

【作者】 宋明生

【导师】 刘德法;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 抢劫罪是多发性刑事犯罪,危害性极大,历来是我国刑法打击重点。本文针对抢劫罪定罪量刑的几个重点问题,详尽论述,从而为准确认定抢劫罪和正确量刑提供理论指导。全文共分以下三个部分: 一、转化的抢劫罪 现行《刑法》第267、269、289条规定的犯罪情节,因发生法定事实而转化为抢劫罪,对于如何理解和执行刑法典,在刑法理论和司法实践中,都存在不尽一致甚至是截然对立的见解和作法。本文以此为基础对转化型抢劫罪加以探讨,提出了以转化犯的原理来论证转化的抢劫罪。 二、抢劫罪既遂与未遂的界限 笔者根据本罪的特殊性,结合刑法总则与分则,认为在双重客体当中,任何一种客体受到实际损害都应该认定为既遂。 三、抢劫罪的量刑情节 笔者结合刑法规定和最新司法解释,从刑法原理出发,科学论证了第263条规定的8种法定加重处罚情节,为司法操作提供了可供参考的理论依据。

【Abstract】 Crime of robbery is an ordinary crime that occurs in practice . It is an important crime that the Criminal Law has been punishing due to its serious harm . The article discusses in details several important points of crime of robbery and puts forward to theoretical directions in convicting and punishing or sentencing . The article is divided into three parts :Part I is converting crime of robbery .Crimes provided in Article 267 , Article 269 , Article 289 , will be convicted into crime of robbery if specific circumstances of crime occur . There are several different opinions in practice and in theory on how to understand or execute the Criminal Law . Based on what have been asserted above , the essay proposes that converting crime of robbery can explained by theory of converting crime of robbery .Part II is limitation of completion of a crime and criminal attempt.According to peculiarity of crime of robbery , the author asserts that crime of robbery has double object . Combining the General Provision and the Specific Provision , the author asserts that crime of robbery can be regarded as completion of a crime when any of its objects is harmed .Part III is sentencing circumstances of crime of robbery .Considering provision of the Criminal Law and the late judicialinterpretation and based on criminal principal , the author asserts reasonably the 8 circumstances of crime calling for a heavier punishment under the provision of the Article 263 and provides theories of crime of robbery that can be taken advantage of in practice .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【下载频次】124

