

Study on the Nutritive Value of Triticeae Crops (Barley, Oat, and Wheat) Silages

【作者】 孙小凡

【导师】 魏益民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着产业结构的调整和畜牧业的发展,牧草和饲料资源的开发及利用越来越受到重视。虽然国内对大麦和燕麦的青贮有一定的研究,但是有关生育期和品种对青贮作物营养价值影响的研究却很少,特别是对小麦青贮饲料的研究,在国内仍未见报道。 本文以在陕西关中地区多年种植的两个大麦品种(西引2号和西藏青稞)、两个燕麦品种(东燕和西燕)、三个小麦品种(贞选1号、小偃6号和商麦9215)为材料,采用塑料袋室内堆贮青贮技术及室外风干技术分别对不同生育期的麦类作物进行青贮和风干,对其四个不同生育期(抽穗后10天、抽穗后20天、抽穗后30天和抽穗后40天)的生产量、营养成分及干物质消化率、青贮品质进行综合评价,并对各生育期的生产量、营养成分及干物质消化率、青贮品质进行了品种内和品种间的比较分析,同时又分析比较了青贮草与干草的营养价值差异,旨在了解不同麦类作物不同生育期青贮饲料的营养价值及青贮特性,确定麦类作物的最佳青贮刈割期和最佳青贮作物,为麦类作物青贮饲料的发展提供一定的理论和技术指导。研究结果表明: 1.从麦类作物刈割期看,收获越早,营养价值越高,随着生育期的延长,粗蛋白含量下降,粗纤维含量增加,但早期青贮效果不佳,且干物质产量较低。综合考虑麦类作物的青贮草产量、青贮粗蛋白产量、干物质产量、青贮品质、营养特性和干物质消化率,结果发现:大麦最佳青贮刈割期为抽穗后30天;燕麦最佳青贮刈割期为抽穗后40天;小麦最佳青贮刈割期为抽穗后30天。 2.参试麦类作物品种的生产量、营养价值、青贮品质及干物质消化率受品种的影响很大,综合考虑鲜草产量、青贮草产量、青贮粗蛋白产量、青贮品质及干物质消化率五方面因素,结果表明西藏青稞作青贮饲料最好,其次是东燕、西燕、西引2号、贞选1号、小偃6号和商麦9215。 3.青贮草与干草相比,粗蛋白、粗纤维、粗灰分、钙和磷的含量均有不同程度的增加,中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量则有所下降,干物质消化率有很大程度的提高。因此,青贮比风干能更好的保存青绿饲料的营养成分,同时也提高了饲料的利用率。 4.与燕麦、大麦相比,小麦更适合作青贮饲料,青贮效果最佳,但是由于其生物学产量太低,推广应用有一定困难。 5.本研究引种的燕麦可以在黄淮麦区安全越冬,刈割后再生能力较强,且夏末秋初也可播种。因此,利用一些闲置土地,大力推广青贮燕麦,即可以缓解青刈饲料饲喂与牧草生长季节的矛盾,同时还可以在某些地区实现一年两熟的耕作制度,扩大家畜养殖规模,增加农民收入。

【Abstract】 With adjustment to structure of agricultural industry and development of livestock husbandry, it is emphasized on the utilization of herbage and forage. Although silages of barley and oat have been studied in China, there is less research about effects of the maturities and cultivars on the nutritive value of barley and oat silages; especially it is still a blank about wheat silage.The paper selected two barley cultivars (Xiyin 2 and XizangQingke), two oat cultivars (Dongyan and Xiyan) and three wheat cultivars (Zhenxuan 1, Shangmai 9215 and Xiaoyan 6) grown in Guanzhong plain of Shaanxi province for many years as materials. They were harvested at four maturation stages, which ten days, twenty days, thirty days and forty days after shooting, and ensiled by bagged storage technology and dried by wind respectively. The paper analyzed changes of forage yields, silage nutritive ingredients, silage quality and digestibility of DM (Dry Matter), and discussed the divergence of yields, nutritive ingredient and digestibility of DM, silage quality at different maturations and cultivars. At the same time, it compared difference of nutritive value between silages and hays. The purpose was to learn the change trend of nutritive value and silage quality of triticeae crops with the maturities, to make out the optimal harvesting stage and the optimal cultivars of triticeae crops silage, and to provide basic theoretical and technological guiding for the development of triticeae crops silages. The results proved that:1. The earlier they were harvested; the higher the nutritive value of the triticeae crops silages. The CP (Crude Protein) content was decreasing and the CF (Crude Fiber) content was increasing with the prolonging of maturities. The silage quality of triticeae crops was poor in early stage of maturity and the DM yield was less. Comprehensive considering silage yields, the CP yields of silage, nutritive value of silage, quality of silage and IVDMD (In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility) of silage, it indicated that the barley optimal harvesting date was 30 days after shooting, oat was 40 days after shooting, and wheat was 30 days after shooting.2. Yields, nutritive value, quality and IVDMD of triticeae crops silage were influenced by cultivars. Considering the fresh yields, silage yields, CP yields of silage, nutritive value ofsilage, quality of silage, and IVDMD of silage, it was found that XizangQingke was theoptimal silage forage, next were Xiyin-2, Dongyan, Xiyan, Zhenxuan 1, Xiaoyan 6 andShangmai9215.3.Contrasting to hays, the CP (Crude Protein) content, the CF (Crude Fiber) content, theCA (Crude Ash) content, the Calcium and Phosphorus contents, and IVDMD of silageswere increasing, the NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) and the ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber)were decreasing. So silages can preserve nutritive value of fresh forage better than haysand raise the ratio of the forage utilization.4.Wheat silage was more suitable for ensiling than barley silage and oat silage. Its silagequality was highest, but it was difficulty for development and utilization because its yieldwas lowest among triticeae crops.5.The oat cultivars introduced by the experiment can grow through winter safely atHuang-Huai wheat region. The two cultivars were greatly regenerative, and can be plantedafter summer solstice. Using some idle lands to develop oat silage, not only can release thecontradiction between fresh forage and the season of herbage, but also can take intopractice the double-crop, then it enlarges the scale of breed cattle and increases farmers’incomes

【关键词】 麦类作物青贮营养价值
【Key words】 Triticeae cropsSilageNutritive value
  • 【分类号】S816
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】844

