

Growth Plasticity of Endangered Plant Changium Smyrnioides Wolff and Comparative Species to Soil Water

【作者】 樊梅英

【导师】 葛滢; 常杰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 生态学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从生理生态学的角度研究了濒危植物明党参及对照植物峨参和川明参在不同土壤水分条件下的生长,探讨水分对三物种生长的影响及植物的可塑性响应方式。 试验在浙大植物园内进行,所用植物为3物种的一、二年龄植株。共设3种水分处理,第一种饱和处理,土壤相对含水量(RWC)接近田间持水量,保持在90%~100%,当RWC降到90%时,浸水使之达到饱和;同样方法使第二种中度处理和第三种干旱处理的RWC分别保持在50%~100%和20%~100%。定期进行生长分析。结果如下: 1.明党参株高和冠幅、叶片形态大小、叶片数、根粗、根体积、叶生物量、根生物量、总生物量和RGR均随着土壤水分的增加而增大,而SLA、LAR、SRL和RLR则随着土壤水分的增大而减小。明党参植株分配较多的生物量到根进行储备,干旱条件下较湿润条件下更大,二年龄较一年龄分配的比例更大,生长末期较初期更多。 2.峨参的相应生长参数在4月生殖生长期与明党参随土壤水分的变化趋势相似;但在1月份的营养生长期,根长、根粗、根体积、叶生物量、根生物量、总生物量、RMR和SLA均以中度水分条件最大。二年龄峨参植株分配于根的生物量比例大于一年龄,干旱条件大于湿润条件。 3.川明参与明党参和峨参相应的生长参数基本以中度水分条件下最大,但叶生物量、LAR、葶分枝数、葶生物量和花伞数仍以饱和水分条件下最大;而1月份干旱条件下的RGR远高于其他两种水分条件,4月份则相差很小。 4.三物种的株高、冠幅、叶片形态大小和叶片数目均以峨参最大,明党参最小;RMR、SRL、RLR、RGR以明党参最高,川明参最低;根叶生物量始终以川明参最高,明党参最低;而SLA则以峨参最大,川明参最小。三物种的叶生物量、根生物量、总生物量、SLA、LAR、SRL、RLR和RGR对土壤水分的可塑性均较大,但可塑性程度为明党参>峨参>川明参。而株高、冠幅、叶片形态、叶片数目、生物量在器官间的分配(包括:LMR、RMR和根冠比)和LAR对土壤水分的可塑性均较小。 5.受到干旱胁迫的明党参植株在4月中旬叶片就已开始发黄,5月中旬地上部分已枯萎,而此时饱和水分条件下植株的叶片刚开始变黄,川明参和峨参均与明党参相似,干旱条件下植株的枯萎时间均早于饱和条件下。 6.水分胁迫下的明党参植株生长缓慢,生殖开始时间迟;而峨参植株在第二年的生殖时间较饱和条件下延迟了30d左右,产生的无性系个体也减少了近一半;川明参在室内栽培环境中当年即开花结实,干旱条件下生殖时间也延迟了20d左右,生殖投入明显降低。 7.3种土壤水分条件下,明党参和川明参植株一年龄至二年龄的存活率均为85.7%,而峨参较低,饱和条件下最高为71.4%,干旱条件下最低,仅14.3%。二年龄明党参和川明参未有死亡,而干旱条件下的峨参在营养生长期仍有40%植株死亡。 8.三物种的水分生态位有较大差别。明党参与峨参的理论水分生态位较为湿润,土壤相对含水量接近田间持水量;川明参比前两种偏干,在田间持水量的50%左右。3物种的实际生态位则为峨参>明党参>川明参。浙江大学硕士学位论文 明党参喜水,但物质积累慢,竞争力不足,在水分多的地方竞争不过快生长物种;虽然通过可塑性调节可以适应干旱环境,但其种子数量少,种群更新慢;个体寿命长,受干扰的机率大;根的药用价值高,使其易受采挖;加之人类对其生境的破坏,共同导致明党参种群数量日益稀少,直至濒危。

【Abstract】 The paper studied the growth of endangered plant Changium smyrnioides Wolff and its comparison plant Anthriscus sylvestri (L.) Hoffm and Chuanminshen violacewn in different soil water from physioecology and analyzed the effect resulted of soil water and the difference of model and size of plasticity of three species.The experiment was developed in arboretum of Zhejiang University. And plants are one year old and two year old of the three plants. We set up three soil water treatments: the first was saturation treatment, that is, relative water capacity (RWC) of soil approached water holding capacity (WHC) and keep in 90%-100%, dipped in water to make it renew saturation when RWC depress to 90%. Same to the second treatment (moderate treatment, RWC:50%-100%) and the third treatment (drought treatment, RWC:20%-100%). We observed the plants at intervals and harvested them at different growth season to carry out growth analysis. The result summarized as follows:1. Height, crown amplitude, size of leaves, leaf number, diameter of root, biomass of leave, biomass of root, total biomass and relative growth rate (RGR) of C. smyrnioides were all increase with soil water. But it was decreased with soil water for specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area ratio (LAR), specific root length (SRL) and root length ratio (RLR). C. smyrnioides would allocate more biomass to root for store with growing. The ratio of biomass stored in root of two year old plant was more than one year old, and drought than saturation, the last period of growth than start period.2. All the corresponding parameters of A. sylvestris were similar with C. smyrnioides in procreate period in April. But the parameters of root length, diameter of root, volume of root, leaf biomass, root biomass, total biomass, root mass ratio (RMR) and SLA had the maximal value in moderate treatment in vegetative period in January. The ratio of the root mass of two year old A. sylvestris was more than one year old, and drought than saturation.3. For C. violaceum, it is moderate treatment that all the corresponding parameters have the maximal value. But it still was maximal for leaf biomass, LAR, ramose number of stem, stem biomass and umbrella number of flower. And the RGR of drought treatment in January exceeded the saturation treatment largely, but the difference among treatments was small in April.4. Height, crown amplitude, size of leaves and leaf number of A. sylvestris were the largest among three species, and C. smyrnioides’s were the lest. But it was C. smyrnioides that had the气largest RMR, SRL, RLR and RGR, and it was C. violaceum that had the minimal value. Biomass of leaf, root and total plant were always maximal for C. violaceum and minimal for C. smyrnioides. For SLA, it is A. sylvestris and C. violaceum that had the maximal and minimal value respectively among the three species. The leaves biomass, root biomass, total biomass, SLA, LAR, SRL, RLR and RGR of three species had very obvious plasticity to soil water. But the plasticity degree of three plants to different soil water were C. smyrnioides> A. sylvestris > C. violaceum. And the plasticity of height, crown amplitude, leaves morphology, leaf number, allocation of biomass (including: LMR, RMR and shoot/root ratio) and LAR were low to soil water for all three species.5. The leaves of C. smyrnioides had been yellow in the end of April and the overground part of the plant had been blasted in the first of May. But at the same time, it just turned yellow for saturation treatment. And A. sylvestris and C. violaceum have similar tendency, that is, the plant in drought treatment blasted earlier than in saturation treatment.6. The time and the devotion of procreate of three species are both influenced by soil water. It is possible for three year old flourish plant of C. smyrnioide to flowering. It is later more for the plants stressed by drought. For A. sylvestris, it is usually the second year that plant flower and procreate and company with clone. The time of procreate would be delayed for

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】Q945
  • 【下载频次】193

