
黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteatus De Geer捕食行为生态学的研究

Studies on the Foraging Behavioural Ecology of Episyrphus Balteatus De Geer

【作者】 曹玉

【导师】 赵惠燕;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,对捕食性昆虫捕食行为生态学的研究主要集中在瓢虫和草蛉,而有关捕食性食蚜蝇捕食行为生态学的报道几乎没有。黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteatus De Geer幼虫是控制多种蚜虫的主要天敌之一。本文研究了黑带食蚜蝇的捕食行为、搜索行为及激发因子、饥饿耐受性、功能反应、捕食作用及影响因素、不同猎物对黑带食蚜蝇生长发育的影响等。旨在利用行为生态学理论准确评价黑带食蚜蝇的控蚜作用,并为黑带食蚜蝇的人工保护和利用提供理论依据。主要结果如下: 1.黑带食蚜蝇各龄幼虫对麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae(F.)的捕食功能反应用Holling—Ⅱ型和新Holling—Ⅲ型功能反应模型拟合均较好。黑带食蚜蝇1龄、2龄和3龄幼虫对麦长管蚜的日最大捕食量分别为5.13头、26.00头和119.26头。以3龄幼虫的控制能力最大。利用黑带食蚜蝇防治麦长管蚜等害虫,具有很大的开发利用潜力。 2.量化了黑带食蚜蝇的寻找效应、分摊竞争强度与其自身密度的关系。黑带食蚜蝇3龄幼虫存在着种内干扰,其寻找效应随着自身密度的增加而降低,其分摊竞争强度随着自身密度的增加而增加。黑带食蚜蝇1龄、2龄和3龄幼虫对麦长管蚜的最佳寻找密度分别为6.73头、10.09头、44.03头,这对田间利用黑带食蚜蝇幼虫防治麦长管蚜有一定参考价值。 3.首次定量研究了环境温度和空间异质性对黑带食蚜蝇捕食作用的影响,明确了在一定范围(18℃—30℃),环境温度对黑带食蚜蝇的捕食量影响不大,超过此范围,温度对其捕食量影响较大;空间异质性对黑带食蚜蝇的捕食量影响较大,空间异质性越复杂,环境阻力越大,捕食作用率越低。 4.首次通过饥饿试验表明生长发育0h、24h、48h、72h的黑带食蚜蝇幼虫在完全饥饿条件下平均分别可以存活1.53d、2.48d、3.06d、3.75d,耐饥饿能力强,在猎物密度比较低时,可以维持一定的种群数量。幼虫耐饥时间T和发育时间t之间呈正相关关系即:T=38.87+0.7238t;黑带食蚜蝇幼虫的耐饥时间随着个体发育时间的延长而增加。 5.明确了麦长管蚜、禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi(L)、烟蚜Myzus persicae和绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola对黑带食蚜蝇的生长发育无不良影响,是其较适合的食物;而甘蓝蚜Brevicoryne brassicae饲喂的黑带食蚜蝇幼虫存活率低,常不能正常化蛹,是其不适宜的食物。 6.黑带食蚜蝇幼虫的捕食行为过程一般是:搜索—捕捉—取食—清洁—休息—搜索。 7.确定了黑带食蚜蝇幼虫的搜索行为可由取食前的广域型搜索向取食后的地域集中型搜索转换。黑带食蚜蝇幼虫取食后的搜索速度、直线距离和领域范围搜索面积均显著小于取食前。这种搜索行为方式是黑带食蚜蝇幼虫与呈聚集分布的蚜虫长期协同进化过程中逐渐形成的,以此提高其搜索效率,增加捕获蚜虫的机会。 8.明确了和蚜虫接触、完全取食1头蚜虫及和沾有蚜虫体液的琼脂块接触等食物刺激均可激发黑带食蚜蝇幼虫搜索行为由广域型转换为地域集中型,而和琼脂块接触则不能刺激其搜索行为转换。取食高低龄若蚜及按猎物大小不同顺序取食,其GUT值间差异不显著,表明取食时间的长短、取食量和猎物大小都不是决定其地域集中型搜索持续时间长短的决定因子。 9.首次明确了黑带食蚜蝇幼虫的捕食行为属于依猎物密度变化的混合型。黑带食蚜蝇幼虫对供试猎物的捕食行为随猎物密度的变化而逐渐转变。在猎物密度低时,搜索活动提高,处置时间较高;在猎物密度高时,搜索活动则下降,处置时间较低。这种捕食策略是黑带食蚜蝇在长期的协同进化过程中形成的,可以根据外界环境条件的变化调节其捕食过程中时间与能量消耗的分配,以获得最大能量,减少生存风险。因此,将蝇蚜比调控在一定水平,可更有效地发挥黑带食蚜蝇的控蚜作用。

【Abstract】 At present, the mainly studying of foraging behavioural ecology is about ladybird and lacewing, and less about aphidophagous hoverfly. The predaceous syrphid fly, Episyrphus balteatus De Geer is one of the significant predators for the control of aphides. In this paper, predation, starvation endurance ability, foraging behavior of E. balteatus and the effect of different aphides on its growth and development, have been studied. The main results are as follows:1. The functional response of the first, second and third instar larvae of E. balteatus preying on Macrosiphum avenae (F.) show the Rolling II type with better fitting. The daily maximum number of M. avenae preyed theoretically by the first, second and third instar larva of E. balteatus are 5.13,26.00 and 119.26 aphids respectively.2. There are mutual interference among the third instar larvae of Episyrphus balteatus De Geer , and the searching efficiency decreases and the intensity of scrambling competition increases with increase of its density. The best searching densities of the first, second and third instar larva of E. balteatus are 6.73,10.09 and 44.03 aphids respectively.3. The predation ratio of E. balteatus is the lowest at 14 癈 and the predation ratio at 18 C, 22 C, 26 C and 30 C are not different. Space heterogeneity has the great effects on predation of E. balteatus. The more wheat leaves the larvae encounter, which means more interference is met during predation, the lower the predation efficiency is observed.4. In the situation of lack of prey, the average survival time of E. balteatus larvae, whose growth stages are 0 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h, are 1.53 d, 2.48 d, 3.06 d and 3.75 d respectively. The higher starvation endurance ability is beneficial to the increase of survival opportunities, the increase of opportunities encountering prey as well as the control of aphid.5. The E. balteatus larvae fed by Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus) can not complete their individual development. The larvae fed by Macrosiphum avenae (F.), Rhopalosiphumpadi (L.), Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Aphis citricola have not some difference on the larva weight, the pupa weight, growth and development.6. The most frequent sequence of the foraging behavior of E. balteatus is: searching ?capture ?consumption - cleansing - break - searching.7. The searching behavior of the third instar larva of E. balteatus has been studied. The results show that the total rectilinear distance between stops in 0-15, 15-30, 30-45, 45-60 and 60-75 seconds before feeding is significantly longer than that after feeding respectively. The searching speed in 0-15,15-30, 30-45,45-60 and 60-75 seconds before feeding is 1-4 times quicker than that after feeding, which varies very little before feeding, but the longer the time is after feeding, the quicker the searching speed is. The total rectilinear distance from food to stops is significantly longer and the searching area covered by the larvae is 3-12 times larger before feeding than after feeding. It is believed that the search behavior of the third instar larva of E. balteatus De Geer is extensive search before feeding, and is area-concentrated search after feeding.8. Contacting with aphid, eating an aphid and contacting with agar block with aphid body fluid on it can arouse searching behavior of E. balteatus De Geer larva from extensive search to area-concentrated search , and contacting with agar block can not. The GUT has been measured after each of the following 4 feeding stimuli was provided: a) eating a large aphid; b) eating a small aphid; c) at first, eating a small aphid, continuously a large aphid; d) at first, eating a large aphid, continuously eating a small aphid. The deference between the GUT after 4 feeding stimuli are not significant. It is believed that the GUT is not determined by the time, the amount or the size of the prey consumed.9. The foraging behavior of E. balteatus De Geer larvae changes gradually at different aphid densities. When the aphid density changed from low to high, the

  • 【分类号】Q968
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