

【作者】 孔锋

【导师】 刘卫东;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 武器系统与运用工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着鱼雷技术的发展,鱼雷对水面舰艇和潜艇的威胁越来越大。水面舰艇和潜艇的反鱼雷防御能力成为重要的研究课题。反鱼雷鱼雷是硬杀伤来袭鱼雷的一个重要武器。反鱼雷鱼雷技术的发展对提高水面舰艇和潜艇的生存能力具有重要的意义。 本论文的研究内容主要涉及反鱼雷鱼雷的弹道规划和多媒体仿真问题。主要工作有以下几个方面: (1)综述了反鱼雷鱼雷的研究概况及其制导的特点。着重描述了反鱼雷鱼雷制导面临的几个问题,并对其解决办法提出了初步的设想。 (2)在对来袭鱼雷和反鱼雷鱼雷的相对位置进行了分析研究,将受控对象的动态方程进行简化,建立了反鱼雷鱼雷的动态方程。 (3)采用最小能量指标,以零控曲面和迎面拦截为终端条件,进行反鱼雷鱼雷最优导引律的推导和论证。得到了反鱼雷鱼雷迎面拦截来袭鱼雷的最优导引律。根据鱼雷的制导规律,对最优导引律进行简化,得到了一个适用于反鱼雷鱼雷的次优导引律。并对导引律中参量的获取方法进行说明,形成了反鱼雷鱼雷导引指令。 (4)根据反鱼雷鱼雷的导引指令,在假定来袭鱼雷做尾追或比例攻击的情况下,对反鱼雷鱼雷的拦截情况进行研究。验证了导引律的有效性。 (5)针对来袭鱼雷和反鱼雷鱼雷平面运动情况,建立了精确的数学模型,设计了一个非线性导引律。 (6)利用混合遗传算法对非线性导引律中的参数进行寻优,得到了一个非线性导引律,并进行了混合遗传算法的程序设计和数值仿真。 (7)建立了基于VC下的OpenGL三维仿真模型,对反鱼雷鱼雷拦截来袭鱼雷进行了多媒体仿真。为观察、分析和评判反鱼雷鱼雷的拦截过程提供了研究平台。

【Abstract】 With the development of torpedo technology, torpedo does harm to naval ships and submarines more and more. The defending capacity of naval ships and submarines become an important project. The technology of ATT (Anti-Torpedo Torpedo) is an important aspect in anti-torpedo technology. It is very important to develop the technology of ATT to enhance naval ships and submarines’ viabilities.In this dissertation, the optimal control & homing law of ATT is explored and the Multimedia Simulation technology is discussed. Research works is follows:(1) The developing status and the specialty of the control & homing law of ATT is surveyed. Especially, the issues of the control & homing law of ATT that must be taken into account are reviewed.(2) On the basis of analyzing relative orientation of ATT and enemy torpedo, we simplified the dynamical equations of the control object.(3) Adopting minimal energy index, we present a head-on interception guidance law. We deemed the zero-effect state and the head-on interception as the terminal condition. According to the control & homing law of torpedo, the head-on interception guidance law is simplified. So, a control & homing instruction of torpedo is presented.(4) According to the control & homing instruction of torpedo, the performance of the ATT intercepting the enemy torpedo is evaluated. The results show preliminarily that the guidance law possesses superior performance.(5) Studying the plane motion of the enemy torpedo and ATT, we generate the precise model. We design a Non-linear control law.(6) An efficient hybrid genetic algorithm is applied to seek for optimum solution to the Non-linear control law. We devise genetic algorithm program and carry through numerical simulation.(7) The Multimedia Simulation process that has 3D real graphics display function is realized. The software can evaluate the performance of ATT.

  • 【分类号】TJ630
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】311

