

Study on Stock Option Motivation Mode of Medium and Small Type Sci-Tech Private Enterprises

【作者】 张军

【导师】 罗剑朝;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国民营企业从市场中诞生,在竞争中成长,走过的是一条艰难曲折的道路,且由于起步较晚,大多数为中小型企业。近年来,随着建设有中国特色社会主义市场经济的不断深入,民营企业在国民经济中的作用和地位问题得到了进一步的肯定,政府先后出台了一系列的优惠政策鼓励民营企业在高科技领域发展,尤其是我国针对中小型企业即将开放的创业板市场将会为中小型民营企业的发展注入强劲的动力,这一切均表明,在经历了多年的摸爬滚打之后,民营企业终于迎来了其快速发展的黄金时期。 但是,由于我国民营企业长期以来过于注重企业的资本积累,而忽视了企业内部管理机制的同期建设和发展,大多数仍在沿用着创业时期的带有家族化色彩的集权管理模式,对人力资源的投入更是非常有限,使得人才缺乏、管理混乱、决策质量下降成为严重制约民营企业发展的瓶颈,甚至直接造成了一些企业的倒退或衰败。因此,进行以激励机制建设为基础和突破口的企业内部管理机制改革成为民营企业面临的首要任务。 股票期权激励作为一项优良的长期激励制度在西方发达国家已经历了近三十年的探索和发展,对这些国家的企业特别是高科技企业的高速健康发展起到了巨大的推动作用;而在我国才刚刚开始,而且由于我国宏观环境的种种障碍,注定不能照搬国外现成的方案和做法,只能是在参考国外方案的基础上结合我们自己的实际情况进行改造和创新,这样才可以使构建出的股票期权激励模式具有可行性,并发挥出其强烈的激励效能。 本文的股票期权模式正是在这种情况下设计出来的,并针对典型的中小型民营科技企业实行股票期权模式激励后进行了全面思考,以期从总体上把握股票期权激励模式,因此,本文具有鲜明的时代特征和实用价值,以求为我国民营企业抓住当前的大好时机,突破企业的发展瓶颈、根除企业固有的顽疾,最终完成向现代企业制度的过渡做一点有益的探索。 论文共分七部分: 第一章:导言。本章主要阐述了本论文的研究背景、目的及意义,并提出了论文的写作思路、方法和可能的创新之处。 第二章:股票期权激励的理论根源、原理及效用分析。本章主要阐述了股票期权激励理论基础,运用现代公司理论说明股票期权激励的理论根源源于委托-代理理论的“代理问题”,接着从人力资本的特殊性的角度来理解股票期权激励原理及逻辑;同时对实施股票期权激励的内外环境条件作了必要分析;最后论述了实施股票期权激励对企业及激励受益人作用,以期在总体上把握股票期权激励。 第三章:国外股票期权激励发展现状和主要模式分析。本章首先介绍了国外股票期权激励发展及主要模式,包括股票期权、虚拟股票、公式股票、股票增值权、长期业绩奖励、延期支付模式、特定目标激励模式、员工持股计划ESOP、管理层收购和限制性股票所有权激励模式等,接着依据股票期权激励模式与证券市场的关系对其进行了归纳比较;同时对国外多种股票期权激励模式的要素作了分析和主要经验总结。 第四章:我国股票期权激励的发展状况及适用范围分析。本章主要揭示了股票期权激励是我国中小型民营科技企业的合理选择。首先从我国股票期权激励实施状况出发,分析了股票期权激励在我国的适用范围;接着界定了我国中小型民营企业的范围,得出股票期权激励是我国中小型民营科技企业的合理选择结论。 第五章:我国中小型民营科技企业股票期权激励模式的构建。本章主要从企业内外部环境障碍和人力资源状况分析提出构建股票期权激励模式。通过对我国实施股票期权激励的企业内外部环境障碍、当前我国中小型民营科技企业的人力资源状况、人才缺乏对中小型民营科技企业发展的障碍及员工收入体系的分析;在比较和借鉴已有常见股票期权激励模式的基础上,融合多种激励模式的优点;提出适合我国中小型民营科技企业股票期权激励模式一虚拟股票期权激励模式,并分析了该模式的基本框架。 第六章:虚拟股票期权激励模式实施的配套措施。本章主要从总体上提出了完善虚拟股票期权激励模式的一些配套措施。(1)准确理解虚拟股票期权激励模式;(2)积累激励效果评价体系的数据;(3)建立完善的税务制度;(4)弱化股票期权激励引起的收入二极分化;(5)建立完善的经理人市场;(6)建设约束与监督机制。 第七章:结论。对本论文研究作了全面总结,指出只有依据我国国情设计的股票期权激励模式才能真正促进中小型民营科技企业发展,加快我国经济增长步伐。 论文可能创新之处有: (1)股票期权激励基金的提取方法;(2)企业虚拟股票内部市场价格的确定方法及企业内部虚拟股票期权的分配方法。该方法采用环比增长率以减少人为因素影,使股票期权激励模式更具客观性,操作更具可行性。

【Abstract】 Chinese private enterprises were born from market, and grew in competition. They went across a difficult and rough road, and because they developed late, most of them kept being medium or small type enterprises. In recent several years, with the further development of Chinese socialistic market economy, the function and status of private enterprises in Chinese national economy were obtained to be confirmed .In the meantime Chinese government promulgated successively a series of favorable policies used to encourage the private enterprises to develop in high-tech field, especially Chinese Second Security Exchange Market will be opened soon this year, which will infuse these medium and small type private enterprises with fresh energy. All above indicate that Chinese medium and small type enterprises have met their high-speed-development golden age at last after experienced many-year’s groping and struggling.However, because Chinese private enterprises always paid more attention to the capital accumulations and ignored the established evolution and innovation of the internal corresponding management mechanism, most of them are still using their original Unitarianism (system of centralization) with family-domination feature, and invest less in human resource, all these result in the lack of manpower with ability, the confusion of internal management and the descent of decision-making quality, which have turned to be the serious bottlenecks restricting Chinese medium and small type private enterprises to get further development and even bringing some of them setback and ruin. So, the reformation of internal management mechanism based on incentive mechanism has become a chief mission faced Chinese medium and small type private enterprises.Being a kind of long-term incentive institution in western developed countries, stock option motivation has experienced nearly thirty-year’s exploring, trying, correcting and perfecting, but in China, it starts just now, and it belongs to a new thing. Because there are many obstacles and restrictions from domestic macro-environment, it is doubtless that we should make some improvements and innovations combined with our practical situations on the basis of consulting the foreign schemes in order to make our designed schemes owning feasibility and exerting its strong incentive force instead of citing directly or copying simply the foreign ready-made modes.The phantom stock option (PSO) mode in my thesis was designed just under such cases, and made detailed design and study aimed at a representative technological private enterprise including essential factors, the influence of whole model and so on, therefore, his thesis possesses obvious times feature and practical meaning. On the other hand, the purpose of this text is to make some beneficial attempt in order to help Chinese Medium and Small Type Technological Private Enterprises to making full use of current advantageous occasion to break through the development bottleneck, to root up their inherent chronic disease, to accomplish finally it transition to the modern corporation criterion.

  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】1
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