

A Study on Ancient Flowering Historical Literature of China

【作者】 黄雯

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 科学技术史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文立足现代观赏园艺学,结合古代花卉园艺传统理论知识及栽培技术经验,试图形成对中国古代花卉文献的系统认识与研究,全文共分六个部分: 第一章 概论 为了对古代花卉文献有一个正确的认识,我们对以下诸问题作了交代:花卉文献的涵义与研究范畴的界定,明确花卉文献的概念;对古代花卉文献作以简要概述,同时对文章中所运用的研究方法和可能创新之处略作说明;古代花卉文献具有重要的学术史料、科学及文化价值;传统花卉园艺技术和经验可为当今所借鉴和利用。 第二章 花卉文献的类型 花卉文献的类型既有数量基础,又有学术意义,可按不同标准划分为各种类型,本文主要从体裁和内容范围、地域性、作者三方面进行划分,以此阐明花卉文献的类型特征。 第三章 花卉文献的历史演进 为了对古代花卉文献有个总体性的把握,本章将其划分为萌芽、形成、全面发展和繁荣四个阶段,并对每个阶段的内容、特色及成因进行了系统的分析,阐明了花卉文献的传承和演变过程,进而表现出传统花卉园艺的进展和花卉园艺学理论的形成。 第四章 花卉文献的区域性 花卉栽培有其非常强的地域性特点,因而形成了独具特色的区域性花卉文献。其中重点以洛阳、苏杭及天府之国的成都的文献为代表,论述其花卉文献形成的原因及内容。 第五章 花卉文献中的园艺技艺 总结历代花卉文献所记载的园艺技术知识及其结构布局,阐述花卉文献技术体系的主要方面:栽培法、育种和繁殖、养护与管理、收获与贮藏及种类与品名,体现出它们各自不断发展完善的过程。 第六章 花卉文献中的花卉业 花卉栽培在我国有悠久的历史,但是,在中唐之前花卉栽培量较少,栽培地点多限于宫廷和豪家贵室的宅院之中。而且花草种艺,向受轻视,被唐以前的农学家所不齿。自中唐时起,伴随着农业商品化程度的逐步提高,花农便开始从农桑种植业中分离出来,形成一种专业性种植队伍,同时城市的繁荣及社会赏花风气的影响,花卉商品化程度得到进一步发展,本节依据大量史料,论述古人发展花卉生产的可贵经验,体现花卉业从无到有、从小到大逐步发展壮大的过程。

【Abstract】 Ancient flowering historical literature is belonging to the Chinese traditional culture. It is very lamentable if we could not sorting and research the cultural heritage of agriculture. The paper is attempted to recognize the Chinese ancient flowering historical literature by the comprehensive argumentation. It is divided into 6 parts as follows:Chapter one: The part of the paper discusses the implication and the scope of the ancient flowering historical literature so as to comprehend the concept. The ancient flowering literature has important value of literature, science and culture and can be used for utilization or reference to present horticulture because the ancient flowering literature records rich horticulture production knowledge, which includes much technique and experiences that not only fit in with Chinese condition but also has scientific spirit.Chapter two: It has not only quantity foundation but also science significance for the system of the ancient historical literature. Which can be divided into various types according to different criteria. The part puts forward the opinion concerning the system of ancient flowering literature on the bases of appraising the pasts.Chapter three: Giving a complete research on ancient flowering historical literature from Xia Dynasty up to the end of Qing Dynasty, We divided the literature into 4 stages and systematically summarize the contents , features and reasons of each phrase.Chapter four: Flower cultivate has strong region character, so ancientflowering literature also has the unique character of the region. This chapter discuss the content of the literature , such as Luo yang, Su hang and Cheng du, then study how and why the literature formed.Chapter five: The part summarizes the recorded ancient horticulture technique and the overall arrangement of ancient flowering literature. Expound that the horticulture technique system of ancient flowering literature includes five main aspects as follows: (1) cultivation, (2) reproducing, (3 ) managing, (4) gains, (5) type, which development and improvement are showed.Chapter six: With the city booming and interest in flower increasing, the flowering industry is developing rapidly. It would be significant to systematize the ancient flowering literature. So the chapter discusses the process of ancient flowering industry developing and studies the valuable experience that came from the process.

  • 【分类号】S-092
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1203

