

Effects of Different Source Iron on Laying Performance and Egg Quality and Approach to the Mechanism of the Effects in Roman Hens

【作者】 唐胜球

【导师】 邹晓庭; 许梓荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题以商品代罗曼蛋鸡为试验对象,研究了纳米硫酸亚铁、甘氨酸螯合铁与硫酸亚铁对产蛋鸡产蛋性能与蛋品质的影响,并对其作用机理进行了初步探讨。 选375日龄健康的罗曼产蛋鸡645羽,随机分为五组,每组设三个重复,每组129羽,每个重复43羽。其中一组为对照组,即基础日粮中添加含铁80mg/kg(硫酸亚铁),另四组为试验组,分别在基础日粮中添加含铁80mg/kg(甘氨酸铁)、160mg/kg(甘氨酸铁)、600mg/kg(硫酸亚铁)、80mg/kg(纳米硫酸亚铁)。采用三层全阶梯笼养,自由采食和饮水,光照为16L+8B。预试期1周,正试期9周,饲养期间记录采食量、死汰鸡数、产蛋个数、破蛋个数、总蛋重以及平均蛋重等。饲养试验结束时,每组随机取24枚蛋(每个重复8枚),测定其蛋壳厚、比重、哈夫单位与营养组成成分等蛋品质。同时,从每组随机抽取体重相近的12羽(每组重复4羽),进行空腹屠宰,采集心、肝、肾、脾并测定其重,同时采集胸肌、十二指肠、输卵管、全血与血清等样品。心、肝、肾、脾测定其铁、铜、锌含量;胸肌样品测定铁、铜、锌与肌红蛋白含量;十二指肠与输卵管制作光镜切片观察其绒毛横断面的组织学形态;全血测定其血红蛋白含量;血清样品测定琥珀酸脱氢酶、铜兰蛋白、总铁结合力、转铁蛋白等生化指标。 饲养试验结果表明,与对照相比,添加80mg/kg的甘氨酸铁或纳米铁使产蛋率分别提高了1.92%(P=0.093)和3.28%(P=0.068);80mg/kg、160mg/kg甘氨酸铁和80mg/kg纳米铁使破蛋率分别降低了52.63%(P<0.01)、29.93%(P<0.05)和25.99%(P<0.05);不同铁源对平均蛋重、料蛋比、死汰率等均无显著影响。 蛋品质测定显示,80mg/kg甘氨酸铁使蛋壳厚、蛋比重和哈夫单位分别提高了14.79%(P<0.05)、0.72%(P<0.01)和9.83%(P<0.05),而80mg/kg的纳米铁分别提高了12.31%(P<0.05)、0.54%(P<0.01)和5.05%(P>0.05);沸之丈学硕士论丈:不同巍万对蛋鸡产蛋径砧与蛋品质时君嗬及并褚刀在理探扩蛋黄重、蛋清重、蛋壳相对重、蛋形指数、蛋黄指数等蛋品质各组间无显著差异。 从蛋黄营养成分分析可见,与对照相比,som眺g甘氨酸铁使蛋黄中铁、铜含量分别提高了6.10%(P>0.05)和32.11%(P<0.05),16Om叭g甘氨酸铁分别提高了41.79%(P<0.01)与犯.550,0(P<0.05),600mg/kg硫酸亚铁分别提高了46.200,0(P<0.01)和25.530,0(P>0.05),somg/kg纳米硫酸亚铁分别增加了43 .950,0(P<0.01)和27.660,0(P>0.05);somg/kg纳米铁还使胆固醇与对照比降低了25.11%(P<0.05);各组间的水分、维生素A、肌昔酸含量差异不显著。 蛋清营养成分测定结果表明,80m叭g甘氨酸铁使铁的含量提高了41.90% (P<0.05),粗脂肪降低了37.350,0(P<0.01);som眺g纳米铁使粗蛋白、铁和维生素A分别提高了8.78%(P<0.01)、72.01%(P<0.01)和13.66% (P<0 .05),降低锌含量25.80%(P<0.05);添加不同铁源对蛋清水分、铜、磷脂、肌昔酸无显著影响。 胸肌肌红蛋白分析显示,80m眺g纳米铁使胸肌肌红蛋白的含量比对照组提高了57.19%(P<0.01)。 十二指肠与输卵管微绒毛组织学结果显示:与对照相比,som叭g甘氨酸铁与som眺g纳米铁提高十二指肠绒毛高度和密度,1 60m叭g甘氨酸铁使其变短变稀,而600m叭g硫酸亚铁更短更稀;就输卵管而言,对照组、80m眺g甘氨酸铁与80m眺g纳米铁使输卵管发育良好,绒毛长度和宽度较为均衡;而80m眺g甘氨酸铁与600m叭g硫酸亚铁组的生长状况稍差,受到一定损伤。 全血中血红蛋白的含量检测结果为,试验1~4组比对照分别提高了29.03% (P<0 .01)、1 7.28%(P>0.05)、18.67%(P>0.05)、45,68%(P<0.01)。 生化指标测定可见,添加80m叭g的纳米铁使血钙、总蛋白、血红蛋白含量分别提高了2.44%(P<0.05)、21.27%(P<0.01)、28.71%(P<0.01);铜兰蛋白、唬拍酸脱氢酶活性与总铁结合力分别提高了45.68%(P<0.01)、40.“%(P<0.01)和62.38%(P<0.01);尿酸、总胆固醇含量与黄嘿吟氧化酶活性分别降低了16.47%(p<0.01)、46.64%(p<0.01)、45.80%(P<0.01)。80mg/kg甘氨酸铁使过氧化氢酶与铜兰蛋白活性分别提高了33.33%(P<0 .05)与23.19%唐胜球第2页03一05一22沛众犬学硕去论丈:不月拼滋对多礴产蛋径腊方蚤泥厉时岁嗬及并护刀农理军衬(P<0 .01);总胆固醇含量降低了33.98%(P<0.01)。600m叭g的硫酸亚铁使血钙、铜兰蛋白含量与超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶活性分别降低了4.68%(P<0 .05)、54.21%(P<0.01)、59.58%(P<0.01)和48.36%(P<0.01);总蛋白、尿酸水平与黄嗓吟氧化酶、一墟拍酸脱氢酶活性及总铁结合力分别提高了37.74%(P<0.01)、6.23%(P<0.05)、45.80%(P<0.01)、24.80%(P<0.01)和35.88%(P<0.01)。

【Abstract】 The present study was carried out to evaluate the different sources’ iron on laying performance and egg quality and approach to its mechanism in Roman hens.Six hundred and forty-five commercial healthy Roman laying hens of 375 days of age were randomly divided into five groups, each included three replicates of 43 layers. The layers were given a basal corn-soybean meal diet supplemented with different sources’ iron for a period of ten weeks, and the control were supplemented with 80mg/kg iron (FeSO4) trial layers were supplemented with 80mg/kg iron (Gly cine-iron) for test 1, 160 rag/kg iron (Glycine-iron) for test 2, 600mg/kg iron (FeSO4) for test 3, 80mg/kg iron (nanometer FeSO4) for test 4. All birds had free access to feed and water. Five hencoops equipped with three-floored were allotted to each treatment. The dietary pretreatment was fed for one week, and the period of test in deed was 9 week, during the 9 weeks, the every treatment was supplied 16 hours light and 8 hours black in turns. During the period of feeding trial, feeding intake, death percent, the amount of eggs lay, the number of broken eggs, the total weight of eggs and the weight of eggs average were written down, and so on. After thefeeding trials, 24 eggs (three replicates which were consisted of 8 eggs each) were randomly collected, and put into 4C refrigeratory to save for analyzing. At the same time, twelve hens of each group (three replicates which were consisted of four hens each) were randomly picked out slaughter, and samples required were collected.The data of feeding trial showed that there were not significant positive effect on laying performance among the different treatments (P>0.05), but treatment groups are superior to the control; Furthermore, trial layers increased the egg’s iron level compared with the control. In contrast to control, A concentration of 80mg/kg Glycine-iron and nanometer FeSO4 could raise the iron level by 6.10% (P>0.05), 43.95% (P<0.05) in yolk; 41.90% (P<0.05), 72.01% (P<0.01) in egg white. But there were not significant effect on the egg’s weight average, the percent of the total egg mass conversion, and the percent of broken eggs, etc.The results of the analyse of egg quality showed that 80mg/kg (Glycine-iron) and nanometer FeSO4 could improve the egg qualities, And 80mg/kg (Glycine-iron) could increase eggshell thickness, egg specific gravity, Haugh Unit by 14.79% (P<0.05), 0.72% (P<0.01), 9.83 (P<0.05), and 80mg/kg (nanometer FeSO4) could improve the eggshell thickness, egg specific gravity, Haugh Unit by 12.31% (P<0.05), 0.54% (P<0.05), 5.05% (P<0.05) compared with control.The anaylses of the yolk’s nutrition showed that the different sources’ iron had not significantly effects on the percent of water, vitamin A and inosine monophosphare (P>0.05), but at 80mg/kg (Glycine-iron) could increase the level of iron and copper by 6.10% (P>0.05) and 32.11% (P<0.05) contrast to the control; 160mg/kg (Glycine-iron) could increase the contents of iron and copper in yolk by 41.79% (P<0.01) and 32.88% (P<0.05) compared with control; 600mg/kg (FeSO4) group could increase the level of iron and copper by 46.20% (P<0.01) and 25.53% (P>0.05) contrast to the control; and iron in feed at 80mg/kg (nanometer FeSOJ increased the contents of iron, copper and cholesterol by 43.95% (P<0.01), 27.66% (P>0.05) and 25.11% (P>0.05) respectively.The investigation of the egg white indicated that the different sources’ iron in feed had not significant positive effects on the contents of water, copper, phosphatidic substance, inosine monophosphare. But 80mg/kg (Glycine-iron) could positive improve the content of iron by 41.90% (P<0.05); decrease the level of ether extract by 37.35% (P<0.01) in contrast to control. And 80mg/kg (nanometer FeSO4) could improve the contents of crude protein, iron and vitamin A by 8.78% (P<0.01), 72.01% (P<0.01), 13.66% (P<0.05); and decrease the level of zinc by 25.80% (P<0.05) in contrast to control.The results of hemoglobin analysis in the blood showed that each group in

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】4

