

Translation of Substitution, Ellipsis and Repetition

【作者】 刘昕敏

【导师】 张梅岗;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代社会,翻译的作用越来越重要,翻译活动也是方兴未艾,呈现一片欣欣向荣之势。就其实质而言,翻译是以一种语言将另一种语言所表达的内容再现出来的活动。每一种语言在语言手段的应用上都有区别于另一种语言的明显特征。正是这些特征,也就是区别,造成了翻译上的难题。为了解决这些难题,广大的翻译人员,翻译爱好者进行了多方位,多层次的研究,总结出了许多行之有效的方法和技巧。尤其是建立在对比语言学为基础的翻译理论更是为人们所推崇。笔者也认为,翻译是应当建立在英汉两种语言的对比之上。毕竟,没有对比,又何从谈起区别,人们又如何着手进行翻译活动呢?著名的翻译家吕叔湘先生也说“我相信,对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他认识英语和汉语的差别,在每一个具体问题一一词形、词义、语法范畴、句子结构上都尽可能用汉语的情况来跟英语作比较。让他通过这种比较得到更深刻的体会。”许多的翻译家也认为“一切的翻译理论,方法和技巧都应建立在英汉两种语言的对比上。”对比是基础,笔者也赞同这一基本立场,但笔者同时认为,如果仅仅把对比建立在语言的表层之上,进行纯粹主谓宾的分析是肤浅的对比。要让翻译理论研究有所进步,更有理论意义和实用价值,必须探索语言与思维、思维方式的关系。探索语言、思维、原文和译文之间的本质关系能进一步揭示不同语言间的相同和不同之处,也才能进一步揭示翻译的实质。 人们对客观世界的认识,都是从对某一具体事物的思维开始的,对某具体事物进行思维会形成一条思维流,它是由许多语言形式的意义构成的。例如,我们发言前,常常打腹稿,以内部语言的形式组织了一条思维流,这条思维流写出来是文字,讲出来是一篇讲话。 产生的思维流,用不同的语言表达出来,都具有那种语言的特殊性, 但是,不论用哪一种语言表达,都必须完整地连贯地再现那条思维 流。翻译的转换应该是把一种言语的内容转换,将一种言语的内容 转换成另一种言语思维的内容。替代、省略和重复在英汉语中的用 法是不同的,但它们背后的思维流的内容是一致的,正因为如此才 能进行语言间的转换。 为什么英语民族常用替代和省略手段,而汉语民族更倾向于使用 重复手段?这种语言现象的产生应归于不同民族独特的思维方式和 美学思想。不同的思维方式产生不同的语言表达形式,语言是思维 的载体。本文对比了整体思维和个体思维,主体思维、直觉思维及 中国人讲究偶式对称的美学心理,这些深层次的对比能进一步阐释 英汉语的区别,有利于双语问的交换。 全文共分三章。 第一章进行理论分析,用言语思维和思维方式来探究英汉语替 代、省略和重复手段运用的差异。 第二章对比分析英汉语替代、省略和重复手段的差异。 第三章在对比的基础上进行翻译研究,归纳汉语翻译中应使用 重复手段的情况,同时也论证了在英汉语双语交换中, 替代、省略和重复手段是互相交织在一起的,翻译时要 灵活运用。

【Abstract】 Translation is an activity of enormous importance in today’s world. With the growing exchanges between all the counties, the translation activity is just unfolding and more promising than ever before. Translation is essentially the representation in one language of what is written or said in another language. Each language has its own genius, that is, each language possesses its own distinctive characteristics which give it a special character. It is just these characters that lead to the translation difficulties. In order to solve these difficulties, translators have made multilevel researches and achieved a lot of fruits. Nowadays, translation theories based on contrastive linguistics are praised highly by people. And 1 also agree that translation should ground on the comparative studies. After all, without comparison, how can we talk about differences and start with the translation activities? The famous translator Lu -Shuxiang said, "I firmly believe that the greatest help for the Chinese students is to let them see the differences between English and Chinese, let them compare those two languages in every possible aspects such as word formation, semantics, grammatical category, sentence structure and so on, thus they can get profound understanding through comparisons." Many other translators also assert that "all the translation theories, methods and techniques should be based on contrastive studies". I am myself for this stance, but at the same time, I think it is inappropriate to make contrastive studies solely on the language surface. Pure comparative analysis on language components such as subject, predicate, object and so on is superficial. A probe intothe relationships between language and thought, modes of thought will make greater progress in translation theories and make the translation more practical. What’s more, a clear relationship between them will help us see the similarities and differences of English and Chinese, further unveil the nature of translation.Our knowledge about this world starts with the reasoning of concrete things. Thought produces language, language is the tool and carrier of our thought. People practise thought of speech on a certain object and in their mind form a thought of stream, which is made up of meanings of different language forms.Language is the exterior of thought, its process goes from inner language to outer language. For example, we usually reason before our speeches and writings, or think about how to organize various language elements, thus we form a steam of thought by the form of inner language, this stream of thought is also the stream of meanings. When streams of thought are expressed from our mouth, they are called speeches; from our pens, they become writings.Why English people more often use substitution and ellipsis, but Chinese prefers repetition? The author believes that phenomenon can be attributed to different modes of thinking and aesthetics of these two peoples. Different modes of thinking produce different language expressions, language is the carrier of thought. This thesis makes analysis of organic whole thought vs. individualism , the perceiver-centered thought , intuition and Chinese traditional aesthetic view. The author hopes these analyses can help people to achieve a deeper understanding of language differences and enhance the efficiencyof language exchanges.This paper consists of three chapters altogether.Chapter one focuses on theory analysis, employs the theory of thought of speech, modes of thinking to explain the different usages of substitution, ellipsis and repetition between English and Chinese.Chapter two is the comparative studies of substitution, ellipsis and repetition between English and Chinese.Chapter three is the translation methods based on above two chapters. It explains how to use the approach of repetition when English employs the substitution and ellipsis approaches. At last, this chapter also proves that in actual bilingual exchanges, substitution, ellipsis and repetition are f

  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【下载频次】577

