

Study on the Construction of Stock Option Stimulation System of Chinese Enterprises

【作者】 秦宏

【导师】 侯军岐;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国企业改革的目标是建立现代企业制度。而现代企业制度下,所有权与经营权的分离在企业所有者与经营者之间形成了委托——代理问题,这是企业治理所要解决的核心问题。股票期权机制是解决这一问题的有效手段。发达国家普遍采用股票期权机制作为企业的长期激励方式,但是在我国对此研究与实践并不多,因此,需对构建适合我国企业的股票期权激励机制进行研究。 本文在对我国企业实施股票期权激励机制的现状和制约因素进行分析的基础上,提出了构建中国企业股票期权激励机制的系统思路,并提出了优化我国股票期权环境的五条对策。 全文共分五部分,现分述如下: 第一章,导言。阐述了研究的背景、目的和意义,并简要介绍了国内外研究动态,确立了本文的研究思路和研究方法,是本文后继研究的基础。 第二章,股票期权的基本理论。首先对股票期权进行简要介绍,包括股票期权的涵义、激励逻辑和基本特征;接着介绍了股票期权的理论基础,包括企业不完备契约理论、人力资本理论和委托——代理理论;最后分析了股票期权激励的正面效应和负面效应。 第三章,中国企业实施股票期权激励机制的实证分析。首先对中国企业实施股票期权激励机制的现状进行了个案分析,在此基础上得出了制约股票期权实施的四个因素:股票市场有效性不强;有效的经理人市场尚未建立;公司治理结构不完善,缺乏约束机制;相关法律法规的缺乏。 第四章,中国企业股票期权激励机制的构建。提出了构建的系统思路:(1)应遵循激励机制与约束机制相结合的原则,和短期激励与长期激励相结合的原则。(2)方案设计,指出在我国实施股票期权的企业范围主要应为上市公司、高科技企业、民营企业和竞争性企业这四类;股票期权受益人应为公司的关键人;行权股票主要来源于增发新股、大股东转让、虚拟股票期权和以其他方的名义回购。(3)具体操作,涉及到股票期权的授予、授权、行权、期权股票的处置和其它常见情况的处理等环节。(4)企业实施股票期权的管理。 第五章,中国企业股票期权环境的优化。首先提出了股票期权环境的概念,指在实施股票期权过程中影响其实施有效性和公正性的综合条件。包括内部环境二个要素和外部环境三个要素。接着分别提出了优化外部环境的三条措施,即建立公正的、市场化的经营者选拔机制;建立比较有效的证券市场;完善相关的法律法规。优化内部环境的两条措施,即完善公司治理结构和建立科学的业绩评价体系。

【Abstract】 In China, the goal of enterprise reform is to build modern enterprise system. Under the system, the seperation of ownership and operating right of the enterprise results in the principal-agent problem. This is the core for the enterprise governance to solve. Stock option system is the effective measure to solve this problem. Stock option system is used more and more extensively by the enterprises in developed countries. But there exists difference between our country and developed countries in stock option environment. So it is necessary to study the construction of stock option stimulation system suited to our country’s enterprises.On the basis of analyzing the present conditions and the restricting factors of Chinese enterprises’ stock option stimulation system, this thesis puts forward the systematic train of thought of constructing Chinese enterprises’ stock option stimulation system. And also raises five countermeasures to optimize our country’s stock option environment.Chapter 1, the background, purpose , meaning and the research trends are introduced. Fundamental theories of stock option are exhibited in chapter 2, including the conception, the stimulation logic, the characteristic, the theory base and the stimulation effect. Chapter 3 is the positive analysis on practice of stock option stimulation system of Chinese enterprises. Four restricting factors are drawed up. In chapter 4, the systematic thinking of constructing Chinese enterprises’ stock option stimulation system is as follows: two principles must be complied with; the enterprises range, the beneficiary and the stock sources are clearly designed; the concrete operating links and the effective management are also illuminated. Chapter 5 is the optimization of Chinese enterprises stock option environment. There are five factors of stock option environment. Five countermeasures are proposed to optimize our country’s stock option environment.

  • 【分类号】F271
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】304

