introduction of the definition and legislative modes of bankruptcy competence, two aspects are studied. One is the great difference of the prescription of bankruptcy competence between these three areas; the other is a theoretical analysis of business subject’s competence of bankruptcy, which includes the bankruptcy competence of natural person, legal person, and partnership and legacy. With the study and e-valuation of the second aspect abovementioned, the author brings forth relative advice on legislation and points out that general legislative mode of bankruptcism should be adopted by the mainland concerning bankruptcy competence.Part Four is a comparison of case jurisdiction between these three areas. With a brief summary of three legislative modes on the jurisdiction of bankruptcy cases in various countries, a comparative study of the prescriptions of case jurisdiction in laws of bankruptcy between these threeareas. Then imperfections of the mainland on that point are analyzed and measures of perfection are provided. Finally, there is a further exploration of "obligor’s place of abode", an ambiguous concept in theory.Part Five is a comparison of crimes of bankruptcy. Three legislative modes on bankruptcy crimes in various countries (or areas) are summarized, along with the prescriptions of bankruptcy crimes in these three areas. What follows is an analysis of imperfections in law of bankruptcy in the mainland concerning this point and detailed advice o

【关键词】 港台内地破产法比较完善
【Key words】 HongKong and Taiwanthe mainlandlaw of bankruptcycomparisonperfection
  • 【分类号】D922.291.92
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】281

