

【作者】 林伟连

【导师】 许为民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 1998年开始,我国研究生教育大幅度扩招,研究生教育进入跨跃式发展阶段,从而引发了越来越多的对研究生教育数量与质量问题的争论。2001年,中国加入WTO,随着一个又一个国际高等教育展的成功举办和愈演愈烈的“出国热”,又引发了人们对国内优秀研究生生源流失及教育国际竞争力的担忧。面对经济全球化的迅猛发展,社会要求研究生教育加快发展速度,提升研究生教育国际竞争力,推动我国研究生教育在激烈国际竞争中的持续发展。 在这一背景下,本文在回顾研究生教育国际竞争力相关研究的基础上,将研究生教育国际竞争力的概念界定为:研究生教育在参与国际竞争过程中,与其他高校相比所具有的吸引、争夺、拥有、控制和转化教育资源的能力以及在教学与科研水平、人才培养数量与质量等方面对社会政治、经济、科技、文化发展的影响力。由此,构建了以教育基础、教育投入、教育资源转化、教育产出为4个一级指标,包括10个二级指标,58个三级指标的研究生教育国际竞争力评价指标体系。根据该指标体系,选择教育部直属高校中的7所大学(北京大学、清华大学、浙江大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、南京大学、西安交通大学)为评价对象,对我国研究型大学研究生教育国际竞争力的现状进行了评价。通过评价发现,虽然这几年我国研究型大学在教育投入、学科发展、教学与科研水平、人才培养数量等方面提升较快,但是,与国际一流大学相比,我国研究型大学在吸引、争夺教育资源(如教育经费和教育生源)的能力还比较低,在科研能力和科研产出(如高水平科研成果和专利)等方面还有很大一段距离,在人才培养质量方面,更是缺乏顶尖的、国内外公认的科学家和政治、经济、文化领域的杰出代表。 最后,本文提出,研究生教育国际竞争力提升的途径是:一是加大探索世界一流大学和一流学科建设的力度;二是加快我国研究生教育国际化的进程;三是加强创新教育,全面提升研究生培养质量;四是注重制度建设,从制度层面确保研究生教育国际竞争力的提升。

【Abstract】 Since 1998, China’s postgraduates’ enrollment has been largely expanded. With postgraduate education entering the stage of spanning development, more and more disputes concerning the quantity and quality of the postgraduate education are triggered out. With China’s entering WTO in 2001, the success of successive exhibitions of international higher education and the increasingly drastic "going abroad" tide, people began to worry about the loss of the origin of excellent postgraduates and the decrease of international competitiveness of China’s education. Facing the fast development of economic globalization, efforts must be made to accelerate the development of postgraduate education, increase its International competitiveness and promote the sustaining development in an environment full of fierce competition.Under these circumstances, the dissertation reviewed the relevant research about international postgraduate education competitiveness and defined it as, a kind of ability possessed by one university to attract, grasp, own, control and transfer those educational resources during the process of competing with others in the world, as well as a kind of power to influence the teaching and research levels, the quality and quantity of talents with respect to the development of social politics, economy, technology and culture. As a result, this paper builds up a set of International competitiveness evaluation index system with four primary guidelines: educational foundation, educational investment, educational resources transition, educational output, including ten second-class indexes, fifty-eight third-class indexes. According to this system, seven universities that affiliated to Education Department including Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, and Xi’an Jiaotong University were chosen as evaluating objects. Through evaluating, we found that although ourcountry’s research universities had made great progress on the aspects of education investment, discipline development, teaching and research level and the numbers of talents, the ability of attracting and contesting education resources (i.e. education investment and the origins of students) of these universities were still at a low level compared to the first-class universities in the world. There is still a long distance between China and those universities in research and research output (i.e. high level research outcomes and patents). Particularly on the quality of talents, we’re in short of some top and world famous scientists and outstanding people in the fields of politics, economy and culture.In the end, the dissertation points out the approaches to promote the international competitiveness of postgraduate education. First, strengthening the force of exploring the experiences from the world-class universities and disciplines. Second, accelerating the internationalization of our postgraduate education. Third, reinforcing the education innovation and increasing the overall training quality. Fourth, emphasizing the institutional construction to ensure the promotion of international competitiveness of postgraduate education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】G643
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1062

