

【作者】 徐景双

【导师】 沈金荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济增长中心向亚太地区的转移,中国正在成为世界经济新的增长点。同时,随着我国沿海经济发展带的形成和长江流域经济发展带的兴起,上海正在崛起,将成为又一个国际经济中心城市。国际经济发展的历史进程告诉我们,世界经济增长重心的转移,归根结底是人才资源开发利用的结果。根据党中央、国务院的战略部署,1994年以来,上海市领导同志先后提出要“构筑上海的人才资源高地”。构筑上海人才资源高地的关键在于培养和集聚一大批高素质、高层次的优秀青年人才。 如何以青年为特点、以区域为特色,做好人才成长和开发的研究工作具有极其重要的理论和现实意义。本论文以人才学有关理论为基础,通过对闸北区青年人才管理信息库检索、对闸北区各行业的百位青年人才进行了问卷调查,并对所获数据作统计分析。此外,还召开多次座谈会、并对有关领导及专家进行深度访谈,在此基础上形成此研究论文。本论文分为3个部分,第一部分为前言,介绍了本论文的研究背景、有关人才学研究历史、现状及研究方法等;第二部分为文中第一章至第六章,详细分析了闸北区青年人才成长和开发的背景,总结闸北区青年人才成长规律,探索闸北区青年人才开发的现实基础,并进而提出闸北区青年人才的开发措施;第三部分为总结,对本论文的研究进行反思。

【Abstract】 Shanghai is rising abruptly and is going to be a central city of international economic development with the rising of economic developing area along the Yangzi River basin in our country. The process of the international economic development told us that the moving of the international economic rising core, in the final analysis, is attributable to the result of the exploiting and utilizing the talented personnel resources. According to the arrangement of the Central Government and the State Council, The leaders of Shanghai have several made proposals since 1994 that we should build and form the high place of the talented personnel resources. One of the key points is to train a great quantity of talented youth with fine quality and high level.The study of talented personnel’s development and exploitation according to the characteristic of the youth and of the region is of great importance not only in theory, but also in practive. My dissertation is based on theories of talented personnel, and a survey on 100 youth of different trades and professions in Zhabei region. And the paper looked up the information of the management of the youth’s talented personnel, and analyzed the data I got In addition, I also had several informal discussions, and interviewed professors and leaders concerned. My dissertation includs 3 parts, preface is the first part, introducing the context, the history and studying methods; from 1 to 6 chapters is the second part, with analyzed the context of developing and exploiting young talented personnel in Zhabei, exploited the realistic base, and furthermore, proposed the basis of exploiting the young talented personnel; the conclusion is the third part, presenting the introspecting of the studying of my dissertation.

【关键词】 青年人才成长开发
【Key words】 YouthTalentDevelopmentExploitation
  • 【分类号】D432
  • 【下载频次】224

