

【作者】 杨宇亮

【导师】 翟辉;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 工业革命后,人类在极短的时间内创造了非凡的文明成果的同时,也付出了高昂的代价:时至今日,环境危机已经威胁到了人类的生存,影响了我们每一个人的生活。可持续发展正是在此背景之下产生并逐渐成为人类社会的共识,其原因在于综合考虑了政治、经济、社会、技术、文化、艺术各个方面,提出整合的解决办法。 然而,笔者认为,可持续发展的理论只是搭建了一个大的控制框架,并非完美无缺。其涉及面甚广,在不同的子领域有不同的含意与侧重,也存在着一定的矛盾。我们身边的可持续发展更多的被作为一种口号、作为一种商业噱头与标签,看似热热闹闹,实际关注的多,实施的少。 滇西北是一个少见的传统聚落富集地,这里集文化资源、旅游资源极度丰富与生态环境极度脆弱于一体,它的发展与丧失自身特色、丧失原生性成为一对矛盾体。以可持续发展的思想为指导方针,合理发展滇西北,使这里逐步摆脱贫穷落后的状况,意义重大。 本文以传统聚落的不同物质层面——区域、村镇、民居为主要研究对象,运用多学科融贯的观点方法,将建筑学与其它学科的交叉领域纳入研究范畴。通过对滇西北这一典型地区的调查研究,从区域(宏观)——村镇(中观)——民居(微观)的不同层面进行分析,探讨可持续发展这一重要思想在滇西北发展中的重要意义,同时结合一些笔者参与的、该地区的设计实例,力图将可持续发展的思想应用于其中,避免空洞的说教。希望本研究能为该类课题抛砖引玉,从研究角度、研究方法上提出一种想法、一种思路。 可持续发展是人类聚居发展的必由之路。特别在滇西北的紧迫性与必要性更加突出。虽然在实际应用中,大量的工作仅仅还处于摸索、尝试的阶段,但已经不能掩盖可持续发展这一思想的强大生命力。本文的目的是尝试搭建一个关于传统聚落保护与可持续发展思想的基本理论构架,希望这一思想能够在规划师、建筑师这一具有社会责任感的行业中引起重视。科学合理地发展滇西北,切实提高居民的生活质量,规划师、建筑师责任重大。

【Abstract】 After the Industrial Revolution, while mankind creates uncommon civilization in short time, they also pay out the high price. Today, environment crisis have not already threatened existence of mankind, but affect our individual’ s life. Under the background, sustainable development was brought forward and understood its importance, the reason consist in synthesizing the politics, economy, society, technique, culture, art, bringing up integration of the solution. However, the writer think that theories of sustainable development can only set up a big control framework and is not perfect. The meaning is not only very wide and different in many realm, but also is even self-contradictory. The concept of sustainable development around us is more used as a kind of slogan, as a kind of business trickery and label, it seems hot and noisy, but puts little into practice. The northwest of Yunnan is a centralized place of traditional settlement. Although its culture resources and travel resources is extremely plentiful, yet its ecosystem environment is also very tender. The development of northwest in Yunnan is contradictory to the loss of original nature and characteristic. It is very important that we can take the sustainable development as guidelines, get away gradually from poor condition in northwest in Yunnan.Researching the different material level of the traditional settlement-district, village, and residence, viewing integration of many ideas, the paper study intersection of other categories. The paper analyse the different level in the region , from district(macro view), urban and village(middle view )to residence(micro view), discuss the important meaning of the ides of sustainable development in Yunnan Northwest. The paper combine the engineering example that the writer took part in, and try his best to apply the ideas, to avoid the empty preachment. I hope this research can help everyone who is interesting in it. Sustainable development is a true way of mankind settlement, especially in Yunnan Northwest. Although in the actual application, large quantity of work is still in the trial stage, the idea is powerful and vital. The purpose of the paper is try to set up a basic theories, make attach importance to sustainable development in architect. In the course of development of northwest in Yunnan reasonably, architect has duty of improving local resident living quantity.

  • 【分类号】TU981
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】357

