

【作者】 杨己宁

【导师】 崔华华;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高技术局部战争已作为一种崭新的战争形态登上历史舞台,它与以往战争形态有着根本的不同。打赢一场现代技术特别是高技术条件下的局部战争是我军新时期的军事战略方针,空军是技术密集型、受高科技发展影响最直接、最深刻的军种,在未来高技术局部战争中地位日益突出。高技术局部战争的实践使我们认识到,在未来高技术局部战争中,人不但要具备高科技军事素质,同时还要具备较高的政治素质、思想素质,没有坚定的政治方向,没有忠于党、忠于祖国、忠于人民的政治思想觉悟,就难以使高技术武器装备发挥应有的作用。十六大报告明确指出“始终把思想政治建设摆在军队各项建设的首位,永葆人民军队的性质、本色和作风”,这就赋予了我军政治工作“生命线”地位以新的时代内涵。所以在这种新形势下,空军思想政治工作地位重要,责任重大,加强对高技术条件下局部战争空军作战中政治工作的探索和研究十分必要。 本课题从分析高技术局部战争这一新的现代战争形态与以往战争的区别与联系入手,归纳总结了高技术局部战争的特点,及其对空军思想政治工作提出的要求。战争的空间扩展,要求空军思想政治工作必须增强覆盖性和渗透性;战争的速度加快,要求空军思想政治工作必须增强预见性和应变力;战争的烈度增强,要求空军思想政治工作必须体现坚定性和持续性;战争的智能度提高,要求空军思想政治工作必须提高科学性和自信心;战争的心理攻势猛烈,要求空军思想政治工作必须具有抗干扰性和反欺骗性。在此基础上,着重分析了当前和今后一个时期,空军思想政治工作面临的主要矛盾和问题。主要表现在:一是未来高技术局部战争的突发性、艰巨性与部分同志思想准备不足、信心不够充分的矛盾。二是抓紧做好空军军事斗争准备与少数单位训练指导思想不够端正、练兵积极性不高的矛盾。三是空军在打赢高技术局部战争中的地位作用日益突出与当前官兵素质不相适应的矛盾。针对这些矛盾和问题,结合高技术局部战争的特点和要求,我在充分调查研究的基础上,提出了高技术局部战争空军作战中思想政治工作的主要对策和任务。一要按照军委新时期军事战略方针统筹各项工作;二要辩证分析未来战争中我军的优势和劣势,坚定打赢高技术局部战争信心;三要加大人才培养力度,造就适应高技术局部战争空军作战需要的高素质人才;四要拓展战斗力增长渠道,确保部队的纯洁巩固和有效的瓦解敌军;五要全面打牢实现平时与困动匕酌业才尹拼资笋世必戈战时有效接轨的基础。通过多侧面、多视角的探索研究,为战时空军思想政治工作突破传统模式,确立新思路,努力开拓高技术局部战争空军作战中思想政治工作新局面作了有益的探索。在论文最后,对我军战时思想政治工作优良传统的继承与发展作了探讨,提出了对待优良传统必须认真继承,必须不断丰富充实、发展创新的科学态度。并在“坚持人民战争思想与注重军队质量建设”、“坚持人的因素是第一位的与人的素质必须不断提高”、“坚持历史上的一些有效做法与开辟新途径、采用新手段”等三个方面提出了自己的见解,希望通过在新的历史条件下的继承、创新,努力把我军战时思想政治工作提高到一个新的水平。

【Abstract】 The hi-tech part war has been on the history stage as a fire-new war status, which is ultimately different from the former one. The military tactic policy of our army is to win the part war under the modern technology, especially high technology. As air force is the dense technology army, which is affected by hi-tech development most directly and deeply, it occupies the protuberant position in the future hi-tech part war. The experience in the hi-tech part war teaches us that people should own not only hi-tech military diathesis, but also high political thoughts. On the contrary, people will not bring hi-tech weapon equipments into play without the steward political direction and loyalty to the party, homeland and people. The report on the 16th Central Committee of the Party clearly points out that the political construction should be put on the first place of all kinds of army construction to keep the character, prototype and style of people’s army, which endows new age contents to "lifeline" status of political work of our army. Based on all above, the air force political work has important position and great responsibility under this new situation, so it is necessary to strengthen the exploration and research of political work in the air force part war under hi-tech conditions.This topic begins with the analysis of the difference and connection of the hi-tech part war, a new modern war status, and the former war, then it concludes the features of the hi-tech part war and the requirements of air force political work. The space expand of war requires air force political work to strengthen the overlay and penetration, the rapid speed of war requires air force political work to strengthen the figuration and response, the high intensity of war requires air force political work to show firmness and persistence, the high intelligence of war requires air force political work to raise science and confidence, the intense mental offensive of war requires air force political work to antagonize interruption and cheat. On the basis of above discussion, this paper emphatically analyzes the chief contradiction and problems faced by air force political work in this and followed periods, which include: the contradiction among paroxysmal, arduousness and insufficient thought preparation and confidence, the contradiction between urgency of military preparation and the correct the training guidance thoughts and raise the exercise positivity. In order to resolve these contradiction, combining the features and requirements of hi-tech part time, I put forward the main countermeasure and assignment on the basis of adequate investigation and research: First, all work should be planned as a whole according to military tactic in the new age; Second, the advantage and shortage of our army in the future war should be analyzed and differentiated, so the confidence of win can be firmed. Third, the train of person with ability should be strengthened to train high quality person who adapt the requirements of hi-tech part air force war; Fourth, the battle effectiveness increasing channel should be expanded to ensure the pureness of army and the effectiveness to collapse the enemy; Fifth, the base on which ordinary time can be connected with war time should be established. Through the development from multi facets and visual angles, the war time air force political work breaks through the traditional model, new train of thoughts has been established, the new complexion of hi-tech part air force war has been exploited.At the last of paper, the inheriting and development of best traditions in political work of our army are discussed, the scientific attitudes to inherit tradition sincerely and innovation continually are put forward. Personal view points on these aspects, which3include insisting people war thoughts and army quality construction, Persisting that the factor of people is the first one and quality of people should be raised continually, and adhering some effective measurements. I hope the war time political work

  • 【分类号】E221
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】207

