

【作者】 赵瑛

【导师】 沈霄凤;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 痛风(Gout)是一种古老的尿酸代谢障碍性疾病,它在我国的发病率逐年上升,但是,我国目前从事痛风防治的临床医师非常缺乏,临床上痛风的误诊或漏诊现象时有发生,由此延误了治疗时机导致病情恶化者亦屡见不鲜。重视和加强痛风临床诊治教学具有现实的紧迫性。另一方面,传统临床教学过程的不足之处日益凸现,如:课堂教学缺乏实际情境的支持,易造成知识惰性;学习评价以书面考试为主,不利于学生临床实践技能的发展;临床实习时间固定、指导教师有限,实习效果难以得到保障等。这些不足之处已经影响了痛风临床诊治教学的效果。 如何运用智能教学系统来弥补传统临床教学过程的不足,帮助医学院校提高痛风临床教学的效果,是一个具有现实意义的研究课题。 本论文在情境认知理论、建构主义学习理论等先进教学理论的指导下,综合运用多种技术、尤其是人工智能技术的支持,设计和开发了一个用于辅助痛风临床诊治教学的网上智能教学系统——Gout-ITS。该系统以真实性的临床诊治环境为依托、以典型病例的临床诊治过程为活动主线、由学生自主控制学习过程、由智能导师提供适当的指导和帮助、并有丰富的资源支持,具有情境性、实践性、个性化等特点,在使用过程中受到了师生的一致好评。

【Abstract】 Gout is a kind of uric acid metabolism abnormal syndrome with a long history. The infection frequency increases annually in our country. However, the number of the clinicians specialized in gout is in great need. As a result, misdiagnosis and failure in treating gout happen frequently. The best chances for treatment are often missed, which leads to the deterioration of the syndrome. Therefore, it is high time to pay attention to and reinforce the instruction of clinical diagnosis and treatment of gout. On the other hand, the deficiency of traditional clinical instruction becomes more and more obvious. For example, classroom instruction without real situation support causes inertia of knowledge; paper test does not help students develop practical clinical skills; fixed practice time and limited tutoring teachers hardly guarantee the effect of clinical practice. All these deficiencies have already negatively influenced the effect of the instruction.It is a worthy exploratory issue how to improve the effect of the instruction of the diagnosis and treatment of gout in medical colleges and to complement the deficiencies of traditional instruction by employing intelligent tutoring system (ITS).Based on the advanced theories such as situated cognition theory and constructivism learning theory, applying a variety of technologies, especially artificial intelligence, this thesis designs and develops a web-based intelligent tutoring system called Gout-ITS. The mission of the system is to assist the instruction of diagnosis and treatment of gout. The characteristics of the system include: constructing real world clinical diagnosis environment, the process of diagnosis and treatment of typical cases, controlling learning process by students independently, intelligent tutor providing appropriate help, and support of rich learning resources. Fortunately, the system received a good feedback in practical use.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】98

