

Induction Program for Newly Appointed Teachers: Case Studies of Japan and England

【作者】 陈海凡

【导师】 吴刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 初任教师是教师队伍中的一类特殊群体,其入职引导直接关系个体的专业发展和学校的整体发展。本文初任教师的入职引导制度为中心,分析国际上两个较成功的典型案例:英国的法令性入职引导制度和日本的初任教师研修制度,探究入职引导制度的文化背景、历史发展、结构与内容、管理与监控等内容,并在比较分析的基础上为我国初任教师的入职引导提供决策启示。 论文研究分为五部分: 第一部分从入职引导的必要性出发,分析界定入职引导制度的相关概念,归结入职引导制度的基本问题,并提出国际上入职引导制度的三种基本模式:基本适应性模式、初任教师发展模式和变革性引导模式。 第二、三两部分主要介绍日本和英国的入职引导制度,分别从两国入职引导制度的文化背景、建立与发展、结构与内容、机构设置、人员职责、管理与监控、实施效果等方面入手,呈现两国制度的概貌与特征。 第四部分是比较分析,认为两国的制度都由国家颁布实施,以促进教师的专业发展为根本目的,制定清晰明确的引导目标,明确规定有关人员的职责,综合运用多种引导策略,并在供财政和行政上给予保证,成效明显。但由于文化背景和目标定位的不同,两国在引导目标、引导内容、培训重点、评价的地位和作用、具体引导策略、与高校的合作等方面存在差异。 第五部分在上述研究的基础上,为我国初任教师的入职引导制度提供决策启示:设立清晰明确的引导目标;给予行政和财政的充分保证;建立个性化的引导计划;注重专业发展的连续性和阶段性;充分发挥指导教师的作用;加强机构间的协调与合作;建立制度的监控和评估体系;培育合作性的教学文化。 总之,我们认为入职引导制度本质是通过入职引导促进初任教师的专业发展,从溯源上提高教师队伍的整体素质。为抢占新世纪基础教育发展的制高点,我国必须以日英等国的经验为鉴,发挥后发优势,建立系统化、科学化的初任教师的引导制度,保障初任教师迈好生涯发展第一步。

【Abstract】 Newly appointed teachers is a special group in the teaching forces, the induction and transition of whom into their profession is critical to their professional development and the overall improvement of the schools where they teach. Focused on the Induction Program for the newly appointed teachers, this article analyzes two successful cases in this area: one is Newly Appointed Teacher Induction Program in Japan, the other is Newly Qualified Teacher Statutory Program in England. The background, establishment and development, structures and contents, management and monitoring systems of both Induction Programs are studied in the analysis. And based on the comparative studies of them, we can get some implications and further make some suggestions on how to establish Induction Program for the newly appointed teachers in our own country.This article can be divided into five parts:The first part is to analyze why Induction Program is so important and necessary first, and then clarify what is Induction Program by definition and general feature description. Also, based on the studies on the Induction Programs across a great many countries, the article presents three basic models of all: Basic Orientation Model, New Appointed Teacher Development Model and Transformative Induction Model.In the next two parts, the two Induction Programs in Japan and England are introduced with detailed information of their background, establishment and development, structures and contents, Institutions and personnel involved and corresponding responsibilities, management and monitoring systems, and the effectiveness, from which we can learn general picture and characteristics of both programs.Comparative Analysis between the two programs is followed in the fourth part. Both programs, which are established and mandated on the country-level with the aim to promote the professional development of the newly appointed teachers, have clearly articulated induction goals; the responsibilities of personnel involved are clearly defined and various induction strategies are employed as well; political and fiscalcommitments are sufficient to ensure the implementation and maintenance of the programs. All of these characteristics result in the positive outcomes. On the other hand, the two programs, which are born in the different cultural backgrounds and guided by the different goals respectively, are found differentiated in many factors, such as induction goals, induction contents, the focus of the induction, the role of assessment, specific induction strategies and collaboration with higher education, and etc.In the last part, based on the studies as noted, the article presents some implications on how to set up the induction program for newly appointed teachers in our country: establish clearly articulated induction goals, accumulate sufficient political and fiscal commitment, make individualized induction plan, pay attention to the continuum of the professional development, give the role of the mentors into full play, strengthen the coordination and collaboration between different institutions and agencies involved, build up the program monitoring and evaluation systems, and construct the culture of support and shared responsibilities in the schools.In a word, the essence of the Induction Program is to promote the professional development of the newly appointed teachers, based on which the overall quality of the teaching forces can be improved accordingly. To take lead in the development of Fundamental Education in the new century, we should learn from the successful practices of Japan, England and other countries and try to surpass them, so that we can establish systematic and well-structured Induction Program for the newly appointed teaches in our own country to ensure a good beginning in their career development.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】602

