

【作者】 周隽

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 教师这个职业一直被认为是压力最大的职业之一,自二十世纪中叶以来,国外关于教师压力的研究就一直是教育学和心理学研究领域的一个重点。本研究期望通过对上海市248名公办中学教师的调查,了解上海市中学教师的职业压力程度和来源,以及人口统计变量、教师心理健康水平和人格特征与教师职业压力水平之间的关系。研究结果显示: 1、50.81%的教师认为教师这个职业压力很大,7.66%的教师认为压力太大。这说明总体上,教师认为教师职业是一种富有压力感的职业。 2、、上海市中学教师的职业压力源可以分为人际关系、工作负担、学校管理、学生成绩、自我发展的需要、时间压力和教学条件等七个因素,这再次证明了国内外学者有关教师职业压力是多维度的结论。 3、教师职业压力水平与心理健康相关极其显著,在心理健康分指标中,压力水平与不适应、焦虑和紧张显著相关,与愤怒极其显著相关。女教师的心理健康水平低于男教师。教师的职业压力水平与人格中的情绪稳定性极其显著相关。 4、在所有影响因素中,工作负担和任教学科对教师职业压力有显著的预测作用,即工作负担越重,教师职业压力水平可能越高;教授主科的教师其职业压力水平要高于教授副科的教师。 为了缓解教师的职业压力问题,教师要有意识地学习和尝试有效的压力管理和应付方式;学校领导必须考虑不同职业阶段教师压力的特殊性以及所需的援助,并给予有效支持;教育行政部门应高度重视教师职业压力问题,要注意教育和课程改革要切合学校实际,为教师提供专业的心理辅导与咨询场所和人员,并对教师进行有效的职前和职后知识、技能培训。这对缓解教师压力、维护健康有很大的作用。

【Abstract】 Teaching is always considered as one of the most stressful professions. Since the mid-20th century, the study abroad on teacher stress has become the focus of education and psychology. This research, based on the survey of 248 teachers in Shanghai public middle school system, tries to reveal the level and sources of teacher’s professional stress, and discover the relationship between teacher’s professional stress and demographic variables, the level of teacher’s mental health and teacher’s personality. The result of the research suggests the following.1. 50.8 % of the teachers in the survey rate being a teacher as very stressful while 7.7 % of the teachers rate as extremely stressful. These display the fact that generally speaking, teaching is full of stressful.2. A principal components analysis of the sources of stress reveals seven factors labelled: relationship with others, workload, school administration, students learning results, need for self-development, time pressure and the teaching conditions.This has confirmed that stress in teaching is multidimensional.3. Teachers’ professional stress is extremely correlated with mental health.Among the indexes of meantal health,mal-adaption,anxiety and strain are correlated significantly with stress,and angry is extremely correlated with stress.Female teachers have a worse mental health than that of male teachers.Teachers1 professional stress is extremely correlated with neuroticism.4. Workload and subjects of teaching are the most outstanding: the more workload, the higher stress level a teacher may reach; teachers of Chinese, maths and English suffer more stress than those teaching other subjects.In order to relieve teacher stress, teachers have to take an active role in learning and practising effective ways of stress management; school authorities must take seriously the special features of stress in different teaching stages and what teachers need, and thus provide them with adequate supports; education executive departments should pay more attention to teacher stress, and the reform of the curriculum and administration should be appropriate to the situations of different schools; at the sametime the staff and service of professional psychological help should be available to teachers, so should the effective pre- and post-professional training programs and the training programs of teaching methodologies. All above is effective in the relief of teacher stress and protection of their health.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】1400

