

Studies on the Introduction and Domestication of Ornamental Ferns and Their Propagation Techniques for Commercial Production

【作者】 金水虎

【导师】 丁炳扬;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 植物学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 观赏蕨类属于观叶植物类,指有一定的观赏价值,具美化、绿化、彩化和净化等功能的蕨类植物。因其独特的观赏特性、耐阴性,及其令人耳目一新的格调,博得了人们越来越多的青睐和欣赏。开展观赏蕨类资源的开发利用研究,对丰富园林配植素材,提高园林景观的观赏价值,拓展园林绿化的层次和空间,增加城市园林和城市林业的景观多样性和生物多样性,创造可观的经济效益和生态效益等具有十分重要的意义。本项研究侧重于观赏蕨的引种驯化、繁殖栽培技术、耐阴性及其净化居室环境的能力等几方面,主要结果如下: 1、观赏蕨类的引种和筛选 以气候相似理论和协调统一原则为指导,引种了大型、中型、小型野生观赏蕨45种,经栽培驯化和适应性观测,以及不同园林应用类型评价指标体系的建立,筛选了具有市场前景,适应我国亚热带和暖温带地区的观赏蕨:福建观音座莲、华南紫萁、金毛狗、胎生狗脊等大型观赏蕨4种;蜈蚣草、黄山鳞毛蕨、狗脊蕨、狭翅铁角蕨、紫萁、井栏边草、贯众、线蕨、白羽风尾蕨、肾蕨等中型观赏蕨10种;圆盖阴石蕨、铁线蕨、盾蕨、卷柏等小型观赏蕨4种。 2、观赏蕨类繁殖技术 (1)福建观音座莲宿存叶柄扦插繁殖:研究了不同年龄福建观音座莲的宿存叶柄、在不同基质和不同浓度的生根粉-6处理下的扦插成活率和生长情况。结果表明:在1园土:1泥炭的混合基质或园土中,成活率可达90%以上。4--7年生的宿存叶柄扦插苗的生长发育情况较好;不同浓度的生根粉-6处理4小时的扦插苗间的生长发育情况几无差异。当年生扦插苗的株高达25.5cm,发叶数为2.9枚。二年栽培植株基本成型,发叶数达5枚以上,叶长达46.3cm,株幅为74.4×71.2cm,可供园林应用。 (2)金毛狗孢子有性繁殖:在温度分别为22℃、25℃、28℃,相应的光照强度分别为14501x、26001x和38001x的培养箱内,研究了不同基质、不同插种密度、不同浓度的赤霉素和硼酸液处理下金毛狗孢子的萌发和原叶体生长发育情况。结果表明:28’C、38001x培养箱内森林腐殖土中的抱子萌发率最高,是在其它培养箱内同类基质的1.79一1.91倍。1000~1500粒/e耐密度的萌发率比2000~2500粒/CmZ和2500~3000粒/c mZ密度要好:用15mg/kg赤霉素处理的抱子萌发率比对照及用30mg/kg处理的略有提高。金毛狗原叶体向幼抱子体转化的转化率低于5%,0.02%浓度的硼酸能较好地提高其转化率,是清水对照的1.95倍,是0.04%浓度硼酸的1.64倍。 金毛狗抱子培养后3一5周开始萌发,抱子萌发后3一4周出现原叶体,经2~3周出现精子器和颈卵器,再经2一3周左右可出现幼抱子体。当年生小苗高5一SCm。 (3)福建观音座莲抱子有性繁殖:采用上述同样方法进行福建观音座莲抱子繁殖试验。结果表明:福建观音座莲的抱子萌发率低于0.1%。28℃、38001x比其它条件下的抱子萌发提早12一16天,原叶体出现的时间也要提早2周左右。 0.02%的硼酸可提高其原叶体向幼抱子体的转化率,达12.98%,是清水对照的2.16倍,是0.04%硼酸液的1.9倍。 福建观音座莲抱子播种后6一8周内就能发育成原叶体,再经4~6周幼抱子体陆续出现。当年生小苗高8一12cm。3、观赏获类的耐阴性对贯众、狗脊蔽、黄山鳞毛蔗等17种观赏蔗在不同光照水平下栽培2后进行叶绿素确值和光补偿点等的测定,以研究这些观赏蔗的耐阴程度。观赏藏在不同处理下的测定的叶绿素确值为0.17~2.33,光补偿点为1.个月各种0~8.l“mol·m一,·S一,。测定结果表明:贯众、狗脊蔽、乌蔽、黄山鳞毛蔗等17种观赏蔽均比较耐阴,但其耐阴程度存在差异,可将试验的观赏蔗的耐阴性由大到小分成三级。 I级:贯众、狗脊蔽、乌藏、黄山鳞毛蔗、红盖鳞毛蔗、福建观音座莲和铁线蔽。 n级:狭翅铁角获、齿缘瘤足蔽、肾蔽、棕鳞耳藏、粗齿紫其、井栏边草和金毛狗。 fll级:福建假毛旅、渐尖毛蔽和娱蛤草。 观赏蔽耐阴性的测定结果,可为各种特殊的阴生环境选择合适的观赏和绿化种类提供依据。4、观赏获类对甲醛的吸收 将肾荻、福建观音座莲、贯众、铁线蔗和井栏边草等观赏截分别置于不同甲醛浓度的对照环境中,15天后,进行萃取液甲醛吸光度测定,研究观赏藏类对甲醛的吸收能力。萃取对比实验发现:肾蔗、福建观音座莲、贯众、铁线蔗和井栏边草等观赏蔽具有较强的吸收消除甲醛的能力,试验植株吸收的甲醛含量是对照植株的6.25一10倍。

【Abstract】 Ornamental ferns are one part of ornamental foliage plants, which are characterized with such functions as beautifying, greening, coloring and purifying environment. Because of above characteristics and shade-tolerance for which they can be adapted to grow well in shading area, they have been increasingly favored and appreciated. In this paper, studies on the utilization of the ornamental ferns were conducted, which will be certainly beneficial to richening planting resources for landscape, to improving the ornamental value of landscapes, to expanding the space of greening, which will result in the diversities of landscapes and bio-diversities in city-landscape and city-forestry, and in considerable economic and ecological benefits. This study will mainly focus on the introduction and domestication, propagation techniques, the shade-tolerance of ornamental ferns and their ability of absorbing aldehyde (HCHO). The main results are showed as follows: 1. Introduction and selection of ornamental fernsBased on the theory of "the similar climate" and the principle of "correspondence match", 45 species of ornamental ferns were introduced, including such different sizes in height as large, middle and small. The prospective ornamental ferns which were adapted to the sub-tropical and warm temperate zone in China were selected, including Angiopteris fokiensis, Osmunda vachellii, Cibotium barometz, Woodwardia prolifera, Pteris vittata, Dryopteris whangshanensis , Woodwardia japonica, Asplenium wrightii, Pteris ensiformis var. victoriae, Pteris multifida, Cyrtomium fortunei, Colysis elliptica , Osmunda japonica, Nephrolepis auriculata, Humata tyermanni , Adicmtum capillus ,Neolepisorus ovatus and Sellaginella tamariscina, after the experiments on cultivation and domestication of ornamental ferns, based on which the evaluation indexes system of ornamental ferns were established.2. Propagation of ornamental ferns(1) Persistent petiole cutting propagation of Angiopteris fokiensisBased on the experiments on cutting of Angiopteris fokiensis, effects of petiole of different ages, different substrate and different concentration of ABT-6 on the survival rate and growth situation of Angiopteris fokiensis were studied. The results were showed that the survival rate was over 90%, when cultivated in the substrate (a mixture of the garden soil and peat-soil with the same volume), or in the garden soil. The seedlings developed from cuttings of persistent petiole of 4 to 7 years old grew well. There were little difference in growth situation among cuttings, which dipped in the liquid of different concentration of ABT-6 for four hours.The height was 25.5 cm, after cultivated one year, while the leaf number was 2.9. The number of leaf was more than 5 and the length of leaf was 25.5 cm, after two-year cultivation, and the plant formed a good shape, thus can be used for landscaping.(2) The sexual reproduction of Cibotium barometzBased on the experiments carried in three different culture boxes with different temperatures of 22癈, 25癈and 28癈 and the light intensities of 14501x, 26001x and 38001x correspondently, the effects of different substrates, densities, different concentrations of GA and baron-acid on germination of spores and growth situation of prothallium of Cibotium barometz were studied. The results were showed that the germination rate of spores was the highest when cultivated in the forest soil under the temperature of 28癈 and light intensity of 38001x, which was 1.79 to 1.91 times of the germination rate when spores were cultivated under other conditions. The germination rate of spores cultivated with density of 1000 to 1500 per cm2 was better than that of spores cultivated with densities of 2000 to 2500 per cm2 and 2500 to 3000 per cm2. The germination rate of spores, treated with GA in density of 15mg/kg, was a little bit higher than that of spores treated with 30mg/kg GA and that of spores treated with water. The transform rate from prothalliums to young sporophytes was less than 5%, which was very low.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】S682
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】702

