

【作者】 余湛

【导师】 王果纯;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法理学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,医疗卫生服务业历来都是一个较为特殊的领域,它属于由国家实行一定福利政策的公益事业,定位在非营利性上。但是由2000年4月20日国务院办公厅转发的《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》来看,我国政府决定将现有的医疗机构进行分类管理,分为营利性医疗机构和非营利性医疗机构两类,并且绝大多数省、市的分类核定工作将于2001年底完成。因此,如何引导营利性医疗机构走向法制化的轨道已成为我国当前一项十分紧迫的任务,而其中一个重要的方面则是制定较为完备的营利性医疗机构组织法。本文紧密结合我国营利性医疗机构的现状和现行法律法规,对我国营利性医疗机构组织法的若干问题进行了初步地探讨,以期能对营利性医疗机构的立法有一定的作用。全文分五个部分: 第一部分探讨了营利性医疗机构的界定、特点与法律形态。营利性医疗机构是指医疗服务所得收益可用于投资者经济回报的医疗机构,它具有营利性并兼具公益性的特点。根据近十多年来我国陆续出现的营利性医疗机构的样式,作者认为营利性医疗机构的法律形态可分为四类:股权制医疗机构、股份合作制医疗机构、独资医疗机构和合伙医疗机构。 第二部分研讨了营利性医疗机构的设立。剖析了《医疗机构管理条例》及其实施细则中关于设立条件与设立程序的条款,认为其中部分条款已不能再适用于营利性医疗机构的设立,并对此提出了自己的观点。作者认为营利性医疗机构的设立应当采取严格准则设立模式,设立程序应由“一次登记”制度向“双重登记”制度转变。对于设立条件,作者主张剔除现行立法中带有浓厚计划色彩的条款,并且较详细地研讨了各个不同法律形态的营利性医疗机构设立的特殊条件。 第三部分讨论了营利性医疗机构的组织机构。由于不同法律形态营利性医疗机构的组织机构的组成与形式各有不同,作者对他们进行了分别地探讨,其中主要讨论了股权制和股份合作制医疗机构的组织机构。并建议股权制医疗机构(包括:中外合资合作医疗机构)采取 “三会并立”的组织机构设置模式,股份合作制医疗机构可选择采取 “职工大会、股东大会合一模式”或“职工大会、股东大会并存模式”等。 第四部分论述了营利性医疗机构的变更与终止。在对《医疗机构管理条例》及其实施细则进行分析的基础上,作者建议应当进一步完善营利性医疗机构的变更与终止的内容。关于营利性医疗机构的变更,作者主要讨论了组织形式变更和股权变更,并对因股权变更导致 “一人法人”营利性医疗机构的情形进行较为详细的论述,主张确认 “一人法人”营利性医疗机构的合法地位.同时,还应当建立严格的法律防范措施,建构一道防止法人独立人格和有限责任被一人股东滥用之墙.关于营利性医疗机构的终止,作者主张允许营利性医疗机构自行解散与破产,统一营利性医疗机构清算机构的名称,建立简易破产程序以及允许债权人代表参与破产清算等。 第五部分研讨了营利性医疗机构的立法问题。首先阐述了营利性医疗机构的立法目的和基本要求,接着构想了《营利性医疗机构条例》的立法框架,认为《营利性医疗机构条例》应当包括以下部分:总则,,营利性医疗机构的设立,营利性医疗机构的组织机构,营利性医疗机构的变更,营利性医疗机构的解散、清算,法律责任以及附则。

【Abstract】 As a very special field in China, health care profession is previously unprofitable, which mostly depends on the financial support from the government. However, the government now decides to classify the medical institutions into two sorts: profit medical institutions and non-profit medical institutions. Since the profit medical institution is a newborn in China, it has become an urgent task for us to guide it along a legal track. And to make a complete constituent instrument is one of the important aspects of the legislation of the profit medical institution. This dissertation focuses on the preliminary research on some issues of organic law of the profit medical institution in China, combined closely with the present situation and regulations. It consists of five parts as following:Part one explores the definition, characters and legal states of the profit medical institutions. In the profit medical institution, the profit from the medical services can be shared among the investors. However, the profit medical institution is also for the public weal. According to the patterns emerging one after another in the recent decade, the author holds that the various legal states of the profit medical institution can be classified into four types: stock-right system, shareholding co-operative system, partnership and sole proprietorship.Part two deliberates the creation of the profit medical institution. The author analyzes the clauses of the creation in Medical Institution Administration Regulation and its detailed rules for implementation. The author holds that such clauses cannot be applied to the creation of the profit medical institution, and puts forward hers own standpoints. It is believed by the author that the creation of the profit medicalinstitution should adopt the "strict criterion mode", and the former setup procedures should be changed into "dual registration" system. As for the conditions of the creation, the author advocates to get rid of the clauses which are originally bound to the planning policy, and discusses the special conditions of creation of the profit medical institutions in different legal states thoroughly.Part three is an approach on the structure of the organization of the profit medical institution. The structures of the organization of the profit medical institutions in different legal states has different compositions and forms, therefore, the author discusses them respectively and emphasizes on the stock-right medical institution and share-holding co-operative medical institution. The author suggests that the stock-right medical institutions, including the sino-foreign joint-founded and cooperative medical institutions, adopt "three-board-mode", while the share-holding co-operative medical institutions can choose "workers and stockholder in one conference mode" or "workers and stockholder conference co-existing mode", etc.Part four expounds the modification and termination of the profit medical institution. On the basis of the analysis of Medical Institution Administration Regulation and its detailed rules for implementation, the author proposes that we should go further to improve the content of the modification and termination of the legislation of the profit medical institution. Regarding the modification of the profit medical institution, it mainly explores the modification of organic form and stock right, and discusses in detail about the fact that the legal person has only one shareholder, owing to the modification of stock right. The author advocates to affirm its legal status and to take strict legal measures to prevent the only one shareholder from abusing the independentpersonality and limited liability of legal person. Regarding the termination of the profit medical institution, the author puts forward some suggestions, such as permitting the profit medical institution to dissolve themselves and go bankrupt, unifying the name of the liquidation commission, establishing simple and easy bankrupt procedures and allowing the representatives of the clai

  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【下载频次】223

