

On the Relationship between the Coherence and Cohesive Markers of a Text

【作者】 祁文慧

【导师】 王崇义;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要讨论语篇衔接标志与连贯之间关系,并在此基础上试图对某些过分强调显性衔接在语篇构建中的必要性的观点提出了质疑。通过研究,一方面我们完全认同学者们的衔接和连贯是语篇的基本属性的观点,又认为衔接的机制可以是显性的和隐性的;另一方面我们认为那些认为没有显性衔接标志的语篇是缺乏衔接的观点是没有充分的理据的。本文中所谓显性衔接是由语言形式明确表达出来的,在词汇、语法上的衔接关系。所谓隐性衔接指由交际者的共有知识包括背景知识,语境知识和社会规约知识等因素实现的,由信息结构之间的关系或语篇意义的联系上形成的空缺构成的衔接。总之,衔接和连贯在语篇中都是必要的,语篇的表层衔接关系是建立在深层的连贯关系基础上。 二十世纪七十年代初期以来,国内外学者发表了许多描述语篇特征的文章,他们多层次的、多方面的就口头语篇和书面语篇进行探讨。在谈到语篇的基本特征衔接时,不少文章只是重点谈论了显性衔接标志,并都按照各自的语篇分析和语篇语言学规律对口头语篇和书面语篇都进行了探索,而隐性衔接标志的研究几乎被忽略了。 本文不仅讨论了语篇显性衔接标志以及衔接和连贯的本质,而且讨论了无显性衔接的语篇的衔接机制及其语用价值。 本文共有五章: 第一章:引言 这部分主要是讨论了语篇,衔接和连贯等有关语篇分析的几个基本概念。 第二章:语篇的显性衔接方式 这部分概述了显性衔接的几种主要的语法和词汇的手段: 连接,照应,替代,省略与词汇重复和搭配。第三章:连贯和衔接的关系 这部分主要讨论了连贯和衔接的关系。第四章:无显性衔接标志的语篇的语用分析 这部分是本文的重点。在这一部分作者试图论述无显性衔 接手段的连贯语篇的产生机制及其语用价值。第五章:结论 任何语篇都必须有连贯和衔接。且连贯是第一位的;衔接 可以帮助加强和巩固连贯。衔接可以是显性的和隐性的。一个 语篇含有隐性衔接就必定有其独特的语用功能。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly discusses the relationship between textual cohesion and coherence. On the basis of the discussion, we try to challenge too much emphasis on the explicit cohesive markers in organizing a text. Through reading Cohesion in English by Halliday & Hasan (1976), Discourse Analysis by Brown & Yule (1983), Discourse Cohesion and Coherence by Hu Zhuanglin (1994) and Essentials of Text Analysis by Huang Guowen (1988), and quite a number of books and papers by scholars at home and abroad like Zhu Yongsheng ,ZhangDelu and liu Chendan, etc. We think we’ve learned a lot aboutDiscourse Analysis. On the one hand, we think scholars have enoughreasons to say that cohesion and coherence are the two basic properties or requirements of a text; on the other hand, it seems to us that over emphasis has been placed on explicit cohesive markers. We disagree with the view that a text without explicit cohesive devices is in lack of cohesion. In our opinion, the cohesive devices can be explicit or implicit. Cohesion and coherence are both necessary for a text, and textual cohesion is set up on the basis of textual coherence.Since the early 1970s, there has been a rapid expansion of description of text properties. Linguists have explored both spoken and written texts from different angles, and have tended to concentrate on explicit cohesive devices, while the implicit cohesive devices have seemingly been overlooked.This paper does not stop at explicit cohesive devices and the nature of cohesion and coherence, but it aims at exploring how a text withoutexplicit cohesive markers works, although explicit cohesive markers dohelp to strengthen and demonstrate textual coherence. For variouspragmatic purposes may need and allow texts without explicit cohesivemarkers..This paper consists of the following five chapters:Chapter One: IntroductionChapter Two: Explicit Cohesive Devices of a Text: Five Types ofCohesive Devices :Chapter Three: The Relationship Between Coherence and Cohesion.Chapter Four: Pragmatic Analysis of Texts Without Explicit CohesiveMarkersChapter Five: ConclusionAny text must be coherent and cohesive. Coherence comes first and cohesion can help to strengthen and consolidate the coherence of a text. Cohesion of a text can be explicit or implicit. A text with implicit cohesion does have its special pragmatic functions.

  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】846

