

【作者】 马海涛

【导师】 王斌华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在美国,随着教师评价改革运动的发展,教学档案袋评价已经逐步得到推广和应用。教学档案袋评价超越了传统教师评价方式,较之以前的测验测量、课堂听课,教学档案袋评价使教师评价更具真实性、全面性、发展性,便于展现教师能力和促进教师专业发展。本文重点评介美国教师教学档案袋评价的实施方式,并阐释其对我国教师评价的借鉴意义。 本论文共分五部分。第一部分探讨教学档案袋在美国教师评价领域兴起的背景:美国教师评价改革运动。 第二部分陈述教学档案袋的内涵、特性和分类。 第三部分结合案例陈述教学档案袋的开发过程和评价方法。将教学档案袋的开发分为三种类型,以教学技能类别设计开发档案袋、基于标准的档案袋和专业目标作为框架的教学档案袋。教学档案袋的评价方法有召开讨论会、面谈法、叙述法、书面评价、出题目等。 第四部分是笔者对于教学档案袋评价的思考,探讨了教学档案袋评价对传统教学评价观的超越,教学档案袋评价的优势与不足以及教师教学档案袋评价中的标准问题、信度和效度问题。 第五部分结合我国教师评价理论和实践中存在的问题,探析教学档案袋评价对于我国教师评价改革的借鉴意义,建议在教师评价和教师专业发展领域推广运用教学档案袋评价方式。

【Abstract】 Teaching portfolio has been implemented in the teacher assessment movement in U.S. Teaching portfolio is more authentic, more developmental, and more comprehensive than testing and classroom observations. And it is convenient for professional growth of teachers and showing their competence. This thesis analysis the implementation of teacher portfolio assessment and its use for reference to China.The thesis is divided into 5 chapters. Chaperl discuss the background of teaching portfolio springing up: the teacher assessment movement in U.S.Chapter2 presents the connotation, characters and sorts of teaching portfolios.Chapters presents the development process and assessment approach of teaching portfolios. It presents three type of the development of teaching portfolios: development by teaching skill categories, the standard portfolio and goal-driven portfolio. The assessment approaches of teaching portfolios are conference, interview, presentations, written evaluation, rubrics and so on.Chapter4 is my reflection to teaching portfolio assessment. It discusses the idea that teaching portfolio assessment is superior to traditional assessment theory, the advantage and disadvantage of teaching portfolio assessment, the standards, reliability and validity of teaching portfolio assessment.Chapters discusses the problem in teacher assessment theory and practice in China, analysis the use of teaching portfolio assessment to teacher assessment evolution in China, and advises the implementation of teaching portfolio assessment.

  • 【分类号】G571.2
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1268

