

The Database System of Agriculture, Resources, Environment, Ecology in Northwest China

【作者】 冯永忠

【导师】 杨改河;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 生态学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “西北地区农业、资源、环境、生态数据资源共享系统”是基于网络技术为传输手段,以国家统计局颁布的相关标准为依据,以各级政府及其职能部门的统计、祥查的数据资料为信息来源,利用多媒体技术制作而成的数据资料和文献资料的管理、查询和交流的共享系统。旨在为西北地区生态环境的恢复与重建、资源开发利用、农业结构调整的战略决策和宏观研究提供翔实可靠的数据资料。 一、管理系统发展的现状、发展趋势 数据处理经历了手工处理阶段、数据的机械处理阶段和电子数据处理三个阶段。计算机的出现,标志着人类开始用机器语言来存贮数据和管理数据。从文件管理系统到数据库系统,标志着数据管理技术的一次飞跃。但直到80年代,在多数微型机上配上数据库系统后,数据库技术才真正深入广泛的应用和普及。经过30年的发展,数据库系统已经历了第一非关系型数据库、第二代关系型数据库(ORDBS)的发展到面向对象数据库系统(OODBS)和各种专业数据库。九十年代后由于互联网络技术的飞速发展,基于互联网的网站数据库技术为信息资源的共享提供了技术上的保障。 二、设计思路及技术支持 有效的进行数据管理是本系统的目标之一,对目前现有的涉及农业、资源、环境、生态等方面的数据资源分门别类的整理,保存在专门的数据库文件中。其二、实现数据资源的共享,本系统的共享方式主要通过Internet Explore来实现。其三、在线数据处理功能。通过邦定在数据库管理软件上的数据分析软件,用户可以方便及时地对所需的原始数据进行实时处理,从中挖掘出自己所需的信息。 本系统所涉及的数据资料从文本的形式来看可分为两大部分:数据和文献,前者是以纯数据的形式反映西北地区农业生产、环境建设等方面的情况;而后者则以文献的形式记录西北地区的概况。两者在表现形式上有所不同,但反映相同的内容。在指标选择上并不单纯的按照两者所表现的形式,而是更多的参照其所反映内容的实质来确定。依据其所反映的内容可大致分为:农业、资源、环境、生态四个一级类,根据四大类的不同情况分为21个二级类,依次分为132个三级类。 系统的编码共分为4个一级码:1—农业;2—资源;3—环境;4—生态;其次为二级码、三码及识别码。三、数据共享系统的设计及应用 共享系统具有系统管理、用户服务及其它辅助功能。系统管理功能包括系统安全的维护,系统更新、用户服务指南等:用户服务功能包括资料的查询、数据处理等;辅助功能包括压缩、解压,加密、解密等。 西北地区农业、资源、环境、生态数据资源系统,详尽的收集了涉及农业、资源环境生态方面的数据,能方便快捷地为用户提供其所需要的数据资料,同时也为科研单位和管理机构提供了一个比较好的数据管理工具。

【Abstract】 The Database System of Agriculture, Resources, Environment, Ecology in Northwest China is based on the network technique as the method of delivering information, according to the standards of the National Bureau of Statistics published, information from central government, local governments and their sub departments, which is a management, inquire, communication and share system of data and literature materials made by multimedia technique, aiming for providing accurate and timely data for the environment of the recovering and rebuilding, the successful strategy of the agricultural structure adjustment and the macro research.1. The actuality of the data management system and its’ development trendThe data processing methods have already experienced three phases: manual period, machine stage and electronics stage. The compute invention is a symbol that mankind began to storage data and manage data by the machine language. It is a sign of technique leap from the document management system to database management system, until the database system was integrated into the personal computer in 1980s, the database technique has been gained widespread use. In the past 30 years, the database system has already developed the no relational model, the next generation Object-Relational Database System (ORDBS), the third generation Object Oriented database system (OODBS) .In the 1990s later, for the speed of the Internet technique, the website base based on the Internet promoted the information resource share.2. The way of design and technique support in the systemIt is one of purposes of the system to manage the data efficiently, sorting and classifying the data by agriculture, resource, ecology and environment, storage them in the different documents. Secondly, the system has already realized the data share through the Internet Explore. Thirdly, the system realizes the data processing on-line, customs can gain information timely what they need by the mathematic analysis tool integrated into itself.The material can be divided two types according to the their text form, one isdata, and the other is literatures. The former recorded the agriculture development and environment construction in Northwest China, later also depicted the same events happened there with the different form. According as its content, the data has been classified four first classes: agriculture, resource, ecology and environment 21 second classes and 132 third classes.According to classify of the system, the system have four first classes cod: 1-agriculture; 2-resource; 3-environment; 4-ecology, then second class code and the third class code.3. The design of the share system and applicationThe system is provided with the function of management, service and assistance. The system management function includes keeping the system safe, renewing the system and the customers’ guide; the system service function includes the data query and processing; the system assistant including compress, encryption and so on.The Database System of Agriculture, Resources, Environment, Ecology in Northwest China gather many aspects’ data involved the agriculture, resource, environment and ecology, which can provide with accurate and enough data timely and also offer a good tool to manage material.

  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】271

