

Study on Teaching Quality of the Private Universities and Colleges

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 秦国柱;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 高等教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 经过二十几年的发展,我国的民办高校已由初期的高速增长阶段进入淘汰阶段,在这个大浪淘沙的过程中,大量规模过小,办学不稳定、不规范,质量低下的学校在激烈的市场竞争中被淘汰出局,质量成为民办高校生存与发展的生命线,而影响和制约教育质量和人才培养质量的主要因素均来自于教学工作,或者说教育工作的核心是教学工作。因此,在这种背景下探讨民办高校的教学质量具有重要的实践意义。本论文根据选题现实性较强的特点,运用了调查法、访谈法和文献法等研究方法,在高等教育大众化的背景下确定民办高校的独特质量标准,着重对制约民校教学质量的师资、生源、专业课程等教学三要素进行深入剖析,既总结成绩,又分析问题,并在此之上提出改进措施。 本论文认为,民办高校定位于高等职业教育是由其办学实力和办学环境决定的,必须以此为标准展开分析,通过对教学的三个要素的分析发现,民办高校教师成分多样化,兼职教师比例较大,教师队伍的稳定性不够;生源紧张,整体素质低于公立高校;专业课程设置灵活多样,能紧贴市场的需求,但设置的科学性不足,特色不够,并有过分功利化的倾向。针对民办高校教师队伍的特点,根据校情合理调整专、兼职教师的比例,加强专职教师队伍建设,搞好人力资源管理,增强教师工作的积极性。针对生源特点,搞好招生工作,从输入阶段保证学生质量。在培养过程中,首先加强思想政治教育,从思想上树立学生的自信心,其次根据学生基础薄弱的特点,有的放矢,因材施教,帮助学生克服学习障碍。在课程方面要提高课程设计的质量,必须从课程设计的过程入手,规范课程设组织,完善课程设计过程,加强课程设计结果的评估,最后落实于建立民办高校的教学质量保障机制。

【Abstract】 With over twenty years’ development in our country, Private universities and colleges (Pu&Cs) have come upon the elimination stage from the former high-speed increasing stage, during which those with too small scale, unsteady school-running and low quality have been eliminated. Quality has come into the lifeblood for the existence and development of Pu&Cs, and many of essential factors which influence the educational quality have much to do with teaching, to put it in another way, teaching is the core of education. Therefore, it is practically significant to study teaching quality under such circumstances. With some scientific methods of higher education, this thesis defines the unique standard of quality for Pu&Cs under the specific background of China’s mass higher education. Through emphatically analyzing three teaching factors: teachers, students and teaching content, this thesis sums up experience achieved before, dissects problems caused in the past, and then put forward measures for improvement.In the author’s view point, it is determined by school-running strength and school-running environments that Pu&Cs make an orientation of higher technical and vocational education, which should also be premise of analysis of the quality of Pu&Cs. According to the analysis of the three essentials above, the component of teachers in most Pu&Cs is rather complicated, part-time teachers take up larger proportion, the crew as a whole is not steady; also in Pu&Cs, most of students are not as excellent as those in public universities and colleges, and would not like to study; as for majors and courses, Pu&Cs can provide more varied majors and courses which meet the need of market. However, sometimes the system is unscientific, uncharacteristic and over utilitarian. Contra posing the features of teachers, it is better for Pu&Cs to adjust the proportion between full-time teachers and part-time ones, strengthen the construction of professional members, and at the same time improve human-resource management to encourage teachers; aiming at the features of students, Pu&Cs should try their best to recruit students with excellent achievements in high school so as to ensure students’ quality at entrance. During cultivating, teachers should keep up their confidence firstly. Then the teacher should teach students in accordance with their aptitude, help them overcome studying difficulty. As for curriculum system, it is necessary to improve quality of curriculum design, starting with its process. With all above, a guarantee mechanism of the teaching quality for Pu&Cs will be founded.

【关键词】 民办高校教学质量
【Key words】 private universities and collegesteaching quality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】G522.74
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】697

