

Study on the Problem of Soil and Water Loss in the Road Construction

【作者】 张新和

【导师】 李靖;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 道路建设造成新的水土流失不仅恶化了生态环境、严重危害人民生产生活,而且对其自身安全也有一定的威胁,它的严重性和危害性已被越来越多的人们所认识。 本文系统研究了道路建设造成新的水土流失的环境背景、发生机制、流失形式、危害程度、时空分布及防治对策,目的是为减少人为水土流失和建设良好的生态环境服务。道路建设产生的新的水土流失主要发生在挖方、填方路基、边坡、弃土(石)场以及施工过程中的乱挖、乱堆、乱倒,它主要危害建设区内的河流、水库、农田和村庄,污染周围环境。本文试图通过对拟建工程可能产生的水土流失及其危害进行预测和综合分析,提出在建过程中加以治理的各种防治措施。此外,将水土流失经济损失货币化,以期把水土流失破坏现状与经济建设的主要指标形成对比,形象而直观地将水土流失所造成的巨大损失告之民众,从而提高民众的自然保护意识,并为环境管理决策者提供宏观的科学依据。同时也可以在前辈们研究的基础上,丰富和完善土壤侵蚀研究的内容和应用。

【Abstract】 The soil and water loss resulted from the road construction deteriorates the ecological environment, endangers the people’s production and lives and threatens the roads’ safety. The severity of these harms has been paid great attentions to increasingly.The environmental background for the soil and water loss , the loss mechanism and the type, the endangering extent, the spatial and temporal distribution and measures to control the soil and water loss caused in the road construction are studied by the numbers, so that the artificial soil and water loss can be reduced and the healthy and fine ecological environment can be constructed. The fresh soil and water loss caused in the road construction often appears at the roadbed, rock slope and the place for the discarded soils and gravel, which will do harm to the rivers, reservoirs and the crop fields and pollute the surrounding environment. This study tries to synthetically forecast and analyze the possible soil and water loss produced in the road construction and its dangers before various measures to prevent and harness the loss are put forward. What’s more, the economic loss of the soil and water loss is calculated monetarily, so that the contrast between the present severe situation of the soil and water loss and the main indexes of the economic construction could be indicated obviously and the great loss caused by the soil and water loss could be presented to the civilians visually, hoping that the nature protection mind of the civilians could be raised and present the management decision makers with scientific basis. At the same time this will be enrich the research on the soil and water erosion.

  • 【分类号】U418
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】465

