

The Study on the New Net Words of Chinese Context

【作者】 李薇薇

【导师】 林伦伦;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文所指的网络语言涵盖的范围很广,有聊天室语言、BBS灌水语言、网络文学作品语言、网络技术用语、网络广告语言等等。由于网络虚拟社区(常指聊天室和BBS)中的语言是网络语言中最为鲜活、变动性最大、最具网络特色的部分,所以本文仅截取这部分语料——网络新词语(仅限汉语语境下)作为研究重点,拟作解析。 本文共分四部分来阐述网络新词语产生的历史背景、研究价值、概念界定、词汇构成、总体特征和深层机制,以及网络新词语的规范化问题。 《引言》主要介绍网络新词语研究的历史文化背景、研究的必要性、重要性及网络新词语的概念界定。 第一章《网络新词语的词汇构成》,按照网络新词语所依附的外在形式,将其分为四大类:以汉字形式载现的网络术语、字母词、数字谐音词、身势情态语符号。并分四小节专题详细论述各种类型的网络新词语的含义和来源。 第二章《网络新词语的总体特征及其探层机制》,论述了网络新词语多种语码混杂使用、科技行业语色彩浓厚、具有鲜活性与个性化的总体特征,并从社会语言学和文化学视角出发,从文化角度、语言与社会生活的关系角度、承载工具等角度分析了网络新词语总体特征产生的深层机制。 第三章《网络新词语的规范化问题》,对网络新词语的使用现状予以总结,并指出目前网络新词语使用中常见的问题:品位不高、粗俗化,错别字泛滥,语言浪费现象,有意搞语言文字游戏而造成的语言理解障碍,有意突破语法常规而任意添加、组合词、句成分而造成的语法混乱。在对以往的语言规范化问题研究进行整体梳理和把握的基础上提出了“冷静观察、宽容对待、客观评价、积极引导、科学预测”的网络新词语规范原则,并针对网络新词语使用中常见的问题提出了有的放矢、切实可行的解决策略。本文的突破点在于在阐述网络新词语词汇构成的时候,能兼顾共时与历时,广度与深度。在掌握大量活的语料的基础土将其分类,类别涵盖面之广,分类的细致入微是本文的独特之处。本文立足于社会语言学视角,在分析网络新词语词汇构成的同时,更侧重深入地分析了其特点及生成机制,并分别从文花角度、语言与社会生活的关系角度、承载工具角度予以理论层面的解析,并对网络语言的规范提出了有可行性的建设性意见。

【Abstract】 Net language of the article Ranges over various contents, including chat ting-room language, BBS language, net literature language, net technology language,net advertisement language,etc. The thesis emphasizes and analyses these new net words in that the language in the net virtual community (usually refer to chatting-room and BBS) is the) most vivid and of the most particular characteristic and variance.The thesis divided into four sections states the historical background, value of studying, definition of concepts, words structure, popular traits, some mechanism in a higher level, and standardization of these words.In terms of outline to which the new net words adhere, the first chapter, which names <<vocabulary structure of the new net words>>, divides them into four kinds: terminologies, letter-words, partialness words and the words that refer to the body gestures which form as Chinese characters, and discusses the meaning and resources of varieties of the new net words particularly in four different sections.There states the total traits Of new net words in the second chapter which names <<popular traits and inner mechanism of newnet words>>, such as the mix of $11 kinds of language codes, the scientific and technological attribution, the characteristic and vividness. And from a angle of sociolinguistics and culturologys this chapter also analyzes the mechanism in a cultural, linguisic-and- social, implemental way.The third chapter <<standardlization of new net words>> summarizes the common problems that result in obstacles in understanding in the process of using new net words nowadays, which can be described as low taste, vulgarism, erroneous and unnecessary words , playing with words intentionally, and confusion which is caused by running counter to grammar by adding, composing the ingredients of the words and sentences at will. Consequently, this chapter puts forward astandardization - "calm observation, tolerant treat,objective appraisal, active guidance and scientific forecast" , and gives the targeted and feasible settlements.The breach of the article is that it can give attention to both simultaneity and diachrony the same as both extent and depth when states vocabulary structure of the new net words. The mass live language material is classified whose large extent and particularity classifies are especial. The articleestablished in sociolinguistics finalysizes deeplypopular traits and inner mecHanisra of new net words when states its vocabulary structure. It states theoretically from the point of view of sociolinguistics and culturology , linguisic-and- social, and implem^ntal way, etc. And it gives the targeted and feasible settlements about standardlization of new net words.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】H136
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2731

