

【作者】 徐水清

【导师】 罗晓静;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 经济法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文研究的主要内容是分期付款买卖与所有权保留方式相结合的所有权保留买卖制度,对该制度理论层面与实践层面中的相关问题进行了比较深入而且系统的探讨。本文共分五个部分: 文章第一部分阐述了所有权保留的性质,首先,对所有权保留的性质的学说分歧进行了简要介绍,并分析这些学说,其次提出本文观点,所有权保留的性质是一种权利担保,具体而言,是一种物权担保。 文章第二部分为所有权保留的种类和形态相关问题的研究,前者包括简单的所有权保留,扩张的所有权保留,延长的所有权保留和复杂的所有权保留。后者由附条件买卖,租赁——购买、互易和分期付款买卖。 文章第三部分为所有权保留的设定。第一,设定的前提是有所有权保留的约款。本文分析了不同的所有权保留买卖合同的不同法律构造后,指出所有权保留可以明示或默示的方式设定第二所有权保留设定上的客可以动产与不动产,但活的牲畜例外。第三,在所有权保留的公示方法上,对不动产及车辆、船舶、航空器等特殊动产应采登记生效主义,对动产所有权保留应采登记对抗主义并在登记制度中引入购物发票制度。 文章第四部分为所有权保留的效力。第一,买受人享有的期待权为“物权化的期待权”。出卖人享有取回权,取回权的性质应为就物求偿。第二,本文探讨了所有权保留对第三人的效力。主要研究了标的物处分与第三人的关系,标的物处分与第三人的关系,标的物上设定动产质押;抵押时与所有权保留竟合时法律关系以及所有权保留与强制执行的关系及问题。 文章第五部分,为所有权的保留与风险负担。出卖人保留对货物的所有权,直到总买价全部付为止。尽管如此,该物货的损失风险从货物交付时起应转移给买方。

【Abstract】 This dissertation presents a thorough and systematic study on the legal system of ownership reservation purchase with the marriage of payment by installments and ownership reservation in the theoretical and practical aspects; the whole paper contains five parts.The First part makes an exposition of the legal nature of ownership reservation. First the author makes on analysis the relevant doctrines after an explicit introduction of the doctrines, Then he maintains that it is a kind of guaranty right specifically speaking, a kind of guaranty title.The second part is about the study on kinds and Forms of ownership reservation. The former can be further divided into simple retention of title, extended retention of title, prolonged retention of title and complex retention of title. The later is composed of conditional sale, hire-purchase, mutual-deal and installment purchase.The third part expounds the establishment of ownership reservation. Firstly the retention of title presupposes the existence of agreement, the author analyses the different legal construction of contract and points out that the contract can be established explicitly or silently, the object matters ore real property and chattel apart from living animals, Finally. In the public method real property and chattels such as vehicle, vessel, aircraft etc, are registered, The retention of title comes into effect while there are recordings of chattels in the register bill, they can defend anyone.The forth part is classified into two parts. The first one analyses the legal effects to the parties The second one studies the legal effects to the third party.The final part is about retention of title and risk of loss. The seller shall retain title in and to the article and associated items until payment in full of the Total Purchase Price, Notwithstanding the foregoing, risk of loss or damage to the article and deliverable Associated items shall pass to the Purchaser at the time the Article and deliverable Associated items are delivered to the purchaser.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【下载频次】94

