

【作者】 姚霞

【导师】 冯大鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “一位好校长就是一所好学校”,校长的水平直接影响着学校的发展。我国自建国以来特别是八十年代以来,一直十分重视中小学校长的培训工作,并取得了巨大的成绩。进入“十五”期间,中小学校长培训的目标已经提升为培养教育管理专家,对培训本身提出了更高的要求。本论文试图从中小学校长培训模式这一角度出发,为我国校长培训提出一些意见和建议。 在文献资料分析的基础上,发现我国校长培训中存在着几种常用的培训模式:课程进修模式、课题研究模式、基地培训模式。此外,还存在着网上培训这一以先进教育信息技术为支持的培训模式。 国外的培训模式已经发展得比较丰富,有一定的借鉴意义,故此,在文献分析和比较分析的基础上,介绍了国外一些比较有特色的培训模式:问题中心模式、同辈互助模式、辛迪加模式、促进校长专业发展模式以及系统思考/系统改变模拟模式。 由于校长是培训的直接对象,他们对培训最具有发言权。故此,在进行观察、访谈和问卷调查的基础上,分析校长们对培训的基本意见。调查发现:(1)校长们总体对培训持肯定态度,认为培训中信息反馈及时、培训内容有用、希望与培训教师建立联系;(2)校长们也对培训提出了不少意见,主要包括自主选择权过小、培训费用偏高,培训机构有待进一步完善等。 在调查、访谈以及文献阅读的基础上,本论文最后一部分提出了改进校长培训的一些思考,主要包括(1)改变人们的培训观念;(2)转换各部门的职能;(3)促进培训市场的发育;(4)加强各方面的联系,建立立体化的培训体系;(5)借助教育信息技术,构件开放式培训;(6)借鉴国外的培训模式,不断开拓思路。

【Abstract】 An excellent principal is equal to a splendid school", which means the development of school is under the influence of the principal’s management ideas and level, so we must place great importance on the principal preparation programs. The government of China has done much for the educational leadership programs since 1980s, and has accomplished its initial assignment. Today, to make the principals become educational management experts is the government’s new farther goal. Based on the training pattern at home and abroad, this paper is just to bring forward some advices to the training programs.First, this paper reviews and analyzes the literature pertaining to the evolution of educational leadership preparation programs.The second chapter addresses the training models, which are commonly used in China, such as the Curricula-Based Training Model, the Issue Researching Model, the Site-Based Training Model and the Network-Based Training Model.The third chapter highlights the training models used in American, Australia and so on, which are the Problem-based Model, Peer-Assisted Leadership, Syndicate Model, the Center for Advancing Principalship Excellence, Systems Thinking/Systems Changing-a Computer Simulation.The fourth chapter highlights the estimate of the principals. As far as I’m concerned, the principals have the direct voice in Principal Preparation, for they are actually final training objects. According to my surveys, we find that:(1) Generally, the principals affirm the effect of principal preparation programs, because they can benefit from their trainers’ feedback, the information produced during the whole training process. Besides, the principals expect to keep close contact with the trainers and the training institutions.(2) The principals are not fully satisfied with the current principalpreparation. Most of them point out that they have little selectivity, that the cost of training is too high, and that the training institutions need to be improved,Through reading, investigating and interviewing, the author in the final chapter present the following views to improve the principal preparation:(1) Converting people’s ideas about training.(2) Transforming the function of several branches.(3) Advancing the growth of training market.(4) Strengthening the relation of different departments and constructing solid training system.(5) Using the advanced educational technology and constructing opening system.(6) Absorbing the excellent experience from the oversea research and practice.

【关键词】 校长校长培训培训模式
【Key words】 principaltrainingprincipal preparation programs
  • 【分类号】G637.12
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】1045

