

【作者】 杨谈蜀

【导师】 杨玲霞;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 水利水电工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文研究的是大多数灌区普遍存在的干渠实际过流能力严重不足的工程实际问题,主要针对河南省陆浑灌区东一干渠实际过流能力为什么仅为设计流量的50%的问题进行了深入研究。通过对渠道现状的具体分析,利用水力学问题的反分析原理,建立相应的数学模型,进行水力数值模拟和分析研究,力求探明渠道严重壅水的原因,并根据灌区实际情况提出了整改措施。 河南省陆浑灌区是河南省百万亩以上大型灌区之一,地处十年九旱的河南省西部,是一集农业灌溉,城市供水,农村人蓄吃水为一体的多目标供水工程,灌区于1967年由河南省水利勘测设计院开始勘测规划设计,1970年开工建设,1974年建成总干渠、东二干渠,并通水局部施灌,1980年完成东一干渠东宋以上渠段,1991年第一期工程竣工验收,以后又修建了西干渠部分工程。经过三十年的输水运行,目前干渠工程存在严重的输水能力低问题,其中东一干渠输水能力只能达到原设计的1/2,使农田的适时灌溉保证率大大降低,多次发生灌溉期下游见不到水而旱死庄稼的情况,造成上下游用水矛盾突出,而且灌溉期干渠过流能力偏小,是导致实际灌溉面积仅为设计值的1/3的重要原因。如东一干渠上段太平桥以上设计流量45m~3/s,1989年9月30日实测通水流量23.8m~3/s时,东一干渠郝湾渡槽出口渐变段末端水位已达到设计水位4.3m,其下游至上天院隧洞水位也普遍偏高,即东一干渠上段目前仅能通过流量24m~3/s左右,只有设计值的50%左右,不仅使灌区效益得不到正常发挥,严重阻碍了灌区范围内的经济发展,而且使渠道经常处于小流量、高水位运行,延长了次通水时间,大大增加了渠道工程的安全管理难度。上述问题作为东一干渠竣工使用后的最大遗留问题一直没有得到解决。通过本论文的研究,将有效的解决上述迫切需要解决的问题,使东一干渠灌区发挥其应有的社会及经济效益,这无疑对本地区的工农业发展起到巨大推动作用。 本论文研究的渠段为陆浑灌区东一干渠壅水最为严重的渠段,从郝湾渡槽进口(桩号12+123.6)至上天院隧洞出口(桩号24+091.1),其主要内容是,分析渠道水流特征,建立东一干渠输水状况的数学模型,根据测量断面及实际糙率、建筑物、弯道等因素的不同,将渠道划分成120多个计算段,每段按非棱柱体恒定渐变流,运用Microsoft Excel电子表格进行编程计算。然后分析渠道壅水的主要原因,并提出整改措施,以提高灌区的输水效益为目标。在计算中,分别运用了明渠恒定非均匀渐变流水面曲线法及河道水面曲线法对目标渠段测量资料进行了符合计算,结果显示两种方法相互符合得很好,同时也验证了计算结果的可靠陆浑灌区东一+渠水力计算与分析性。 具体工作内容如下: (1)通过实际测量现有渠道的纵、横断面、纵向底坡、平面变道、渠内植物状况、突变和渐变流段的体型特征,以及闸、桥、涵渡槽等建筑物的特征,掌握灌区的机构状况。 (2)收集历年输水资料。 (3)重点测量若干特征断面的水位一流量关系,准确了解目前的输水能力。 (4)根据实际情况建立渠道计算数学模型。 (5)进行实际水力计算和输水模拟,利用水力学问题反分析原理,分析过流能力低的影响因素。 (6)根据分析结果,提出提高灌区输水能力的具体措施。 本论文的技术路线是:实际渠道测量查勘一实测及收集输水资料~建立数学模型一计算分析奎水原因一提出整改措施。 通过本论文的研究分析,找出影响东一干渠过流能力严重不足的因素,不仅为长期困扰东一干渠正常运行的历史遗留问题提供了解决方案,而且可为整个陆浑灌区的干渠治理改造提供规划依据,使渠道输水能力大大提高,同时降低了渠道运行水位,使渠道长期运行的安全性和可靠性得到保证。

【Abstract】 The actual project problem is studied in this paper about the actual discharge capacity which is severely inadequate generally in irrigated area, and more researches are conducted about the east-one main canal of He Nan Lu Hun irrigation district whose discharge capacity is only half of design value. Through analyzing the condition of the canal, We build corresponding mathematical model and make hydraulic numerical simulation and researches based on hydraulic anti-analysis principle. We verify the causes of serious backwater of the canal, and put forward the rectifying and reforming measures according to the reality of the irrigated area.He Nan Lu Hun irrigation district is one of the largest irrigation districts which are more than one million mu. Which is situated in the western of He Nan and is drought year in year out and it is a multiple-purpose water supply development with agricultural irrigation, municipal water supply and rural water of men and domestic animals. The irrigation district was designed by He Nan Water Survey Designing Institute in 1967, and began to be built in 1970.The aggregate main canal and the east-two main canal were built up and began to irrigate partially in 1974. Up of the Dong Song part of the main canal had been built in 1980, and the first periodical project was completed in 1991.One part of the west main canal was built afterward. Water delivery has been run over 30 years. The main canal has the problem that the actual conveying capacity is very low now and the conveying capacity of the east-one main canal I only half of the design value, This lead to guaranteed real-time efficiency of the irrigation of the farmland recede greatly. The downstream has no water and crops were drought to death have been seen more times in the irrigation period, this lead to the contradictory between the upstream and downstream on water usage, moreover, the lower discharge capacity of the dry canal in irrigation period is the main cause of the actual irrigated area is only half of the design value. For example, when the design flow of upward ofthe Peace Bridge of upward of the east-one main canal is 45m3/s, the actual flow quantity is 23.8m3/s on the 30th of September in 1989, the water level of the transition region terminal of the mouth of Hao Wan Flume of the east-one main canal had gained the design level of 4.3m,and the levelbetween downstream and Shang Tian Yuan Tunnel was generally higher. It says that the actual discharge capacity now is only about 24m3/s which is half of the design value. This not only make the benefit of the irrigation district abnormal, but also greatly hinder the economic development of the irrigation district, and lead to the canal run frequently at small flow, high water level, lengthen the discharge duration. This greatly raises the administration difficulty of the safety of the canal project.The aforementioned problems haven’t been solved now as the greatest unsolved problems of the east-one main canal after it was completed. Through the studies of this paper, we effectively resolve these problems which are badly in need of settlement. This will make the east-one main canal make a due social and economic benefit and make great movement for agricultural development of the local area.In this paper, we study the most serious damming section of the east-one main canal, which is from the entrance of the Hao Wan Flume ( chainage12+123.6) to the exit of Shang Tian Yuan Tunnel( chainage24+091.1). the main content is analyzing the flow characteristic of the canal, setting up mathematical model of the discharge condition of the east-one main canal, according to the survey section and actual roughness factors, building, bend and so on, we divided the canal into more than lOOcaculation segments. Each segment is calculated by Microsoft Excel electrical table through computer as permanent transition flow of non-prismatic channel.We analyze the main cause of the backwater of the canal, and put up rectifying and reforming measures, so as to raise the discharge

【关键词】 灌区明渠水力计算过流能力明渠水流
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】TV133
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】137

