

A Critical Technology Research of Automatic Water Delivery and Distribution in Thrift Irrigation District

【作者】 武桦

【导师】 韩克敏;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水利水电工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 灌溉管理自动化是世界先进国家发展高效农业的重要手段,为了适应新形势下的新型灌溉农业模式,在灌区实现输配水系统“采集控制自动化、传输网络化、存储数字化、决策科学化”,提高灌区的自动化管理水平,具有现实而深远的意义。 本文在全面分析灌区现状、需求及国内外相关技术发展现状及趋势的基础上,将现代通信技术、自动测量与控制技术、GIS以及可视化技术等高新技术应用于灌区输配水自动化中,抓住其中迫切需要解决如水位流量的自动测量、闸门群的远方监控、抽水泵站的计算机监控以及灌区通讯组网等问题,进行了重点突破,通过不同行业和学科相互渗透和交叉,建立了节水灌区输配水可视化调度管理决策支持系统。该系统可对灌区输配水水情进行远方遥测,并对闸门、泵站进行实时控制,并由配水控制中心统一调度和管理,形成一个有灌溉网点组成的管理调度系统,初步实现按需、按期、按量自动供水,做到计划用水、优化配水。根据理论联系实际的原则,选择陕西石门灌区作为实证对象,在大量调研和分析已有研究成果的基础上提出了石门灌区输配水自动化系统的最优方案,并开发出相应的应用软件。

【Abstract】 In developed countries, automatic management of irrigation water is an important way to progress efficient production agriculture. To fit the new model of irrigation agriculture, it has actual and far-reaching meaning to realize a water delivery and distribution system of automatic collection, net transmission, digital memory and scientific decision for irrigation areas and then to improve their automatic management level.First, under systematical analyzing the present condition and requirement of irrigation areas and the relative technologies’ present condition and development direction of inside and outside countries, this paper apply new technologies, such as modern communication technology, automation measure technology, control technology, CIS and visual technology etc, to automatic water delivery and distribution in irrigation areas. Then, with a key researching on automatic record of stage-discharge, remote supervising of gates, supervising of pump houses with a computer and communication net’ s building between irrigation areas, we constructed a visual decision-making system of dispatching management for water delivery and distribution in thrift irrigation areas through the combination of different vocations and subjects. With this system, the control center of water distribution can remote supervise the condition of water delivery and distribution and real-time control the gates and the pump houses, then a dispatching management system is formed with irrigation nets. Under the overall dispatch and management, the irrigation areas will preliminary realize automatic water supply on the condition of requirement quantity. At last, obeying the role of uniting theory with practice, we select Shimen irrigation area of Shaanxi province as a demonstration object. Then, according lots of investigations and previous study results, the paper give a best project of automatic water supply system and also develop a set of corresponding application soft for the research irrigation area.

  • 【分类号】S274
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】300

