

Application Technology Research on the Information Integration System of Equipment Maintenance and Process Supervisory and Control

【作者】 杨前进

【导师】 韩新民;

【作者基本信息】 机械科学研究院 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 未来制造业市场的基本特征是不确定性,表现为动态多变和不可预期。国际化或全球化是未来市场的重要特征,面对上述市场特征,制造企业为赢得竞争优势,必须从组织结构到生产方式发生巨大变化,采用先进的制造技术。在这种情况下,敏捷制造(Agile Manufacturing)和分散网络化制造(Distrute Network Manufacturing)等先进制造模式及使能技术得以迅速发展和广泛运用。上述变化引发企业需要建立一种面向制造过程的监控系统,对生产系统和运营的状况等信息流程进行监督和控制,这既是新模式下生产系统的根本需求,也是先进制造信息平台建设的基本要求。 目前的过程监控系统一般是针对设备状态劣化的过程的监控,涉及对制造过程状态的监测尚研究的甚少。本文认为,对过程的监控的基本内涵应当至少包含两个方面内容,一是对以时间为核心的过程性能的监控;二是对过程中各要素(人、信息、工具以及环境等)及其相互关系演化过程的监控。同理,对制造过程的监控也应当包含上述两个层面。一是对生产系统中设备状态的监控,另一方面是对制造过程中的相关流程信息的监控。 本文首先对设备维护理念的发展以及网络化制造模式进行了综述。通过上述的分析,得出了网络化制造模式的兴起,需要网络化的可重构制造系统的支撑,由于网络化可重构制造系统和传统的制造系统的差异对设备维护系统提出了新的需求。 本文应用维护系统与企业集成的二维关系图,阐明了企业集成的发展,需要相应的制造系统的支撑,也需要相应的维护系统的支持,需要上述系统的网络化、智能化和集成化。论文根据维护理念的发展和企业集成的需求,在对目前广泛应用的设备维护系统的缺陷进行深入分析的基础上,提出了一种开放架构的智能化的设备维护系统,实现了设备维护与企业其他系统的信息集成。研究针对组成联盟的不同的生产系统(常规系统和应急系统)的设备维护的需求,提出了不同的解决方案,在此基础上,通过对开放架构的智能化设备维护系统的功能扩展,提出了网络化可 摘要三.里皿.里.皿州用早皿口口皿巨重构制造系统的设备维护体系。将设备监控与过程监控功能的集成,实现对制造全过程的监控,是实施敏捷制造和网络化制造的前提。网络化制造模式特征之一,是制造活动分散在不同的主体中进行,项目实施过程中的任意一个环节问题,都可能影响整个网络制造过程的有效运作。因此,必须建立一种面向制造全过程的监控系统,实现对制造活动中相关状态信息的有效监控,实现对项目运作的有效管理与控制,保证动态联盟的效益。本文通过探寻设备维护系统与网络化制造体系的集成的需求,提出了二者的集成体系。在此基础上,首次就网络化制造中的设备维护与过程监控的集成技术进行了研究,建立了一种设备监控与过程监控的集成信息体系架构。 针对上述分布式的集成信息系统的结构,本文对其中的数据采集、集中处理和分发技术进行了重点研究。由于消息机制可以有效地解决分布式系统中的协调问题,本文引入消息机制,并结合依托项目国家863重大项目《基于制造资源优化配置的制造过程管理系统》(项目编号2001AA412020),进行了系统工作流程和软件系统的设计与开发,初步实现了网络化制造的可视化过程监控,在此基础上,通过软件开发,实现网络化制造的设备维护与过程监控的信息集成。 随着^sP(A即一ieation serviee provider,Asp)服务模式的不断发展,专门的服务外包己经逐渐成为一种新的发展趋势,设备维护也将会发展到专业ASP应用服务模式。本文通过对ASP服务模式的现状、发展趋势及其特点的分析,提出了采用维护服务数据中心模式,扩展本文提出的网络化可重构制造系统的设备维护体系。在此基础上,对ASP服务模式下的设备维护服务的基础架构进行了研究,分析了其基本架构,并建立了ASP服务模式下的设备维护体系架构。

【Abstract】 It is an. essential characteristic that the future manufacturing market should be uncertainty, which appears dynamic change and unexpectedness. The internationalization and globalization have become another key characters of the future market. Due to the above changes, the manufacturing enterprises who want to win the dominance of the competition, is forced to make great evolutions both in the organization structure and production mode, as well as adopting the advanced manufacturing technologies. Advanced manufacturing mode such as Agile Manufacturing and Distributed Network Manufacturing has been developed and widely used. Suit to above manufacturing architecture, manufacturing enterprises need to build supervisory and control system for enhancing supervising and controlling to the manufacturing system and business process, which faced to the whole manufacturing process. Therefore, this is the basic need of both Manufacturing System (MS) and the information platform of the advanced manufacturing architecture in manufacturing industry.Currently, the research on the monitor and control systems is focused on the equipment conditions degradation, and ignore the monitor of manufacturing process. It’s my belief that two aspects of process monitor and control should be concerned at least: one is the control of process performance which is based on time; the other, elements in the process (person, information, technology, environment and so on) and the changes of the relationships. From this point of view, the supervisory and control to the manufacturing process should also involve the two aspects mentioned above. One is to monitor and control the equipments condition in the MS, the other is to supervise and control the process.According to the progress of Networked manufacturing, a Network-based Reconfigurable Manufacturing system (NRMS) is needed. There are some difference between the NRMS and the traditional MS such as the manufacturing resource ownership and the process distribution which led to the idea evolution of equipment maintenance.In this paper, we discuss the relationship between maintenance system and enterprise integration, and conclude the following , with the progress of the enterprise integration, a kind of the network-based, moreintelligence integrated system of MS and the maintenance systems would be needed. According to the needs of maintenance exoterica and the enterprise integration, we put forward an intellectual equipment maintenance system (IEMS) framework, through which implement the integration of equipment maintenance system and the other information systems used in manufacturing enterprise. We research on the need of different manufacturing units, normal systems and the emergency systems, then provide some different solutions. As the result, the integration methodology of IEMS is expanded to NRMS Equipment Maintenance System (NREMS).In a NRMS, all the processes are fulfilled in distributed units, the whole manufacturing system will be break down while malfunctions happen, so it is very important to set up a Manufacturing Process Supervisory and Control System (MPSCS) to control the whole manufacturing process. In this paper, firstly, we discuss needs of the integration of the equipment maintenance system and the network manufacturing system, then analysis the integration of the two systems. Secondly, we research the integration technology and set up an information integration system of equipment maintenance system and MPSCS. Thirdly, we mainly research on the data collection, central manipulate and distribute technologies of the information integration system. It is also our contribution to introduce message mechanism into the system to improve the coordinative performance in distributed systems. Finally, we develop a software to illustrator the visual MPSCS in the network manufacturing architecture, which relied on our supporting project- Manufacturing Resource Optimize Based Manufacturing Process Management System which is sponsored by the national 863 plan,(project No.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】248

