

【作者】 余进

【导师】 周兴社;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 无人作战飞机(Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles)是近几年发展起来的一种先进空中武器系统,是现代化空战的重要研究方向。任务控制站是UCAV系统的控制与管理平台,开展无人作战飞机任务控制站仿真技术研究具有非常重要的理论意义和应用前景。本文结合国防973项目“无人作战飞机总体基础技术研究”的子课题——“人素工程与人机智能接口基础技术研究”,对UCAV任务控制站的仿真模型和实现机制进行了重点研究,完成的工作主要包括: 在详细分析UCAV任务控制站的功能需求和任务分解的基础上,确定了不同层次UCAV控制操纵人员的任务和操作规范,设计了合理的虚拟飞行员、任务指挥官和战区指挥官的人机界面; 采用虚拟现实技术和分布式交互仿真技术设计并实现了UCAV虚拟座舱仿真系统,对其关键技术包括航电显示仿真、视景仿真和网络通讯机制进行了深入研究; 在实时三维建模工具MultiGen Creator的基础上,采用不规则网格算法和明细度分层控制的方法,建立了三维视景模型(包括地形、场景、实体等),并利用Vega实现了视景驱动和实时仿真。 本文最后对所建立的UCAV虚拟座舱仿真系统进行了实时仿真,经验证系统不仅满足了对视景的逼真度要求,同时保证厂其实时性。 论文研究成果通过了国防973项目阶段验收,其关键技术在其它重点型号仿真系统中得到了应用。

【Abstract】 The Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles is an advanced air weapon system that developed rapidly in the last several years. The task control station is the control and manage center of UCAV. Thus the research of simulate technology about UCAV task control station take a very important place in the UCAV research. The topic of this paper is come from the Nation Defense 973 project of "UCAV foundational technology research: The foundational technology research on human factor and intelligent interface of human-computer."First, after analyzing the functional requirement and task partition of the UCAV task control station, the hierarchy of UCAV operating peoples , the relative task and operate criterion of different level operators are been confirmed. At the same time ,the reasonable human-computer interfaces are designed separately for the virtual pilot , the task commander and battle commander.Second, Using the VR and DIS technology, this paper designed and completed the UCAV virtual cockpit simulation system, and solved several problems on avionic display simulation, vision simulation and the communication mode of the network.In this paper, a 3-dimension view model (including terrain, scene and objects) is founded using the real-time modeling tool, MultiGen Creator, and the model is drove by using the Paradigm Vega tool.The real-time simulations are carried out at the end of this paper. As the result, the reality of the virtual cockpit simulation system is satisfying.

  • 【分类号】V279
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】303

