

【作者】 刘劲松

【导师】 屈茂辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 股份合作企业是我国中小企业改革的重要形式,虽然股份合作企业在制度上存在一定的局限性,但其改革的现实性是比较明显的。然而,相对于生机勃勃的股份合作经济实践,股份合作的理论研究(尤其是法学理论研究)、立法工作明显滞后。本文通过剖析股份合作企业的内涵、法人制度、企业财产权、股权设置等问题,旨在揭示股份合作企业的法律特性,为我国这一企业形态创新提供有益的借鉴。全文共分为五大部分: 第一部分:股份合作企业的界定。对于股份合作企业的内涵,当前理论与实践中有三种倾向性认识,我们认为股份合作企业作为股份制与合作制相结合的企业制度,应当在吸纳股份制与合作制优点的过程中,以股份制为主,兼采合作制,而不应将其囿于合作制的方框内。 第二部分:股份合作企业的法人制度问题。股份合作企业作为社会主义市场经济中一种独立存在的企业组织形式,具备独立承担经营风险、担保法律责任的财产基础,应当作为独立法人自主经营。股份合作企业法人机关的设置可以借鉴股份制公司的治理结构进行改、建,具体来说,它应包括职工股东大会、董事会、企业经理的三权分立机构以及内部监督机构监事会。股份合作企业应当采取“按股投票”与“按人投票”并存的双轨决策机制,从而在决策机制中体现“资合”与“人合”的统一。 第三部分:股份合作企业的财产权。股份合作企业的财产包括物、权利和利益三大部分。出资人一旦将出资交由股份合作企业便形成了股份合作企业财产,而与出资人脱离。股份合作企业对其企业财产所享有的权利是企业法人财产权,这一权利具有独占性、完全性、排他性;出资人对企业财产的权利是股东权,即股权,出资人只能通过对股权的行使间接地对企业财产发生作用。 第四部分:股份合作企业的股权设置。股份合作企业的股权设置应该从在微观上搞活企业,提高企业的经营效益这个终极目的出发,更加客观地面对实际,更多地借鉴其他企业形态的成功经验,尤其是股份制的成功经验,力求股权设置的合理、高效,充分发挥股权设置在明晰产权,提高企业效益方面的功用。 第五部分:股份合作企业的立法思考。股份合作企业具备独立存在的生存空间,这种独立存在与存在的长期性决定了对其进行独立界定,从而建立起相应法律规范的必要性。股份合作企业立法既要符合企业立法的一般原则,又要充分考虑股份合作企业的特殊性。

【Abstract】 The cooperative stock enterprise is an important reformatory form for the middle or small enterprises in China. Objectively, there is some insufficiency in some aspects; however, the rationality of this reformatory enterprise’s form is obvious and doubtless. Comparing to the energetic and lively economic practice of the cooperative stock enterprises, the theory (especially the legal theory) and the legislation about the cooperative stock enterprises are lagged far behind. This thesis want to revel the legal characters of the cooperative stock enterprises and provide some beneficial references for the reform by dint of analyzing the notion ,corporation’s regime, property , arrangement of stock rights of the cooperative stock enterprises. The thesis is divided into five parts:Part I: The notion of the cooperative stock enterprises. There are three tendentious statements in the theories and practice about the notion of the cooperative stock enterprise. We deem that the cooperative stock enterprise, as an enterprise form between the stock company and cooperative society, should assimilate the merits of the stock company and cooperative society. The cooperative stock enterprises should give priority to the merits of the stock company, and then absorb the merits of the cooperative society. We need not localize the cooperative stock enterprises within the area in cooperative society only.Part II: The problem of corporation’ s regime of the cooperative stock enterprises. The cooperative stock enterprise, as an enterprise form in the socialistic market economy, is provided with the property for the risk of management and the legal duties. So, we deem they should be corporations. Borrowing ideas from the organs of the stock company, the organs of the cooperative stock enterprises include The convention ofemployee stockholders , Board of directors, Manager and Supervisory committee. The cooperative stock enterprises ought to adopt a voting mode according to both stock and cooperation. Sequentially, the mechanism of the cooperative stock enterprises incarnates the qualities of stock and cooperation.Part III: The property of the cooperative stock enterprises. The property of the cooperative stock enterprises includes three portions: chatteKrights and benefits. The property will depart from the investors and come into being the property of the enterprises if the investment comes into effect. The right of the cooperative stock enterprises is corpora tion’s property. The characters of this property are monopolization completeness ,repellency. However, the investors only have the right as stockholders and they affect the property of the enterprise via exercising the rights as stockholders.Part IV: The arrangement of stock rights of the cooperative stock enterprises. The ultimate purpose of this arrangement is active the enterprises and improve the profit. So, for the sake of reasonableness and efficiency, we should face the fact and draw lessons from other enterprises forms, especially the success experiences of stock companies.Part V: The reflection of legislation about the cooperative stock enterprises. The cooperative stock enterprises have the abilities to exit independently. This independence told us that we should have a definite notion of the cooperative stock enterprises and establish the law about the cooperative stock enterprises. The legislation for the cooperative stock enterprises should conform the general principle, as well as, consider the particularity of the cooperative stock enterprises.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【下载频次】118

