

Research of an Expert System for Evaluating the Indoor Environment

【作者】 钟云志

【导师】 王蓝; 贾相成;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 人们有80%以上的时间处于室内,室内环境质量的好坏直接影响到人们的身体健康和生活质量。如何对室内环境进行科学有效地评价成为人们研究的热点。专家系统的产生、发展和广泛应用给人们提供了一个研究环境问题的新工具,为解决复杂的环境问题提供了新思路。本文以室内环境为研究对象,分别从热舒适环境、听觉环境、视觉环境和空气品质四个方面对影响室内环境的物理污染、化学污染、生物污染和放射性污染做了较详细的论述。室内环境的主要问题是室内空气质量,本文确定了以室内空气质量为主的评价指标及空气质量综合评价指数,并对前人评价室内环境的空气质量指数做了改进和完善,为专家系统的编制提供了依据。本系统可以帮助人们快速地对室内空气质量作出评价,并对评价的结果给出合理的解释。 本文以基于规则产生式专家系统的人工智能技术为研究方法,系统地研究了室内环境复杂的对应关系,初步建成了以室内空气质量评价为主,基于CLIPS的推理技术和Delphi数据库技术为开发方式的专家系统。系统主要包括数据输入模块、评价推理模块、评价结果输出模块、规则库编辑模块等。系统将数据库和事实库关联起来,用户把评价数据输入到数据库,系统一方面可以利用数据库技术对数据进行必要的处理,同时也将数据库和专家系统中的事实模板相对应,相关字段和专家系统事实模板中的槽相对应,为系统推理做准备。数据库字段内容的变化将影响到事实模板中槽值的变化,大大方便了用户对事实的输入。考虑到室内环境空气污染的特点和超标的污染因子值对人体健康的影响作用,在环境质量评价方法的基础上,应用室内空气综合质量评价的概念,以污染因子的综合评价指数反映室内空气污染物对人体健康的影响程度。系统使用SQL对室内空气质量指数进行计算,对导致空气质量变化的原因使用推理完成。同时系统可以从事实、规则、激活等方面对推理的过程进行监视。规则库编辑模块可以让用户查看已存在的规则和对规则进行编辑、添加等操作,体现了系统的可扩充性。 该专家系统采用了多种计算机技术,界面友好,操作简便,系统事实库、规则库易于修改、扩充与维护。 研究表明,利用基于规则的推理技术开发室内环境评价专家系统,具有重要的理论意义,并可大大提高系统的实用性,关键在于提供优质的专家知识。

【Abstract】 People have the time more than 80% to be in indoor, indoor environmental quality that can directly affect Life quality and the health of people.Evaluating indoor environment efficiently and scienctific to become the hot point that people study. With develop of expert system, it offer people a new research tool and a new thought for solve complex environment problem. This paper with indoor environment as research content, make more detailed exposition from hot comfortable environment, hearing environment, visual environment and air quality aspects for the physical pollution, chemical pollution, biological pollution and radioactive pollution that affects indoor environment. The major problem of indoor environment is indoor air quality. This paper has determined with air quality comprehensive evaluating index.This system can help people make evaluation fast for indoor air quality, and the result for evaluation gives reasonable explaination.The research method of this paper is technique of the artificial intelligent technology of producing expert system based on rule. Indoor environmental corresponding relation has studied systematicly, indoor environment evaluation expert system has established, expert system of development way based on the inference of CLIPS and technical and Delphi database technology. System includes data input modular, appraisement inference modular, evaluation result export modular and rule editor modular. System database and fact base will each other, when evaluation data to be input into database, on the one hand system can treat with data in database , at the same time the fact also will corresponding with slot of fact list, preparing for system inference. The change of database field content will influence the slot in fact list. With consider of characteristic of indoor Pollution and influence of the health of human body by excessive pollutive factor value.under the foundation of environmental quality evaluation technique, apply the concept of the indoor air evalation of quality to pollute the comprehensive evaluation index of factor, reflect the influence of indoor air contaminant for the health of human body. Useing SQL calculates for indoor air quality index, useing inference for the reason of causing air quality change. At the same time, system can watch fact, rule, activation and other aspect for the course of inference. Eule base editor modular can let user look over rules existed in rule base and also operate rules with edit, add, delete.This expert system has adopted various computer technology, it is simple and convenient and interface is operated friendly, systematic fact base and rule base are easy to modify, expand and maintenance.Developing indoor environmental evaluation expert system with the inference technology based on rule have important theoretical signification , and that can raise the practicality of system greatly, Offer excellent expert knowledge is key.

【关键词】 专家系统CLIPS环境质量指数
【Key words】 Expert systemCLIPSEnvironmental quality index
  • 【分类号】TP182
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】524

