

Study of Resveratrol in Grapevine

【作者】 马远

【导师】 张振文;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)系统研究了酿酒葡萄品种(系)梅尔诺(Merlot)和8804的叶片、果实、嫩梢、副梢和卷须内白藜芦醇的含量,分析了葡萄叶片和果实生长发育过程中自藜芦醇含量的变化规律,并且还探讨了霜霉病与葡萄叶片中白藜芦醇含量的关系。 取得的主要结果如下: 1.在葡萄生长发育的过程中,叶片内白藜芦醇含量出现两个高峰。白藜芦醇含量在新梢生长初期,随着叶片生长而增加,在新梢生长旺盛时期白藜芦醇含量达到最高,出现第一个高峰。随着新梢生长减缓,白藜芦醇含量逐渐降低;在叶片脱落前一段时间,白藜芦醇含量又增加,出现第二个高峰,接着降低。梅鹿特出现白藜芦醇含量的第一个高峰时,白藜芦醇含量高达9.8602μg/g,而8804出现白藜芦醇含量的第一个高峰时,白藜芦醇含量高达8.3450μg/g。梅鹿特出现白藜芦醇含量的第二个高峰时,白藜芦醇含量为2.5996μg/g,而8804出现白藜芦醇含量的第二个高峰时,白藜芦醇含量高达4.4369μg/g。 2.在葡萄生长发育的过程中,果实内白藜芦醇含量仅出现一个高峰。白藜芦醇的含量随着果实生长而增加,在果实成熟前一段时间,白藜芦醇的含量达到最高,在果实成熟时白藜芦醇含量反而降低。梅鹿特出现白藜芦醇含量高峰时,白藜芦醇含量高达1.2113μg/g,而8804出现白藜芦醇含量高峰时,白藜芦醇含量高达0.9317μg/g。 3.霜霉病与葡萄叶片白藜芦醇含量呈现出一定的关系,叶片中度感病时白藜芦醇含量最高。感染霜霉病的葡萄叶片中白藜芦醇的含量高于健康叶片,随着叶片的感病面积的增大,白藜芦醇含量增加,特别是病害严重度达三级病害(叶片感病面积达51~75%),白藜芦醇含量达到最高。病害严重度达四级病害(叶片感病面积达到75%以上),白藜芦醇含量降低。梅鹿特感病叶片白藜芦醇含量最高可达18.6072μg/g,而8804感病叶片白藜芦醇含量最高可达12.3143μg/g。 4.葡萄的嫩梢、副梢和卷须里也含有一定量的白藜芦醇,我们就可以利用它们提取白藜芦醇。

【Abstract】 Resveratrol contents in leaves, berries, shoots, secondary shoots and claspers of grape -vine Merlot and 8804 were determined with HPLC (High performance liquid chromatogr-aphy). Change of resveratrol content in leaves and berries were determined in different growth stages. The relationship between resveratrol content in leaves and downy mildew has also been discussed.The main results from this study were as followings:1 .Resveratrol content in leaves has two peaks during grapevine growth stages.Res-veratrol content was increased with leaves growing accordingly and reached to the first peak point at shoot vigorous growth stage. Then it declined with shoot growth being weaken. A short time before defoliation, it showed the second peak, finally declined. Resveratrol contents in leaves of Merlot and 8804 were 9.8602μg/g and 8.3450μg/g at their first peak and were 2.5996μg/g and 4.4369μg/g at their second peak respectively.2. Peak content of resveratrol was found once in berries. The content was increased with berries growing accordingly and reached the peak point just before ripeness. Its content declined when berries were ripe. The peak contents of resveratrol in berries of Merlot and 8804 were 1.2113μg/g and 0.9317μg/g respectively.3. Definite relationship was found between downy mildew and resveratrol content in leaves of grape. Resveratrol content in leaves infected by downy mildew was higher than that in healthy leaves. The content increased accordingly with the increasing infected area of leaves and reached the peak point when the severity of disease increased to the third grade (infected area of leaves is about 51 -75%). When the severity increased to the forth grade (infected area of leaves is above 75%), resveratrol content began declining. The peak contents of resveratrol in infected leaves of Merlot and 8804 were 18.6072μg/g and 12.3143μg/g respectively.4. Shoots, secondary shoots and claspers of grapevine contain some resveratrol and can be used for resveratrol extracting.

【关键词】 酿酒葡萄白藜芦醇霜霉病高效液相色谱法(HPLC)
【Key words】 GrapevineResveratrolDowny mildewHPLC
  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】624

