

【作者】 党丽英

【导师】 陈清秀;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医妇科, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文综述了黄体不健的中西医研究进展及实验研究进展,其中包括了导师对黄体不健的认识、治疗经验和作者对本病的体会。本文的西医部分介绍黄体不健的病因病理、诊断、治疗研究进展,中医方面介绍了黄体不健的病因病机、诊断和治疗,重点介绍中西医的治疗情况及中医药治疗黄体不健的实验研究情况。结论:中药人工周期疗法辅以心理疏导是治疗黄体不健的较好方法。综述之后,对导师治疗黄体不健的临床经验进行介绍,并阐明了作者对本病的认识、体会,认为对本病的治疗应注意以下三个方面:①注意阴阳协调;②通调气血为先;③必须寓补于泻,并对其治疗前景进行设想和展望:在中医理论指导下进行系统的中医药治疗黄体不健的研究,具有广阔的前景,在今后的研究中,应加强从身心方面的研究,加强符合中医特点的动物实验研究。

【Abstract】 Luteal Phase Defect (LPD) is a common disease in the childbearing-aged women. In the essay we study the recent development of LPD in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as well as in Western Medicine, including the knowledge of the guide tutor and the author’s understanding to the disease. And the etiology, pathogenesis of modern medicine and the treatment of TCM are especially produced. Then, introduce the clinical experience that the guide tutor treats the disease and expound the author’s understanding. Conclusion: Intergration TCM artificial cyclic therapy into psychological regulation is the better therapy of LPD . After that, the academical experience of Dr Chen Qingxiu are given. At the same time, the author gives some of her thinks of the disease about the treatment There are 3 points as following: 〢ttention the moderation of yin and yang ; 〥redge and regulate qi and xue ; (3) Combine nourish with diarrhsea. In the end, we predict the perspective of the disease : Research that LPD is treated by systematic TCM in the theory of TCM will be in the future and we believe that in the future study we should enforce the research from mind and body as well as the animal experiment that reflects the speciality of TCM.

  • 【分类号】R271.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】229

