

【作者】 李文莉

【导师】 张际平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 由于知识的有效期越来越短,使企业的每一个成员都面临着不断学习和提高的压力,学习成为这个时代的最强音,唯有快速学习才能赢得竞争。网络教育作为一种崭新的教育模式,是实现教育现代化、大众化、终身化和国际化的新型教育形式和必然途径。企业利用网上培训方式,不仅降低培训成本,而且节约培训时间,既提升成员的工作绩效,又提高企业的竞争力。网上培训凭借其优越的特性以超乎人们想象的速度发展起来。为此,本文对网上培训课程设计的相关理论进行分析,作为网上培训课程开发的指导原则,并且结合前人的研究提出了网上培训课程开发的模型,以期从务实的角度为企业开发网上培训课程提供理论和实践指导。 论文分为六个部分:引言部分主要讲述了本课题研究和开发的背景、目的及意义;第一章分析了当前国内外网上培训的现状,找出网上培训课程在设计和开发中存在的问题;第二章探讨了网上培训课程设计的理论基础,并据此构建出一种基于网络的企业培训课程的开发模式;第三章对网上培训课程的具体开发进行了详细的论述;第四章介绍了某企业《应用开发标准流程》网上培训课程的开发实例;最后一部分是结论与展望,主要对本课题的应用前景作了展望,并对进一步工作进行了分析。

【Abstract】 With the period of knowledge’s validity becoming shorter, all members in corporation are under the stress of continuing to learn and develop. Learning becomes the urgent need in this era. Only constant learning can achieves success. As a new educational mode, education based on network is a new form of education and an effective approach to realize the education’s modernization, popularization and internationalization. Using online training, corporation reduces training cost and saves training time, improves members’ performance and corporation’s competition. Online training is developed at the unimaginable speed with the nature of Web. Therefore, I will begin with the design of the online course and come up with the resolving scheme hi the view of respecting the fact.The thesis includes 6 parts. The preface mainly describes the background, purpose, and meaning of the research and development of the project. The first chapter analyses the status of online training currently at home and overseas, and finds out the problems with respect to designing and developing the online training course. The second chapter discusses the basic theories of designing online training course and gives a developing model of online training course. The third chapter describes the process of online training courses’ development in detail. The fourth chapter introduces a case about a corporation’s online training course Applied Development Standard Process. In conclusion, the thesis looks into the future of the system and analyzes the further work.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】434

