

Identification of Tobacco Viruses in Shanxi Province & Distribution of Virus Community

【作者】 王秀敏

【导师】 吴云锋; 成巨龙;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物病理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来陕西烟草病毒病发病情况日趋严重,严重影响了烟草的优质丰产。本实验调查了2001年陕西省烟草病毒病的发病情况,利用生物学测定,血清学反应,电镜观察等一系列病毒研究方法,首次对全省烟草病毒毒源进行鉴定,了解了不同地区烟草病毒病病原的优势类群,为有目的的进行病毒防治,制定综合防治策略提供了依据。 鉴定结果显示,全省烟草上主要流行的病毒病有普通花叶病毒病,烟草蚀纹病毒病,黄瓜花叶病毒病和马铃薯Y病毒病。在采集鉴定的165个罹病烟株中,TMV最多(占总标样的20.61%),其次分别是TEV(19.39%),CMV(18.79%),PVY(9.7%),TRSV(2.4%)。值得注意的是,与1989-1991、1998-1999年的鉴定结果相比较,TEV有明显的上升趋势,PVY也有上升的趋势,而CMV和TRSV都有所下降。 为了对防治策略的制定更有针对性的指导意义,实验同时对陕西各地市的烟草病毒病情况进行了分类研究。研究显示,安康和咸阳烟区的主要病毒类群均为TMV和CMV,但是咸阳地区两种主要病毒类群的复合侵染的比率要明显高于安康地区;铜川地区和延安地区的主要病毒类群为TEV和CMV,相比较其它地区,这两个地区的TMV所占比重明显降低,分别为4.55%和12%;商州地区则以TMV和PVY为主要的病毒类群。鉴定结果表明,在气候相对干旱,灌溉条件不是很好的地区,如延安和铜川等地的蚜传病毒病就明显重于其它地区,而一些耕作措施,比如烟叶收获后病株茎干的处理方式等可能会影响土壤传毒TMV的发生情况。 采用侵染性测定法和酶联免疫吸附法对采回的烟草种子进行了带毒检测,结果表明种子均不带毒,播种后的幼苗也不携带病毒。 本研究通过细致翔实的生物学实验鉴定了陕西各个烟区烟草病毒病的毒源种类情况,为进一步做好防治本省烟草病毒病的工作打下坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 The disease of tobacco virus occurs widely, and it is gradually serious. This affects tobacco quality and yield, and has become an urgent problem to resolve immediately. We start to investigate and identify the pathogen of tobacco virus from 2001. It has directed the function of preventing and controlling the virus disease, and is the basis of integrated management.In 2001 year, 165 typical samples were collected in tobacco producing regions in Shaanxi province. Five viruses were identified by biological determination, serological assay(Double diffusion and Enzyme-linked immiuno-sorbbent assay) and electron microscopy observation. The most predominate virus was TMV, and the next ones were TEV, CMV, PVY and TRSV. The rates of their occurrence were 20.61%, 19.39%, 18.79%, 9.7% and 2.4%, respectively. Simultaneously the complex infection of TMV and CMV is also a crucial problem to be paid attention to. Compared with that of 1989-1991 and 1998-1999 years, TMV and PVY have been increased obviously, but CMV, TEV and TRSV have been descended.Additionally, we proceed to investigate the occurrence of tobacco virus in different regions to establish preventative strategy. The result showed that TMV and CMV were epidemic species in Ankang and Xianyang, and the rate of complex infection of TMV and CMV in Xianyang was higher than that of in Ankang; TEV and CMV were predominant ones in Tongchuan and Yan’an., and the rates of TMV were 4.55% and 12%, which lower than that of other regions. The predominant viruses were TMV and PVY in Shangzhou. The disease of tobacco virus, which were transmitted by aphids in Yan’an and Tongchuan, occurred more seriously than in other regions if in dry weather, bad irrigation condition and unreasonable methods of dealing with tobacco stems, and it maybe cause TMV’s occurence widely by soil transmission.Detection of tobacco seeds was conducted by the methods of host inoculation and ELISA. The results showed that no virus could be found in the seeds and the seedling was healthy, too.

  • 【分类号】S435.72
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】167

